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4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley1 / 30 TDR lattice (2015a) review and status.

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Presentation on theme: "4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley1 / 30 TDR lattice (2015a) review and status."— Presentation transcript:

1 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley1 / 30 TDR lattice (2015a) review and status

2 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley2 / 30 the last “official” release of ILC lattice description files (MAD8 Extended Standard Input Format), corresponding to the RDR, was designated “ILC2007b” - since then others have carried on the lattice work (SB2009, 2012 updates for CFS, the TDR) goals of present work: -collect set of most up-to-date decks which reflect the lattice described in the TDR -integrate deck sets for major subsystems (eSource, pSource, DRs, ELET, PLET) -reproduce TDR CFS geometry (EDMS Treaty Point coordinates) -perform β-matching through all systems last status report was at LCWS14 … I’ve been promising this release for more than a year! Perspective

3 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley3 / 30 EDMS: ILC TDR Design Register Thanks to Benno and to all who helped to assemble the brilliantly cross-referenced EDMS document archive!

4 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley4 / 30 EDMS: Treaty Point Definitions Absolutely essential!

5 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley5 / 30 subsystemssourcedoc / filecomments ESOURCEEDMSD*0976695,B,1,1 Design registry (exit of bunchers to end of ELTR) EDR / PDREDMSD*0960185,G,1,1 DTC04 lattice (3238.7 m DR circumference) ERTML / from A. Saini KCS lattice EML / PMLDESY svn ilclattice-ml-dks _BL20120608.r234.tar.gz A. Valishev / B. List DKS lattice: svn branch: ILC2012dks_ML_3RFU_VK201206 svn folder: ml-dks-BL20120608 EBDS / PBDSEDMSD*0972985,B,1,2 Glen White, Toshiyuki Okugi, Edu Marin, and others are updating the BDS lattices (tuning, collimation, MDI issues, etc.) PSOURCEEDMSD*0977535,B,1,1 W. Liu / W. Gai TDR lattice described in IPAC2012 paper TUPPR041 Deck Files Obtained and Integrated

6 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley6 / 30 subsystemscomments EDREXT / PDREXT EDRINJ / PDRINJ created by MDW from: I. Reichel documents TDR text Treaty Point coordinate definitions ETURN/PTURNsmall geometry changes in horizontal and vertical doglegs ELTL / PLTLconverted by MDW for DKS: shorten ELTL FODO cell: 36.809 m to 36.688 m (to keep LTL dogleg in previous location) lengthen PLTL FODO cell: 36.016 m to 36.149 m (ΔL = 47.224 m) UPTcreated by MDW (August 2014): END_EUND to target drift: L= 372.044 m EBSY1 / EBSY2 PBSY1 / PBSY2 Redefinition errors discovered during “deck integration”: polarimeter chicanes were copied from *BSY2 to *BSY1 as separate laserwire detection chicanes names of elements (bends and drifts) were not changed names of parameters that defined bend and drift lengths were not changed values of parameters that defined bend and drift lengths were changed in *BSY1 files when *BSY1 file is loaded, LW chicane is 45.1 m long when *BSY2 file is loaded, LW chicane is redefined to be 76.9 m long (ΔL = 31.8 m) TDR CFS coordinates include BSY LW chicanes that are each 31.8 m too long PBDS was 0.95 m shorter than EBDS due to rematching between PBSY and PFFS, so: shorten PMPSCOL by 0.95 m modify PBSY2 such that EBDS and PBDS are now identical redefine TDR CFS coordinates for TPML2BDS Treaty Point (e+) to be symmetric w.r.t. IP with TPS2EBDS treaty point (e-) Recreating the TDR CFS geometry

7 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley7 / 30 Damping Rings: Injection / Extraction From the TDR (v3.II, section 6.9):

8 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley8 /30 33 kickers Σθ = 1.2 mrad septum 1 & 2 BL = 18.1 kG-m bend BL = 21.9 kG 84 mm center of PDR INJ/EXT straight kicker #33 exit face septum 1 exit face TPS2DR X = 94.410 m Y = 0.350 m Z = -112.103 m θ = 0.240 rad Positron Damping Ring (DTC04): Injection

