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Introduction to the Cyber Home Learning System Korea Education & Research Information Service June 10 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Cyber Home Learning System Korea Education & Research Information Service June 10 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Cyber Home Learning System Korea Education & Research Information Service June 10 2008

2 Table of Contents Project Overview Ⅰ Concept & Main Services Ⅱ Utilization & Benefits Ⅲ

3 Project Overview Ⅰ Objective Organization Progress

4 Objective Provide equal and high quality supplementary learning opportunities to students in urban, rural areas 균등 제공 Enhance the quality of public education, reduce the amount spent on private education, and bridge the education divide between regions and between classes Ⅰ. Project Overview  Announced measures to reduce the amount spent on private education through normalizing public education (Feb. 17, 2004)  Innovation of school education through establishing the "e-Learning Support System” (May 27, 2004) Background Increase opportunities for supplementary learning by offering, without charge, self-study contents linked with school curriculum Provide equal and high quality supplementary learning opportunities to students in rural areas, including islands, as well as urban areas

5 Organization Ministry of Education, Science and Technology  Establish, manage and coordinate the basic plan  Research on and streamline laws and ordinances related to policies concerning the e- Learning Support System  Build a cooperative network among the related institutions  Discover best practices in each city and province, and publicize them to the public MPOEs  Establish plans at MPOEs, and provide administrative and financial support  Establish a system for cooperation between cities and provinces  Promote the Cyber Home Learning System Central Center of Cyber Home Learning System (KERIS)  Establish & run the contents sharing system  Conduct basic research on CHLS and offer standardized guidelines  Develop contents for cities, and provinces and support the establishment and operation of the system  Survey the operation of the Cyber Home Learning System and analyze its effectiveness Operating Institutions at local offices of education  Establish & run the Cyber Home Learning System at the provincial levels  Develop contents for self-study  Enhance the capabilities of those involved in running the Cyber Home Learning System  Promote and monitor the Cyber Home Learning System Ⅰ. Project Overview

6 Progress  Announced measures to reduce the amount spent on private education  Established plan for the Cyber Home Learning Support System - Appointed KERIS to be a center to support the Cyber Home Learning System  Pilot operation of the Cyber Home Learning Support System - Pilot operation in three provinces (Daegu, Gyeongbuk, and Gwangju)  Nationwide service of the Cyber Home Learning System - Grades 7-9, five core subjects (Korean, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and English)  Expanded beneficiaries of the Cyber Home Learning System - Grades 4 - 9, five core subjects and extra subjects  Pilot operation of parent tutoring and high school study management services - Parent Tutors: Seoul, Busan, Jeonbuk, Gyeongbuk, and Gyeongnam - Study management services for high schools : Daegu, Incheon, Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Chungbuk, and Jeonnam  Expanded beneficiaries of the Cyber Home Learning System - Grades 4-10, core subjects and non-core subjects  Increased contents development and service - Offer supplementary and advanced contents to grades 7 – 10 students (Korean, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and English) - Develop core contents for grades 7 – 9 students in the subjects of Korean, English and Mathematics  Balanced development (pilot test) of core services through consulting - Development and pilot test of the learning diagnosis & planning system and the video lecturing & consulting system 2004. 2. 17 2004. 7. 13 2004. 9 - 2004. 12 2005. 4 2006. 3 2005. 9 - 2006. 8 2006. 9 2007. 9 - 2008. 8 Ⅰ. Project Overview

7 Concept & Main Services Ⅱ Service Overview Main Services Operation of Services at MPOEs

8 Service Overview Ⅱ. Concept & Main Services Self-study according to academic levels Cyber Home Learning System Q&A Academic assessment College/career consulting Self-study after school  Student-centered  Linked with homes  Online-centered  C urriculum-centered  An Internet-based service, which enables learners to supplement their class lessons for themselves Cyber Teacher 1:1 learning management Community support Cyber Home Learning System - Concept Cyber learning linked to classes Customized learning Concept

9 Service Overview  Beneficiaries of the service: Grades 3 – 10 students  Subjects offered through the service - All grades: five core subjects (Korean, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and English) - Special services in each province : Essay, English conversation, folding paper (origami), character drawing, etc. Target and Subject Contents of Core Services  Offer customized contents to students based on individual academic levels (basic, supplementary, advanced contents)  Systematical support and management utilizing Learning Management System (LMS)  Offer support for diverse learning activities including Q&As by encouraging students to study through cyber teachers Ⅱ. Concept & Main Services

10 Service Overview Classroom Type  Students are allocated to each class, and learn under the management of cyber teachers  There are restrictions on class sizes & registration procedures Enroll Select course Register for classes Approve (MPOE/teacher) Study Cyber teacher Cyber consultant Tutor (Parents/college students) Tutor (Parents/college students) Types Self-study Type  Students study with the contents of their own choice  There is no limit to class sizes Select content StudyEnroll Cyber consultant Ⅱ. Concept & Main Services

11 Main Services  Customized contents at different levels - Five core subjects (Korean, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and English) - Offer contents at different levels (basic, supplementary, and advanced)  Core contents service, summarizing the core contents and exercise questions in each subject and chapter  Contents service in a variety of subjects – Essay, English conversation, Chinese characters, creativity, etc. Learning contents Ⅱ. Concept & Main Services

