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Tracking Development Aid Coordinating aid… Saving resources… Harmonizing processes… February 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Tracking Development Aid Coordinating aid… Saving resources… Harmonizing processes… February 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tracking Development Aid Coordinating aid… Saving resources… Harmonizing processes… February 2007

2 1 How does IT help MfDR? Coordination & Alignment Project/Program Results Monitoring –Indicator based performance evaluation –Portfolio/Project risk assessment –Flexible Reporting Comprehensive National Planning Integration Open Source Software and licensing

3 2 Aid Coordination

4 3

5 4 Project/Program Results Monitoring

6 5

7 6

8 7 Flexible Reporting

9 8

10 9 Comprehensive National Planning Leveraging Statistics for Project Planning –DevInfo + Aid Management Capturing “Off Budget” Aid Distributed Line Ministry Planning –Reconciliation of Sector Strategies with National Strategies

11 10 Comprehensive National Planning

12 11 Integration Financial Management Systems & Budgeting –Project identification -> Project execution –Project portfolio -> Chart of Accounts Debt Management Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks

13 12 Open Source and Licensing Solutions exist –Reporting –Document management –Content management Licensing –Reduced licensing costs –Non-proprietary

14 13 IT and Results: Ethiopia Time savings in reporting –The reporting effort was reduced by over 20 times. –Users saved an average of 12 hours for each new report. –Government reporting costs were reduced by half. Time savings in project/portfolio management –Identifying ongoing aid projects (by sector, by donor) was 7 times faster on average. –Identifying total funding commitments (by donor, sector, and lending instrument) was 9 times faster on average. –Users spent about half as much time on data entry.

15 14 For more information, please contact: Visit: Mailing address: Development Gateway Foundation, Inc. 1889 F Street NW, Second Floor Washington DC 20006, USA Telephone: 1.202.572.9200

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