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Survey Research Results Sharon Gotter December 13, 2007.

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1 Survey Research Results Sharon Gotter December 13, 2007

2 Methodology - 2007 Survey  600 interviews  Field work late October, 2007  69 questions (including demographics)  16 minutes to complete each telephone interview  ± 3.9% margin of error

3 Location of Respondents

4 Priority of Local Challenges ChallengeVery/Somewhat High Priority 199819992000200120022003200420062007 Economic Development 88.786.3 90.487.791.290.883.679.9 Environmental Problems 80.987.883.385.383.3 78.874.375.9 Traffic and Congestion 84.583.783.883.483.182.381.380.878.7 Fighting Urban Sprawl 59.862.662.461.858.561.356.754.653.4 Road construction --------82.9

5 Adjust Commute? Response% 20062007 Daily15.8%18.0% Sometimes17.9%18.8% Not at all56.8%57.4% Other/don ’ t know 9.4%5.8%

6 Seriousness of Environmental Issues IssueVery/Moderately Serious 199819992000200120022003200420062007 Lack of landfill space 46.742.151.639.745.648.251.355.760.4 Water pollution45.043.345.236.643.144.545.549.855.1 Poor air quality54.157.758. Inadequate recycling programs 54.047.644.945.043.951.552.851.061.7 Noise pollution40.435.337.733.432.837.634.534.342.9

7 Pollution Terminology TermsVery/somewhat Familiar 199819992000200120022003200420062007 Car Pooling/Ride Sharing 73.878.773.170.570.382.883.778.875.5 Orange Air Quality Day -76.476.275.783.382.975.874.375.0 Smog 81.285.886.585.682.483.981.075.2 Red Air Quality Day 78.479.681.680.683.479.575.275.973.9 Using mass transit -------73.873.7 Flex time --------51.1 Trip planning --------62.7

8 Familiarity with Daily Air Quality Information ResponsePercent Responding 199819992000200120022003200420062007 Very Familiar17.325.530. Somewhat Familiar 52.845.343.245.943.137.340.339.438.6 Not Very Familiar Not At All Familiar 10.311. Other/don ’ t know 0.7 Total Familiar70.170.873.369.976.374.871.770.071.5 Total Not Familiar 29.429.

9 Familiarity with Daily Air Quality Forecasts ResponsePercent Responding 2000200120022003200420062007 Very Familiar34.931.038.338.633.538.337.4 Somewhat Familiar43.046.944.136.640.739.341.6 Not Very Familiar14.413.911.417.217.516.015.9 Not At All Familiar7. Total Familiar78.077.882.475.274.277.679.0 Total Not Familiar

10 Source of Daily Air Quality Info. ResponsePercent Responding 20062007 Television74.1%70.4% Radio6.8%6.0% Employer0.4%1.0% Department of Transportation signs9.7%7.1% Newspaper3.9%3.4% Science Center Overpass0.8%1.2% American Lung Association0.0% Internet2.3%6.0%

11 Source of Daily Air Quality Info. Response% Yes 20062007 Television70.1%70.3% Radio55.3%57.6% Employer6.0%4.2% Department of Transportation signs40.1%37.9% Newspaper47.1%49.3% Science Center Overpass26.7%26.4% American Lung Association19.7%19.0% Internet20.9%26.1%

12 TV Station Heard Daily Air Info. ResponsePercent Responding 199819992000200120022003200420062007 KSDK channel 522.027.333.129.029.921.924.731.933.1 KMOV channel 429.129.636. KTVI channel KPLR channel 11-- 2.12.0

13 TV Station you Think of Daily Air Information ResponsePercent Responding 19992000200120022003200420062007 KSDK channel 536.133.131.536.528.630.830.033.4 KMOV channel 435.636.134.432.033.332.028.727.3 KTVI channel 210.610.413.118.415.416.214.316.6 KPLR channel Don ’ t Know 15.518.518.613.122.019.723.819.8

14 Aware of Red or Orange Air Quality Days ResponsePercent Responding 199819992000200120022003200420062007 Always17.615.720.917.421.921.215.816.918.6 Usually34.135.535.932.135.737.437.033.630.6 Sometimes27.927.625.330.826.023.527.329.027.8 Rarely11.612.310.911.19.811.19.810.414.5 Never8.3 Other/DK0.5 1.10.8

15 Has Daily Air Quality Caused Change in Behavior? ResponsePercent Responding 199819992000200120022003200420062007 A Lot10. Some36.930.732.027.031.732.825.030.527.1 Not Very Much 20.925.519.023.325.516.118.018.919.0 Not At All29.733.837.939.231.840.643.841.442.1 Other/DK2.20.8 A Lot/Some47.239.9 42.936.842.342.938.837.8 Not Very Much/ Not At All 50.659.3 56.962.557.356.760.361.1

16 Air Pollution in St. Louis ResponsePercent Responding 19992000200120022003200420062007 Grown worse 38.932.932.835.235.331.816.321.1 Same35.541.239.639.540.140.059.355.1 Gotten better 17.518.420.517.417.120.312.112.3 Other/DK8.