9 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley9 / 30 33 kickers Σθ = 0.6 mrad septum 1 & 2 BL = 18.1 kG-m bend BL = 21.9 kG 42 mm center of PDR INJ/EXT straight kicker #1 entrance face septum 1 entrance face TPDR2RTML X = 94.410 m Y = 0.350 m Z = 106.988 m θ = -0.240 rad Positron Damping Ring (DTC04): Extraction

10 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley10/30 DR INJ/EXT straight centerline X= 100.000 m Y e+ = 0.350 m Y e- = 1.650 m Z= 0.000 m θ e+ = 0.000 rad θ e- = π rad IP X= 0.000 m Y= 0.000 m Z= 0.000 m θ e+ = π + 0.007 rad θ e- = -0.007 rad e- systemse+ systems eSource + eDR + eLET + UPT + pSource + pDR + pLET undulator photons

11 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley11/30 Close-up: Central Region TPS2DR ΔX = 0.000 mm ΔY = 0.000 mm ΔZ = 0.000 mm |Δ| = 0.000 mm TES2DR ΔX = 0.000 mm ΔY = 0.000 mm ΔZ = 0.000 mm |Δ| = 0.000 mm e+ target ΔX = 0.645 mm ΔY = 0.000 mm ΔZ = 0.000 mm |Δ| = 0.645 mm IP (e+) ΔX = -0.085 mm ΔY = 0.000 mm ΔZ = 0.001 mm |Δ| = 0.085 mm PSUNDD EBSYD PBSYD IP (e-) ΔX = 0.369 mm ΔY = 0.000 mm ΔZ = 0.003 mm |Δ| = 0.369 mm

12 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley12/30 EBC1D EBC2D PBC1D PBC2D Close-up: Turnarounds

13 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley13/30 Close-up: Central Region (2) e- side e+ side

14 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley14/30 ILC2015a: Treaty Points Actual MAD8 SURVEY output: eSource (to DR injection septa) eLET (DR extraction septa to post-IP dump) UPT (undulator end to e+ production target) pSource (e + production target to DR injection septa) pLET (DR extraction septa to post-IP dump)

15 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley15/30 Treaty PointDescriptionSXYZYaw mmmmrad TECHICafter e- bunchers0.0000008.9185540.000000814.1111093.148593 TECHIC2BSTRstart of e- booster linac48.2434658.5822090.000000766.0626213.148593 TEBSTR2LTRend of e- booster linac385.6257046.2205520.000000428.6886483.148593 TES2DReSource/eDR interface732.12029497.8123551.65000098.1997612.901593 TEDRISEPTstart of eDR injection septa751.73719499.9159981.65000078.7073703.141594 TEDRINJend of eDR injection kicker chain810.337194100.0000001.65000020.1073703.141593 TEDRcenter of eDR Inj/Ext straight830.444564100.0000001.6500000.0000003.141593 TEDREXTstart of eDR extraction kicker chain0.000000100.0000001.650000-15.1926303.141593 TEDRXSEPTend of eDR extraction septa73.59263099.9580011.650000-73.5926303.141594 TEDR2RTMLeDR/eRTML interface107.53006194.4100001.650000-106.9880003.381593 TERTL2LTLstart of e- “getaway”409.3358554.4185601.650000-393.3945493.134593 TELTL2TURNstart of e- turnaround15758.676700115.6177511.650000-15742.3007603.134593 TETURN2SPINstart of e- spin rotation16033.576700108.7085200.000000-15780.4862306.414619 TESPIN2BC1start of e- bunch compressor #116156.697500112.8257410.000000-15657.6570306.276185 TEBC12BC2start of e- bunch compressor #216387.542270111.2111720.000000-15427.0034006.276185 TERTML2MLstart of e- Main Linac17295.468720104.8559300.000000-14519.1269006.276185 TEML2MPSCOLstart of e- MPS collimation28401.18872027.1165250.000000-3413.6789896.276185 TEML2PSeML/pSource interface28483.55073026.5399960.000000-3331.3190006.276185 TEMPSCOL2UNDstart of e- undulator 28483.55073026.5399960.000000-3331.3190006.276185 TEUND2DOGLEGstart of e- dogleg 29137.85094021.9599320.000000-2677.0348206.276185 TPS2EBDSpSource/eBDS interface 29561.44819017.4401390.000000-2253.4639996.276185 TEBDS2FFend of e- BSY; start of e- FF 30232.66166012.7416830.000000-1582.2669966.276185 TEIPInteraction Point 31814.9807300.0003690.0000000.0000036.276185 TEDUMPend of primary e- dump line 32115.563200-2.1036900.000000300.5750546.276185 TERTL2RTLDstart of e- RTL abort/tuneup line256.23646556.9640091.650000-250.7621313.549593 TERTLDend of e- RTL abort/tuneup line296.13646445.8138121.650000-288.5417223.142033 TEBC12BC1Dstart of e- BC1 abort/tuneup line16356.342270111.4295710.000000-15458.2026406.276185 TEBC1Dend of e- BC1 abort/tuneup line16397.742270105.8505290.000000-15417.7502205.868883 TEBC22BC2Dstart of e- BC2 abort/tuneup line17251.368720105.1646270.000000-14563.2258206.276185 TEBC2Dend of e- BC2 abort/tuneup line17319.06872099.7609770.000000-14495.9460906.086972 TEUND2UNDDstart of e- undulator abort line28560.14015026.0038740.000000-3254.7314596.276185 TEUNDDend of e- undulator abort line28953.63605019.7261540.000000-2787.6877406.267185 TEBSY2BSYDstart of e- BSY abort/tuneup line29972.31524014.5640930.000000-1842.6070256.276185 TEBSYDend of e- BSY abort/tuneup line30775.7282068.2930230.000000-1376.513271-0.016001 e- Treaty Point Coordinates

