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Published byJessie Parrish Modified over 9 years ago
Cheerleader Constitution And Tryout information
Purpose of Cheerleading To set examples of good character and sportsmanship To promote good sportsmanship and spirit. To promote good relations with the public and build positive relationships with other schools To promote spectator participation in all athletic activities.
Sponsor responsibilities Plan and conduct clinics with principal’s approval Monitor eligibility of cheerleaders Revise rules and regulations with the principal Oversee all practice sessions Arrange necessary transportation Insure adherence to the Lee County Code of Conduct and Attendance, National Federation of State High School Associations SPIRIT Rules book, local school handbook and cheer constitution Receipt and manage cheerleader funds Obtain principal and other appropriate approval for summer camps and/or clinics Obtain principal’s approval for all uniforms and outfits used by cheerleader squad. Be knowledgeable in first-aid techniques and emergency procedures
Responsibilities of Selected Cheerleaders To cheer for any athletic event as required by school authorities To organize, set up and clean up after pep rallies To conduct a training clinic (seniors) before tryouts, if requested. To attend activities as necessary to promote school pride and spirit.
Eligibility Any student wishing to try out to be a cheerleader must be in the sixth or seventh grade at the time of tryouts. Only seventh and eighth grade students may cheer for Sanford Middle School. This is for insurance purposes. Any student wishing to try out to be a cheerleader must be enrolled at Sanford Middle School at least one full semester prior to the school year that they wish to cheer. If a student tries out to be a cheerleader and makes the squad, the student must maintain a 70% average in all subjects combined. If during the school year the student’s grades drop below the required 70% average, the student will be benched from participation until the next progress report or report card, whichever comes first. If the student has brought up the average, she/he may return to cheering. If she/he has not brought up the average, the student will be removed from the squad. A student, who has a monetary debt, including, but not limited to textbooks, school fund-raising money, and science lab fees, may NOT try out. If the student pays the debt before the required parent meeting, she/he may try out. Sanford Middle School is a school that provides equal opportunities for our students. We do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, creed, color, age, or national origin.
Financial responsibility A cheerleader and her (or his) parents are responsible for paying the expenses including, but not limited to uniforms, camp fees, competition fees, and all shipping and handling charges. A cheerleader must have paid all cheerleading related expenses before the first day of summer camp. If the cheerleader has a monetary debt for any cheerleading related expense, she/he will be dismissed from the squad since this will make the cheerleader ineligible to attend the required camp. If a debt is incurred during the year on the cheerleader’s behalf, she/he must clear the debt in order to participate in any upcoming event. A cheerleader’s debt may be paid for in full for the entire amount or in no more than three installments. If the cheerleader’s debt is paid in installments, the installment must be paid in full on or before the due date. ALL cheerleader fees are non-refundable. If a cheerleader quits or is dismissed from the squad and she/he has a monetary debt, she must pay the debt in full at that time and turn in all parts of the uniform.
Health A cheerleader should be physically fit. Endurance, strength, power, agility, flexibility are all part of being physically fit. If a cheerleader repeatedly complains of a physical problem, the coach has the right to require her (or him) to seek medical attention at his/her own expense. All cheerleaders must participate fully at all practices and games unless a doctor’s excuse is provided. Parent note will suffice for up to 2 days only. If a cheerleader is injured and cannot participate in something, the cheerleader is EXPECTED to go to the doctor and bring an excuse, otherwise the cheerleader will not be permitted to sit out of practice or certain activities (e.g. jumps). If a cheerleader suffers from any injury that interferes with her ability to participate, she may not participate at all until she has medical clearance from a doctor to return to normal activities. A cheerleader who becomes pregnant will be removed from the squad immediately and waves her right to be a cheerleader for Sanford Middle School in the future. Once the squad is determined, a cheerleader must submit a copy of her birth certificate and Social Security card to be kept on file at school. A cheerleader is required by the state of Alabama to have proof of a physical examination. A record of this examination must be kept on file along with her birth certificate and Social Security card. A cheerleader will obtain her/his own physician at the cheerleader’s expense.
Rules and Regulations Cheerleaders take cheerleading in place of their regular PE class if the master schedule allows. Each girl will be held responsible for the following policy: Failure to dress out (2 points off average per offense) Failure to participate (10 points off average per offense) Quizzes, homework, class work, or other material deemed pertinent by the coach will count as part of the course. The cheer coach will follow the Policies and Master Discipline Plan for Lee County Schools. Discipline will be handled through the office if referrals are necessary. If a cheerleader receives In School Suspension, the cheerleader will miss practice, resulting in an unexcused absence from practice. Four unexcused absences will result in a one game suspension. If a cheerleader has I. S. S. on a game day, the cheerleader will not be permitted to cheer at that game. If a cheerleader is suspended from school, the cheerleader will have an automatic one game suspension. Two suspensions from school will result in dismissal from the squad. Cheerleader practice, both during PE and/or after school are mandatory.