17 Actions to Improve Air Quality ResponseVery/Somewhat Likely 20062007 Carpool to work27.4%31.9% Perform routine maintenance on your vehicle82.1%78.4% Check traffic reports for alternative routes to avoid congestion 63.4%66.4% Ride the bus or MetroLink31.6%34.4% Not top off gas tank to prevent gas spillage58.6%64.1%

18 Actions to Improve Air Quality ResponseVery/Somewhat Likely 20062007 Bring your lunch or walk to lunch instead of driving 55.4%65.7% Postpone mowing lawn on red or orange air quality days 59.3%58.6% Not filling gas tank before 7:00 p.m.45.6%51.9% Not using charcoal lighter fluid to barbecue47.4%49.9% Flex your work schedule so you're not commuting during the traditional rush hour -37.8%

19 Actions to Improve Air Quality Response% 20062007 Carpool to work 40.7% 29.8% Perform routine maintenance on your vehicle 8.5% Check traffic reports for alternative routes to avoid congestion 3.6% 5.2% Ride the bus or MetroLink 22.6% Not top off gas tank to prevent gas spillage 4.2% 4.3% Bring your lunch or walk to lunch instead of driving 2.1% 1.7% Postpone mowing lawn on red or orange air quality days 3.1% 4.3% Not filling gas tank before 7:00 p.m. 3.1% 3.7% Not using charcoal lighter fluid to barbecue 2.1% 2.5% Flex your work schedule so you're not commuting during the traditional rush hour - 2.5%

20 Change Daily Habits if Red or Orange Day ResponsePercent Responding 19992000200120022003200420062007 A Lot10.312.99.812.3 12.511.214.6 Some36.930.529.332.531.029.331.627.1 Not Very Much20.922.223.020.619.421.327.723.1 Not At All29.733.837.934.237.136.528.533.9 Other/DK2.20.7--0.3 1.01.2 A lot/some47.243.439.144.843.341.842.841.8 Not very/not at all50.656.060.954.856.557.856.257.1

21 Effects of Air Pollution on Health ResponsePercent Responding 20062007 A Lot43.3%37.1% Some31.3%27.3% Not Very Much15.6%20.5% Not At All8.8%11.6% Other/DK1.0%3.5% A lot/some74.6%64.4% Not very/not at all24.4%32.1%

22 Effects on People with Respiratory Problems ResponsePercent Responding 20062007 A Lot90.1%85.5% Some7.3%8.7% Not Very Much1.3%1.7% Not At All0.3%1.0% Other/DK1.0%3.2% A lot/some97.4%94.2% Not very/not at all1.6%2.7%

23 Statements about Air Pollution Response% Very/Somewhat Serious 20062007 Increased regulations on businesses72.0%71.5% Respiratory symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, headaches or nausea 87.8%87.5% Increased hospital admissions for respiratory related problems. 83.4%81.2%

24 Statements about Air Pollution Response% Very/Somewhat Serious 20062007 Residents and businesses leaving the region for areas with cleaner air, hurting the local economy. 59.6%58.4% Negative health effects on children87.0%87.2% Additional medication for people with respiratory problems such as asthma 89.6%89.5% Negative health effects on the elderly.91.7%

25 Primary Reason to Take Action Response% Yes 20062007 Health reasons66.4%51.4% Prevention10.3%11.0% Impact on economy7.0%7.2% Other-specify16.3%30.4%

26 Effect of I-64 shutdown on Air Quality

27 Familiarity with Gateway Guide Response% Yes 20062007 Very familiar4.2%5.2% Somewhat familiar15.8%22.1% Not very familiar16.0%14.5% Not at all familiar61.9%56.9% Other/don't know2.1%1.3% Total familiar20.0%27.3% Total not familiar77.9%71.4%

28 Questions?

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