16 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley16/30 Treaty PointDescriptionSXYZYaw mmmmrad TEUND2PTGTend of e- undulator0.00000021.9599320.000000-2677.0348206.276185 TPTGTe+ production target372.04394019.3556450.000000-2305.000000-0.007000 TPTGT2CAPstart of e+ capture390.01904019.2298210.000000-2287.025340-0.007000 TPCAP2PPAstart of e+ pre-acceleration481.52292918.5900860.000000-2195.636160-0.007000 TPPA2TRANLstart of e+ low energy transport530.12943718.2498430.000000-2147.030843-0.007000 TPTRANL2BSTRstart of e+ booster linac941.72943715.3686670.000000-1735.440927-0.007000 TPBSTR2TRANHstart of e+ high energy transport1314.28781512.7607790.000000-1362.891677-0.007000 TPTRANH2LTRstart of e+ LTR2248.5170956.2212280.000000-428.685285-0.007000 TPS2DRpSource/pDR interface2580.74994294.4100000.350000-112.1030000.240001 TPDRISEPT start of pDR injection septa 2614.68033699.9159980.350000-78.707370-0.000002 TPDRINJ end of pDR injection kicker chain 2673.280336100.0000000.350000-20.1073700.000000 TPDR center of pDR Inj/Ext straight 2693.387706100.0000000.3500000.000000 TPDREXT start of pDR extraction kicker chain 0.000000100.0000000.35000015.1926300.000000 TPDRXSEPT end of pDR extraction septa 15.19263099.9580010.35000073.592630-0.000001 TPDR2RTML pDR/pRTML interface 49.13006194.4100000.350000106.988000-0.240000 TPRTL2LTL start of e+ “getaway” 350.9367624.4239481.650000393.3725290.007000 TPLTL2TURN start of e+ turnaround 14505.068590105.7019281.65000014547.1307300.007000 TPTURN2SPIN start of e+ spin rotation 14779.96859098.7870510.00000014585.316070-3.273026 TPSPIN2BC1 start of e+ bunch compressor #1 14903.089380102.9042720.00000014462.486870-3.134593 TPBC12BC2 start of e+ bunch compressor #2 15133.934160101.2896360.00000014231.833240-3.134593 TPRTML2ML start of e+ Main Linac 16041.86061094.9344000.00000013323.956740-3.134593 TPML2MPSCOL start of e+ MPS collimation 27031.21261018.0095640.0000002334.873978-3.134593 TPML2BDS pML/pBDS interface 27112.62458017.4396850.0000002253.464002-3.134593 TPBDS2FF end of e+ BSY; start of e+ FF 27783.83806012.7412290.0000001582.266999-3.134593 TPIP Interaction Point 29366.157130-0.0000850.0000000.000001-3.134593 TPDUMP end of primary e+ dump line 29666.739590-2.1041440.000000-300.575051-3.134593 TPRTL2RTLD start of e+ RTL abort/tuneup line 197.83737256.9693981.650000250.740110-0.408000 TPRTLD end of e+ RTL abort/tuneup line 237.73737245.9288491.650000288.5416360.004441 TPBC12BC1D start of e+ BC1 abort/tuneup line 15102.734160101.5080340.00000014263.032480-3.134593 TPBC1D end of e+ BC1 abort/tuneup line 15144.13416095.8086050.00000014222.606980-2.722435 TPBC22BC2D start of e+ BC2 abort/tuneup line 15997.76061095.2430970.00000013368.055660-3.134593 TPBC2D end of e+ BC2 abort/tuneup line 16065.46061089.5866170.00000013300.806080-2.939806 TPBSY2BSYD start of e+ BSY abort/tuneup line 27523.49165014.5636390.0000001842.607017-3.134593 TPBSYD end of e+ BSY abort/tuneup line 28385.3045808.2859200.0000001375.5633093.157593 e+ Treaty Point Coordinates

