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Bill Harrison Cleveland - Akron Chapters Joint Meeting March 16, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Bill Harrison Cleveland - Akron Chapters Joint Meeting March 16, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bill Harrison Cleveland - Akron Chapters Joint Meeting March 16, 2009

2 Challenges   Energy – cost and availability   Food – cost and availability   Protecting the environment

3 ASHRAE   52,000 members in 130 countries   170 chapters in 24 countries   Associate Societies in 32 countries   2500 members active on committees

4 Energy   Cost and availability   IEA: $100 / Barrel till 2015; $120 till 2030   End use in developed economies   Buildings – 40%   Transportation 28%   Industry 32%   Coal and oil primary energy sources   45% Growth between 2006 and 2030

5 Food   Cost   Energy driven costs   Spoilage   Availability   Cost and spoilage   Foodstock diversion   Refrigeration – large energy consumer

6 Environment   Buildings use 70% of electricity   Extensive emissions from generation   Water use for generation   45% Emissions growth 2006 to 2030 ASHRAE role: Take energy out of buildings

7 Energy Waste A Real Problem… A Real Opportunity

8 Sustainability for ASHRAE Energy Efficiency And Healthy and Productive Indoor Environments

9 Improved Operating Strategies   Energy Systems Lab - Texas A & M – Save 10% to 40% energy   World Energy Forum: 17% Internal rate of return for energy efficiency upgrades   Not product centered   Software and expert knowledge focused   Limited knowledge distribution

10 Improved Operating Strategies   Lack of standardization   Minor changes use major energy   Wrong incentives for operators   No training programs

11 Chilled Water Plant Strategies   Rightsizing equipment   Variable Primary Pumping   Optimized condenser water   Temperature   Flow   Thermal storage   Model energy - track energy   Periodic re-commissioning

12 Energy Conserving Strategies   Envelope testing   Pressure tests   Infrared Scans   Return to design conditions   Scheduling review

13 Operator Training  Local chapter program  HVAC fundamentals  High performance products and systems  1980’s training produces 1980 results

14 The Cost of Owning HVAC   Capital costs   Utility costs   Repair costs   Replacement costs   Maintenance costs

15 Maintenance Plans   ASHRAE Guideline 4 – 2008   Preparation of Operating and Maintenance Documentation for Building Systems   CIBSE Guide M – 2008   Maintenance Engineering and Management   Must include energy budgets and energy reporting

16 Maintenance Strategies   Develop proper documentation   ASHRAE Guideline 4   Keep equipment clean   Don’t accept dirty equipment   Maintenance management software   Monitor energy use   In house / outsource   Training capabilities

17 Sustainability Challenge  Six of top ten energy measures under control of architects  Integrated Building Design process essential  Communication - collaboration  “First Cost” mentality  Engineers: evil enablers

18 Owner Organizations  Building Owners and Managers Association  International Facility Management Association  APPA – The Association of Higher Education Facility Executives

19 Owner Issues  Life Cycle Costing  Equipment room sizing  Engineers need to deliver energy message  Energy cost implications  Building Commissioning

20 0 0%100% Source Energy Savings (%) Total Annual Costs ($/year) Lease Costs (or Finance Costs) utility bills cash flow 1 2 The Path to a Net Zero Building

21 0 0%100% Source Energy Savings (%) Total Annual Costs ($/year) Lease Costs (or Finance Costs) utility bills cash flow 1 2 3 The Path to a Net Zero Building

22 0 0% 100% Source Energy Savings (%) Total Annual Costs ($/year) Lease Costs (or Finance Costs) utility bills cash flow 1 2 3 4 The Path to a Net Zero Building

23 Energy Terms   Energy Use Intensity: BTU/Sq. Ft./Year   Site versus Source   Plug and process loads   CBECS: Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey   Net zero energy building: a building which on an annual basis, produces as much energy from renewable sources as it consumes

24 Reference Sources   US Department of Energy     National Renewable Energy Laboratory   Great case studies     EPA     ASHRAE  


26 High Performance Building Design Energy Modeling Building Narrative

27 High Performance Building Design A larger budget for planning and design produces lower construction costs and lower operating costs

28 ASHRAE’s Role   Net zero design guidance by 2015   Building Energy Labeling   AEDGs to reduce energy in existing buildings   Affordable and maintainable refrigeration systems   Efficient refrigeration systems

29 ASHRAE Chapter Actions   Schedule a meeting with local owner organizations   Integrated Building Design   High performance design costs more   Keep your Green Buildings Green   Get comfortable with building energy benchmarks: “What’s your EUI?”   Walk the talk – how is your building being operated?

30 The Buildings Business   Largest user primary energy   Improved building operations   10% to 40% energy savings   Local educational programs by ASHRAE chapters   Keep our green buildings green

31 World Population Growth   2008 - 6,700,000,000   2050 – 9,200,000,000 Growth: 2,500,000,000 People

32 Per Capita CO2 Emissions   World: 4.3 Metric tons/person   OECD Nations: 11 Metric tons/person   USA: 19 Metric tons/person   Grow from 2 t0 6 “Americums” Global CO2 Emissions 2009: 30 Billion metric tons 2030: 42 Billion metric tons

33 Atmospheric CO2 Levels   Pre-industrial: 280 PPM   2007: 380 PPM   2050 Business as usual: 580 PPM Can we afford to take a chance?

34 The Cost of Being Green   Energy Efficiency - $170 Billion   Smart Grid - $8.6 Trillion   Energy Storage - $180 per Megawatt hour   Carbon Capture and Sequestration - $ ???   Priced carbon emissions - $ ???   $450 - $600 Billion per year until 2030 Estimates for global mitigation from “Green Investing” - 2009 WEF

35 The Cost of Being Green   2006 Global Emissions: 28,000,000,000 MT   2006 USA Emissions: 5,700,000,000 United States Share: 20%   Global cost of mitigation: $10,500,000,000,000   US Share: $2,100,000,000,000 What is the cost of taking energy out of buildings?


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