Tryout Procedures CLOSED TRYOUTS: Friday, February 5th 3:00 P.M.
Clinic Schedule Friday, January 29th, through Thursday, February 4 th 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Sanford Middle School Gym
Mock Tryouts February 4th 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Sanford Middle School Gym
Attendance requirements It is mandatory for all-prospective cheerleaders and at least one parent/legal guardian to attend a meeting prior to the tryout clinic. The notice for this meeting will be posted at least two weeks in advance. If a prospective cheerleader AND her parent/legal guardian fail to attend this meeting, the student will not be allowed to try out. Candidates for cheerleader MUST attend every day of the tryout clinic unless the absence has been excused by the coach. Any missed material during an excused absence, will be considered the fault of the candidate.
Dress Code Clinic and Tryouts: A tryout clinic will be held prior to tryouts. Candidates will be required to follow school rules and the school dress code during the tryout clinic. Candidates may not wear jewelry during clinic. Tennis shoes must be worn. A t-shirt will be designed and purchased by the candidates for tryouts.
Conduct Coaches will be evaluating each candidate during the week of clinic, which will have a direct barring on the tryout score.
Selection Procedures Judges Selection: The cheerleader coach will be responsible for hiring UCA judges for the tryouts. Tabulation of scores: The scores will be tabulated from the following: 3 UCA judges (50%), teachers (20%) and coaches (30%). All scores from tryouts are property of Sanford Middle School and are not public information. All tryout results are final.
ALL TRYOUTS WILL BE CLOSED Only the judges, the cheerleader coaches, school and Lee County Board of Education administration, the score keepers, and the prospective cheerleaders are permitted to be present. This will include the days of tryout clinic. No parents, spectators, faculty members, or staff members are permitted to be present during tryouts and/or the tryout clinic. Tryouts may not be filmed or photographed
Procedure for announcing new cheerleading squad The results of tryouts will be given to the candidates before they leave after tryouts. Each candidate will receive a sealed envelope with a letter stating whether or not the child made the squad. This envelope MUST be signed for in order to be received. Candidates will be directed to open their envelope after they leave the tryout area. There will be at least twelve cheerleaders selected.
Lee County Schools Judge’s Evaluation Rubric Possible points – 100 Score range 0-5 0- did not attempt 1-poor 2-Below average 3-average 4-excellent 5-superior
Judge’s Evaluation Score Sheet Entrance – 10 pts. Individual Cheer- 20pts. Jump Series – 15pts. Chant – 20pts. Dance –20 pts. Overall Impression – 15pts.
Score Sheet Categories: Entrance Facial expressions/Eye contact (0-5) High Energy (0-5)
Score Sheet Categories: Individual Cheer Memory (0-5) Motions (0-5) Voice (0-5) Facial expressions (0-5)
Score Sheet Categories: Jump Series Herkie (0-5) Hurdler (0-5) Toe touch (0-5) Judging on following criteria: Good technique –Ex. Pointed toes, strong arm motions, feet together in the landing, extension on legs at the height of the jump.
Score Sheet Categories: Chant Group unity (0-5) Motions (0-5) Voice (0-5) Facial expressions (0-5)
Score Sheet Categories: Dance Motions (0-5) –Ex. Controlled movement Rhythm (0-5) Facial expressions (0-5) Group Unity (0-5) ex. Lack of hesitations and mistakes, confident presentation
Score Sheet Categories: Overall Impression Enthusiasm (0-5) Crowd Appeal (0-5) –Engaging and entertaining Genuine Spirit (0-5) –Facial expressions that convey the mood of the routine
Cheerleader conduct Sportsmanship/Teamwork Cheerleading at Sanford Middle School is a team effort. The cheerleaders are expected to show good sportsmanship qualities and function as a team at all times. The cheerleaders are expected to show the seven skills needed for teamwork at all times. The seven skills needed for teamwork are listening, questioning, persuading, respecting, helping, sharing, and participating. The cheerleaders are to be positive to each other and their coach at all times. Any problem should be addressed directly to the coach immediately.
