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The Human Body. The Face noun (name of) description shape behavior function.

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Presentation on theme: "The Human Body. The Face noun (name of) description shape behavior function."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Human Body

2 The Face

3 noun (name of) description shape behavior function

4 The Digestive System

5 The Circulatory System

6 The Respiratory System

7 The Skeletal System

8 The Muscular/Nervous System

9 The Reproductive System

10 Discuss a condition 1.describe symptoms Conditions hay fever arthritis hepatitis A migraine anemia shingles athlete’s foot

11 Discuss a condition 1.describe symptoms 2.describe causes Conditions hay fever arthritis hepatitis A migraine anemia shingles athlete’s foot

12 Discuss a condition 1.describe symptoms 2.describe causes 3.discuss treatment Conditions hay fever arthritis hepatitis A migraine anemia shingles athlete’s foot

13 Treatment Vocabulary apply – pressure – ointment – powder take – vitamins or pills – a shower – weight off use – nasal spray – a cane – topical cream – compress get – injection or vaccination – prescription – rid of dust, mold, mildew to rid body of toxins

14 avoid – drinking certain liquids such as coffee and alcohol – pets – red meat – uncooked food – food preservatives – processed meats – MSG massage (“areas”) – temples – (reflexology points) Soak (parts of body) in water – foot – hand – body

15 Treatment Phrases change behavior – change eating habits – cut down on – reduce weight, stress, pressure – lose weight – practice safe sex – do not eat… – eat a diet high in… – fasting physician’s duties – blood transfusion may be required – surgery may be performed – getting an injection – medication can be prescribed – hypnotic suggestion

16 purposes/goals – to prevent the development of nerve pain – to prevent infection – to provide relief from nerve pain – to control severe symptoms – to increase tolerance to certain allergens – to increase flexibility – to increase mobility – to increase iron intake – to protect the joints – help the patient relax – to fight the virus – to reduce sharp pain – to reduce the burning sensation – to relieve symptoms – to relieve stress by promoting relaxation

17 Medication 1.aspirin 2.painkiller Guidelines If the medication is common—spell it out, tell how it is taken and its purpose If the medication is uncommon—don’t spell it out, tell how it is taken and its purpose

18 Medication 1.painkiller 2.aspirin 3.anti-viral drugs 4.corticosteroids 5.topical cream (capsaicin) 6.vitamin B complex 7.arsenicum and mezereum Guidelines If the medication is common—spell it out, tell how it is taken and its purpose If the medication is uncommon—don’t spell it out, tell how it is taken and its purpose

19 Discuss a condition 1.describe symptoms 2.describe causes 3.discuss treatment tell if it is curable list treatment options on weak hand Conditions hay fever arthritis hepatitis A migraine anemia shingles athlete’s foot

20 Dialogue Practice Situation: A: B and C: A: B and C: A: B and C: A: B and C: “A” suspects s/he has a specific kind of health condition and goes to seek the advice of two health-care experts. explain symptoms identify possible condition ask what might be the cause(s) describe possible / known causes ask what s/he should do now suggest different treatments ask questions about treatments to clarify explain

21 name condition, briefly describe symptoms (use topicalization) describe causes (use rhetorical question) discuss treatment options (use rhetorical question)

22 Parkinson’s Disease: Answer Key Introduction 1.Parkinson’s disease is described as what? What is it related to? deterioration of movement 2.List the types of body movement mentioned. opening/closing fingers, lifting arms, walking, moving eyes around, blinking eyes, chewing and swallowing food and then moving food down the esophagus, stomach digesting food, heart pumping 3.Describe the symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease. delayed response time to stop walking, to sitting down and to getting up from a chair, hands trembling (which is what most of us notice), legs trembling, moving eyes slowly, blinking eyes slowly, drooling, to absolute deterioration where you can’t move at all

23 Body (Causes and Treatments) 1.Describe the process the brain goes through when one wants to move his/her body. There are two parts inside the brain; one part is responsible for producing chemicals to stimulate body functions, one of them being dopamine. The other part “requests” and collects the chemical to provide the brain with the ability to send the chemical so that the body can move (e.g., reach for a cup of coffee). 2.Describe how the process in the brain is affected by Parkinson’s disease. When the request is made (“I want to reach for the cup of coffee”), the part of the brain that manufactures the needed chemical dopamine for the movement is unable to make enough of it, resulting in the person being able to reach to get the cup of coffee only very slowly. 3.Is there a cure? No. 4.What kind of treatment is available? How does the medication work? Take medication called L-Dopa. When taken, it stimulates that part of the brain to continue to make dopamine, so when the other part of the brain makes a “request” there is plenty of dopamine to “reach for the cup of coffee.” If person doesn’t take the medication, then the symptoms reappear.

24 Conclusion 1.What two things are the doctors still researching regarding Parkinson’s disease? a) Doctors are still researching to find out what causes the brain to not make enough dopamine. b)They are also seeking to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease.

25 Language Features 1.How did Nikki handle this terminologies? “Parkinson’s disease”— “Movement”— “Chemical”— “Dopamine”— “L-Dopa”— 2.When did Nikki use role shift? 3.What transitions did Nikki use to begin each segment in her presentation? 4.What sign Nikki use to end each segment in her presentation? 5.Several times throughout the presentation, Nikki established the subject on her dominant (left) hand and then pointed to it with her weak (right) hand. What is the function of this technique?

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