12 Main Services  Offer systematic support and management using the Learning Management System (LMS)  Offer support customized to individual student by managing study records (attendance, progress, evaluation results, etc.) Learning Management System (LMS)  Subject study  Evaluation  Task evaluation  Subject consultation  Additional study  Curriculum management  Learning operation support  Registered course management  User management  System monitoring  Lesson plans  Lecture management  Learning material management  Guidance to learning  Task/evaluation  Status by users  Inquire statistics  Access status/log  Survey/poll  User security Study Support LMS Academic Operation Support Teaching Operation Support System Manage ment Ⅱ. Concept & Main Services

13 Main Services  Support systematic learning at homes through cyber teachers  Induce effective learning by supporting learning activities, through encouraging study and Q&A services Cyber Teacher Cyber Teachers’ Roles Teaching & learning TechnologyManagement Social Role Introduce ways to study based on their expertise in contents Facilitate interaction and communication in cyberspace Resolve any technical problems that occur during study Manage the teaching and learning process in e-Learning Ⅱ. Concept & Main Services

14 Main Services  Diagnose each student’s level and study habits  Offer appropriate learning plans, such as supplementary study material, and introduce ways to study based on the diagnosis Learning Diagnosis &Planning Service Multi-faceted Diagnosis Achieve objective Set objective Assess level Cyber teacher Career diagnosis Identify strengths and weaknesses in academic ability, and offer tips Check problems in study habit, And offer solutions Check career path awareness, and offer motivation Enhance academic ability Self-directed learning Study habit diagnosis Academic assessment Ⅱ. Concept & Main Services

15 Main Services  Real-time consulting through video system(1:1, 1:N, N:N, all possible)  Offer various learning activities using electronic bulletin boards, the sharing of information via the web, recording functions, etc. Video Lecturing & Consulting System Ⅱ. Concept & Main Services

16 Operation of Services at MPOEs Run services in 16 provinces r t Gyeong gi Ulsan Dae jeon Gwangj u Incheon Daegu Busan Seoul cyber.busanedu. net Jeju Gyeong nam Gyeong buk Jeon nam Jeon buk Chung nam Chung buk Gang won  Operate the Cyber Home Learning System in 16 MPOEs  Offers various service policies and contents customized to the characteristics of each metropolitan and province Websites By City Websites By City Ⅱ. Concept & Main Services

17  Offer supplementary learning opportunities to long-term absentees and maladjusted students  Offer service to grades 4 – 10 students  Give priority to students who are the breadwinner of their family, or are from low-income households Service Operation Status Clinic Cyber Tutor (Chungbuk Office of Education)  Offer contents and run learner management system for overseas Koreans in need of grade 4-level curriculum  Open and run a joint Jeju Global Class with Korean international school at Tianjin, China Global Class (Jeju Office of Education)  Support the normalization of curriculum in rural areas and in smaller schools in farming districts - 4 subjects (Chinese Writing, Ethics, Career, and Information Technology)  Offer special cyber supplementary course  Give priority to students from rural areas and agricultural households in class allocation Support curriculum operation for the marginalized (Incheon Office of Education) Specialized Services by 16 Provinces Ⅱ. Concept & Main Services

18 Utilization and Benefits Ⅲ Utilization Status Benefits & Effectiveness

19 Utilization Status Ⅲ. Utilization and Benefits Service Utilization Status < Number of students enrolled to the Cyber Home Learning System > Enrollment of students in need of additional supports Enrollment of students in need of additional supports Cate gory Total students Students that need additional supports Students enrolled to the additional supports among those who need them Total4,789,720163,011(3%)81,544(50%) As of December 2007 (Unit : Number of persons) 만명 Categor y Enrolled students (Cumulative) Classroom Type Students in self-study type Cyber teachers Parent tutors Average daily access ClassesStudents Total3,396,50130,960897,3242,499,17727,4835,541206,863 As of December 2007 (Unit : Number of persons) Unit : 10,000 persons Students in need of additional supports refer to those from low- income households and smaller schools in rural areas, such as farming and fishing villages

20 Benefits  According to a survey, the overall satisfaction level of students reached 68.13 points  By categories, the satisfaction scores were as follows: study contents (68.4)> cyber teacher (66.52)> support functions (53.71) Points <Satisfaction Level of the Cyber Home Learning System by Year > * Source: Research into benefits and effectiveness of the Cyber Home Learning System in 2007 Ⅲ. Utilization and Benefits Satisfaction Levels 70.1 57.1 65.98 66.23 69.55 68.13 50 55 60 65 70 75 '05 1/2Y'05 2/2Y'06 1/2Y'06 2/2Y'07 1/2Y'07 2/2Y 68.4 66.52 53.71 68.13 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 Learning contents Cyber teacher Support functions Overall satisfaction

21 Benefits  About 80.2% of students using the Cyber Home Learning System replied that there had been changes in their learning thanks to the Cyber Home Learning System  In addition to raising scores, the effectiveness has been shown in the interest of students in the subject (22%), formed study habits (16.8%), and enhanced confidence in the subject (11.7%) Ⅲ. Utilization and Benefits * Source : Research into benefits & effectiveness of the Cyber Home Learning System in 2007 Learning Effectiveness Others 15.50% Form study habits 16.80% Increase scores 14.20% Confidence in subject 11.70% No change 19.80% Interest in subject 22%

22 Ik Chang, Ph.D. - Email: - Tel: (822) 2118-1241, Fax: (822) 2118-1513

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