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CATESOL California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages CATESOL represents teachers of English language learners throughout California and.

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Presentation on theme: "CATESOL California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages CATESOL represents teachers of English language learners throughout California and."— Presentation transcript:

1 CATESOL California Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages CATESOL represents teachers of English language learners throughout California and Nevada, promoting excellence in education and providing high-quality professional development

2 Founded: 1969 Location: California and Nevada 2011 Membership: 1,800 (800+ also in TESOL) Governance: Elected Board of Directors meets 4 times per year.

3 Members Teachers Teacher trainers Graduate students in TESOL & Linguistics Authors of ESL materials Tutors and aides Program administrators

4 Levels: Primary Secondary Adult Education Community College University/College IEP (Intensive Eng. Program) Interest Groups: Intercultural Communication Non-Native Language Educators’ Issues Teaching English in the Workplace Technology Enhanced Language Learning

5 CATESOL Chapters

6 Events Many chapter conferences & workshops all year long – under 150 people One annual conference in the spring – approx. 1,200-1,500 people Three regional conferences in the fall – 300-500 people

7 CATESOL Education Foundation (a 501-c-3 public charity) Projects include Sponsoring outstanding speakers at chapter, regional, and state conferences Supporting Pre Conference Institutes at the CATESOL annual conference Funding workshops and training on cultural diversity, instructional strategies for teaching English learners, and other professional development needs Supporting special training on SDAIE/SIOP methodologies and second language acquisition theory and strategies Providing financial support for the publication of the annual CATESOL Journal, a publication that showcases research in the field of language teaching

8 Why People Join To get teaching ideas at conferences To get discounts for CATESOL events To share info with our legislative advocates in California and Nevada, who make our positions known to the state governments To network with other professionals To receive the CATESOL News & JournalCATESOL News To join the listserv discussions & job board

9 They get new ideas for classroom instruction, including CAHSEE prep and SDAIE, SIOP & GLAD techniques They can review materials by multiple publishers at state, regional AND some many chapter events They have opportunities to network and meet other K-12 from all over the state, and participate in discussions and workshops that address K-12 issues The can attend plenaries by leaders in our field such as Cummins, Kagan, Krashen, Kinsella, and Zimmermann They are encouraged to present at conferences and take on leadership roles They can bring all this back to their colleagues & schools Benefits for K-12 Teachers

10 We hope you will encourage your teachers to join CATESOL today!

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