17 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley17/30 e- Treaty Point Twiss parameters XY Treaty PointDescriptionβαηη’η’βαηη’η’ mmmm TECHIC start of e- chicane 8.692797-0.4442000.000000 15.953767-0.8823000.000000 TECHIC2BSTR start of e- booster linac 2.3160361.1742280.000000 2.316036-1.1742280.000000 TEBSTR2LTR start of e- LTR 17.732206-2.7487410.000000 14.6793371.2302130.000000 TES2DR eSource/eDR interface 45.9415970.5194030.000000 11.1979850.0166460.000000 TEDRISEPT start of eDR injection septa 70.022514-0.017843-0.002431-0.0000906.330782-0.2058090.000000 TEDRINJ end of eDR injection kicker chain 70.972329-0.1178710.000000 17.279650-1.3583250.000000 TEDR center of eDR Inj/Ext straight 19.224365-0.1354720.000000 73.462831-0.0348690.000000 TEDREXT start of eDR extraction kicker chain 70.9261970.1150130.000000 16.7432291.3253990.000000 TEDRXSEPT end of eDR extraction septa 70.0220630.017843-0.0418480.0015346.3309400.2057990.000000 TEDR2RTML eDR/eRTML interface 11.9346610.4306800.000000 14.8311791.5471100.000000 TERTL2LTL start of e- getaway 1.6555330.5257890.000000 8.822188-2.5039660.000000 TELTL2TURN start of e- turnaround 10.9446573.0393040.000000 1.259472-0.4251340.000000 TETURN2SPIN start of e- spin rotation 6.7044460.6332870.000000 6.9632210.8898790.000000 TESPIN2BC1 start of e- bunch compressor #1 3.399946-1.0879180.000000 3.7645171.1906760.000000 TEBC12BC2 start of e- bunch compressor #2 78.3599112.3295980.000000 9.543245-0.7338130.000000 TERTML2ML start of e- Main Linac 64.0684331.1607690.000000 75.297201-1.2156430.000000 TEML2MPSCOL start of e- MPS collimation 91.477652-1.7079200.000000 22.9617510.8153680.000000 TEML2PS eML/pSource interface 53.912949-2.3628810.000000 13.9186410.8364080.000000 TEMPSCOL2UND start of e- undulator 53.912949-2.3628810.000000 13.9186410.8364080.000000 TEUND2DOGLEG start of e- dogleg 63.508534-0.0000010.000000 36.6265660.0000180.000000 TPS2EBDS pSource/eBDS interface 51.329893-2.4017620.000000 9.3958100.4888250.000000 TEBDS2FF start of e- Final Focus 120.319441-0.3715880.000000 200.149508-0.9246370.000000 TERTL2RTLDstart of e- RTL abort/tuneup line42.3916572.3109400.000000 6.225783-0.8450330.000000 TEBC12BC1Dstart of e- BC1 abort/tuneup line37.5379342.3041500.000000 5.873474-0.7770730.000000 TEBC22BC2Dstart of e- BC2 abort/tuneup line72.2606662.2210880.000000 7.263371-1.4488250.000000 TEUND2UNDDstart of e- undulator abort line287.8552633.2011180.000000 65.7030072.0238200.000000 TEBSY2BSYDstart of e- BSY abort/tuneup line287.8552633.2011180.000000 65.7030072.0238200.000000

