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The Honeycomb Project Rabbi Joshua Lesser Gayanne Geurin Amy Robertson, PhD Congregation Bet Haverim, Atlanta, GA.

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Presentation on theme: "The Honeycomb Project Rabbi Joshua Lesser Gayanne Geurin Amy Robertson, PhD Congregation Bet Haverim, Atlanta, GA."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Honeycomb Project Rabbi Joshua Lesser Gayanne Geurin Amy Robertson, PhD Congregation Bet Haverim, Atlanta, GA

2 Elements of Strategy The Original Va’ad By Invitation Thoughtfully put together  Intentionally Diverse (Straight, Gay, Transgender, Men, Women, Different Ages, Parents, Partnered, Single, Intermarried, Multi- Ethnic Family, Jews of Color, Jews by Choice)  12 participants (reduced to 10) Structure  Once a month (January-October)  1.5 hour  Shabbat Morning Practice  In people’s homes  Generally led by rabbi, but had two gatherings successfully led by other program leaders (Lay cantor and Exec Director)

3 Elements of Strategy Introducing it to the Community Word of Mouth – Our first Va’ad had such a positive experience that there was a buzz High Holy Day Launch  Our Executive Director explained the launching of this project as a part of her welcome.  Our community has laypeople along with the rabbi give d’vrei torah. This year the laypeople were from the original va’ad and everyone including the rabbi focused their sermons on a middah or two.

4 Elements of Strategy Introducing it to the Community Create Clarity, Consistency and Regular Engagement  Visual and Conceptual Cohesion The Honeycomb Project – The honeycomb as the visual represents individual middot as parts of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. The honeycomb was chosen to represent the unity and harmony of all of the middot working together so that the structure reaches it’s unique potential.

5 Elements of Strategy Introducing it to the Community Create an Iterative Process Middah of the Month (See  ) Communicate through various platforms  Weekly e-newsletter  Bookmarks  Facebook  Website  Shabbat Services  Rabbi Mails/Specialized Emails

6 Elements of Strategy Build on What Exists and is Successful Create another Va’ad  So much excitement that we created two  One that meets 2x a month and the other once a month  One that is intentionally geared toward parents and does have couples taking it together Chant  CBH holds regular chant services o Weekly morning and monthly evening o Occasional Shabbat chant services  Aligning chant practice and middah of the month o The kavanah before chant practice focuses on middah of month (usually includes teaching and a focused consideration) o Chants will reflect an aspect of the middah

7 Elements of Strategy Chanting Example Middah of the Month: Kavod Draw from teachings on holiness/kedushah in kavod section in the project’s curriculum (Isaiah, angels calling out: Holy Holy Holy.. “Where there is true holiness there is God’s kavod”) and Rabbi Shai Held’s recent teaching from protests on injustice and racism: Rabbi Joshua B. Levi says: "When a person walks on his or her way, a procession of angels walks before him or her and says, 'Make way for an image of the Blessed Holy One'" (Midrash Tehillim, 17).

8 Elements of Strategy Examples of Chants for Kavod Middah Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh Adonai tzevaot m’loh kol ha-ertz k’vodo Holy, Holy, Holy is Adonai of hosts, all the Earth is full of It’s Glory Hareini mekabel alai Et mitsvat haboreh Veahavtah lerachah camocha Veahvtah chamocha (Leviticus 19 / morning prayers) I take upon myself to bond with the Creator’s commandment: Love your fellow human being as yourself Galeh Galeh Galeh Galeh Kavod Malchutecha Aleinu Reveal the honor of your magnificence Blessing Practice ( silent focused meditation) May I, ( other by name)___be blessed with freedom from fear May I, ___ be blessed with compassion May I, ___ be blessed with lovingkindess May I, ___ be blessed with peace

9 Elements of Strategy Meditation & Mussar Formerly Meditation and Mysticism A monthly Shabbat meditation service with text study Example: Kavod text on Greeting People with Shalom as recognizing God’s presence within them.

10 Elements of Strategy Culmination A Shabbaton open to the entire community engaging spiritual practices October 16-18, 2015

11 3 Most Successful Components 1. Chanting  Supports middah teachings/experiences in other congregational settings  Creates community opportunity for deeper immersion into the middah through a contemplative and mindfulness practice.  Weekly practice allows for people to go more deeply into the practice

12 3 Most Successful Components 2. Middah of the Month  Includes the entire community  Offers a “bite-size” learning and a practice  Offers different learning and practice from curriculum  Can be printed out  Supports the work of the Va’ads

13 3 Most Successful Components 3. The Post-Va’ad  People are looking for more  Group initiated  Leadership opportunities

14 Biggest Challenges Adapting Curriculum  Beyond binaries  Different modalities  Implications for privilege and gender roles  More mindfulness Chanting Challenges  Time for development of focused phrases, composing new chants and researching existing chants  Time for thoughtful design of integrating kavanah and chants People Feeling Excited

15 Integration The culminating retreat Involving the community Already part of the strategy/building on what has already been enduring and successful in the synagogue. Integrate middah into conflict resolution

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