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Hahnemann “This individualizing examination of a case of disease…demands of the physician nothing but freedom from prejudice and sound senses, attention.

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Presentation on theme: "Hahnemann “This individualizing examination of a case of disease…demands of the physician nothing but freedom from prejudice and sound senses, attention."— Presentation transcript:


2 Hahnemann “This individualizing examination of a case of disease…demands of the physician nothing but freedom from prejudice and sound senses, attention in observing and fidelity in tracing the picture of the disease”.

3 Let us understand the word unprejudiced observer as I understand it.

4 “Witnessing with participation in passively alert way”. “Witnessing with penetration and participation in passively alert way”.

5 Let us understand the each component of these quotes in detail.


7 Passive means –completely free from his learnt memory, past experiences, and knowledge. –Completely free and empty mind which is not full with knowledge. –A mind which is free from the known. –A mind which is ready to take each experience as completely new one. Such a mind is more receptive and take everything as it is.

8 Highly alert –In order to observe and perceive whole phenomena as it is. –To pick up all the expression gestures, body language, and the whole phenomena happening during the case taking.

9 –A witness is a close observer who gives a first hand account of something seen. –To observe as it is without adding or subtracting a word. –Observing a phenomena as it is without coloring it with your judgment.

10 This is what they do in Buddhist meditation. They say meditation is nothing but witnessing your own self, witnessing the whole process as it is.

11 Witnessing/case analysis Analysis –To draw an inference by adding, subtracting and judging the data and give a name or meaning to the experience or phenomenon. –This is the job of psychoanalyst and not homoeopath.

12 Look at ‘what is’ –During case witnessing process look at what is rather then what it could be, should be, may be. –Rule is What is- is

13 Penetration Meaning –To enter something, in something and not just stand out side of it. –Penetrate into the patient’s feeling, delusions and sensation. –Penetrate in to all levels of patients in passively alert way.

14 In the sutras of four foundations of mindfulness, the Buddha recommended that we ‘observe in a penetrating way’.

15 Participant –To involve, to take part in. –Match your wavelength, vibration, frequency with the patients frequency. –Our questions should match with the patients words, frequencies and tone.

16 Even nuclear scientist says the same thing. “when you enter the world of elementary particles, you have to become a participant in order to understand about them.” You can no longer stand outside and remain just an observer. Today many scientist prefer the word, “participant” to the word observation.

17 Monologue/dialogue Do the dialogue with patient and not the monologue. Dialogue means when one is talking other is listening and vise-a-versa.

18 Freedom from the known Be completely free from the known in order to get the complete case.

19 So, Unprejudiced observer in its complete sense is…

20 “Witnessing with participation in passively alert way”. “Witnessing with penetration and participation in passively alert way”.

21 “The mere perception of what is, is the beginning of breaking down of the measurement of mind, of its frontiers, its patterns. Just to see things as they are. Then you will find that the mind can come to that freedom involuntarily without knowing”. J. KRISHNAMURTI

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