Practice (Attendance) All practices are mandatory. The coach will determine the summer and after school practice schedules. Missed practices are unexcused unless a doctor’s excuse is provided. A missed practice that is unexcused will result in consequences of coach’s choice. Being tardy to practice will result in consequences of coach’s choice. Habitual tardiness will result in dismissal from the squad. Habitual means to do something on a regular basis. A total of five tardies to practice will result in a one game suspension. Cheerleader Camps are mandatory. If a cheerleader fails to attend a cheerleader camp, she will be removed from the squad. If a competition is scheduled, a cheerleader is required to make that her priority and must attend all practices prior to the competition. Failure to attend these practices will result in dismissal from the squad. A cheerleader must work as a unit with her fellow cheerleaders. This includes anything that the cheerleaders are involved in as a group. Only the cheerleaders and the coach are allowed at practice. No friends, parents, etc. are allowed to visit while the cheerleaders are practicing. This is a distraction for the cheerleaders
Practice (Attire) Cheerleaders should dress appropriately for practice. Shorts, T-shirts, and sneakers are appropriate. No tank tops with bra straps showing are allowed. A cheerleader should wear a sports bra under a tank top. In the cooler season, the cheerleaders may wear sweat pants instead of shorts. No jewelry is allowed at practice. Punishment for this will be the coach’s decision.
Practice (Conduct and Discipline) A cheerleader should conduct herself at practice as she would at a game, competition, or any other event. No gum or candy allowed at practice. The coach will be responsible for discipline of the cheerleaders at all practices.
Performances (Attendance) Attendance to all performances, including, but not limited to all football games, all home basketball games, and all competitions is mandatory. Any unexcused absence from a performance will result in dismissal from the squad. If any performance is scheduled for the cheerleaders, it must take priority over anything else. For example, if a competition is scheduled for the cheerleaders, all cheerleaders must participate. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from the squad. Regardless of the weather, a cheerleader will cheer, as long as the football team is on the playing field or the basketball team is on the playing court.
Performances (Attire) Cheerleaders should wear the required uniform to all performances. This includes every part of the uniform that was purchased. Every piece of the uniform is equally important. If a cheerleader fails to bring a part of her uniform she will receive consequences of coach’s choice. If any part of the uniform is lost or damaged it must be replaced immediately at the cheerleader’s expense. The cheerleader will not be allowed to participate without the replaced piece. Refusal to comply will result in dismissal from the squad. If a cheerleader quits or is removed from the squad, she should not wear any part of her uniform to school. This includes all parts purchased after the squad has been chosen. A cheerleader must wear her hair pulled back away from the face so it does not interfere with cheering. A cheerleader, with a head full of clips holding her hair in place, is not allowed. A cheerleader with longer hair should be able to wear the required hair bow, which is part of the uniform.
Performances (Attire) Cleanliness is to be followed explicitly. There is no excuse for a soiled, wrinkled, or damaged uniform. Uniform maintenance is the cheerleader’s responsibility. Cleaning and repairs must be taken care of by the cheerleader and must meet squad standards. NO jewelry whatsoever is allowed while in uniform. This includes during the school day if the uniform is worn at school. Only moderate makeup can be worn while in uniform. This is up to the coach’s discretion. If a uniform is stained by makeup, the damaged part of the uniform must be replaced immediately at the cheerleader’s expense. Refusal to comply will result in dismissal from the squad. NO glitter will be allowed to be worn while in uniform. If a cheerleader wears glitter, she is in direct violation of the National Federation of State High School Association’s guidelines. The coach and school administration will determine when the uniforms are worn to school. Cheerleaders will be informed of uniform days ahead of time. If the uniforms are not worn to school and there is a pep rally, the cheerleader will be permitted to change into her uniform prior to the pep rally. If a cheerleader is permitted to wear her uniform to school she should not allow it to interfere with her normal school activities and/or responsibilities.
Performances (Conduct and Discipline) A cheerleader must follow school rules as stated in the school handbook while at performances on and off campus. A cheerleader is to conduct herself in a manner that provides the student body with an example of how students at Sanford Middle School should conduct themselves at all times. A cheerleader must show good sportsmanship at all times. Absolutely no pouting, anger, or any other form of unsportsman-like conduct should be shown publicly. Habitual tardies to performances will result in dismissal from the squad. Habitual means to do something on a regular basis. A cheerleader must work as a unit with her fellow cheerleaders at all performances. No cheers, stunts, tumbling, and/or dances are to be performed without the consent of the coach. The coach will provide a list of what should be performed before each performance. Cheerleaders and parents are not allowed to communicate during games unless it is an emergency situation. The coach and/or school administration will be responsible for discipline of the cheerleaders at all performances. No parents should attempt to discipline a cheerleader while at a performance. Discipline will be the coach’s decision and the coach’s decision is final.
Transportation Games: -Cheerleaders will be transported to and from camp and all games by the Lee County Board of Education. Carpooling will not be allowed. -Parents must sign a Parent Release Form stating that the cheerleader coach and/or other supervising adult has permission to transport their child if it is necessary. Practices: -It is the cheerleader’s and her parents’ responsibility to see that she is brought to practice on time and picked up on time. Cheerleaders should attempt to arrive at least 15 minutes early to practice to insure no tardies.
Fundraising The cheerleaders at Sanford Middle School will have fundraising opportunities. All cheerleaders will participate.
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