18 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley18/30 e+ Treaty Point Twiss parameters XY Treaty PointDescriptionβαηη’η’βαηη’η’ mmmm TEUND2PTGTend of e- undulator63.508534-0.0000010.000000 36.6265660.0000180.000000 TPTGT2CAP start of e+ capture 1.6678210.000000 1.6678210.000000 TPCAP2PPA start of e+ pre-acceleration 1.6678210.000000 1.6678210.000000 TPPA2TRANL start of e+ low energy transport 5.0092210.4552100.000000 28.195546-2.4073000.000000 TPTRANL2BSTR start of e+ booster linac 28.195546-2.4073000.000000 5.0092210.4552100.000000 TPBSTR2TRANH start of e+ high energy transport 38.938852-1.0689350.000000 38.9388521.0689350.000000 TPTRANH2LTR start of e+ LTR 9.750866-3.3066580.000000 16.7101811.8488140.000000 TPS2DR pSource/pDR interface 7.8869161.0527610.000000 9.476504-1.2396000.000000 TPDRISEPT start of pDR injection septa 70.022514-0.0178430.0040040.0001486.330782-0.2058090.000000 TPDRINJ end of pDR injection kicker chain 70.972329-0.1178710.000000 17.279650-1.3583250.000000 TPDR center of pDR Inj/Ext straight 19.224365-0.1354720.000000 73.462831-0.0348690.000000 TPDREXT start of pDR extraction kicker chain 70.9261970.115013-0.0000600.00000116.7432291.3253990.000000 TPDRXSEPT end of pDR extraction septa 70.0220630.0178430.041848-0.0015346.3309400.2057990.000000 TPDR2RTML pDR/pRTML interface 11.9319840.4309580.000000 14.8396671.5466890.000000 TPRTL2LTL start of e+ “getaway” 1.6555330.5257890.000000 8.822188-2.5039660.000000 TPLTL2TURN start of e+ turnaround 10.9446573.0393040.000000 1.259470-0.4251280.000000 TPTURN2SPIN start of e+ spin rotation 6.7044460.6332870.000000 6.9632210.8898790.000000 TPSPIN2BC1 start of e+ bunch compressor #1 3.399946-1.0879180.000000 3.7645171.1906760.000000 TPBC12BC2 start of e+ bunch compressor #2 78.3599112.3295980.000000 9.543245-0.7338130.000000 TPRTML2ML start of e+ Main Linac 60.495848-1.0977600.000000 79.0778411.2709720.000000 TPML2MPSCOL start of e+ MPS collimation 72.467322-1.5438420.000000 36.2237281.1055830.000000 TPML2BDS pML/pBDS interface 51.329718-2.4017570.000000 9.3958460.4888300.000000 TPBDS2FFstart of e- Final Focus TPRTL2RTLDstart of e+ RTL abort/tuneup line42.3916572.3109400.000000 6.225783-0.8450330.000000 TPBC12BC1Dstart of e+ BC1 abort/tuneup line37.5379342.3041500.000000 5.873474-0.7770730.000000 TPBC22BC2Dstart of e+ BC2 abort/tuneup line76.4780882.3635210.000000 7.864067-1.5064660.000000 TPBSY2BSYDstart of e+ BSY abort/tuneup line287.8552633.2011180.000000 65.7030072.0238200.000000

19 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley19/30 ILC2015a: Lattice Repository

20 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley20/30 downloads no account (user ID, password) required to download

21 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley21/30 download the main branch (complete set of ILC MAD input files)

22 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley22/30 ILC2015a lattice description files (49)

23 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley23/30 e- Source e+ Source PSUND201 PSUNDD202 PCAP211 PPA221 ECHIC101PTRANL231 EBSTR111PBSTR241 PTRANH251 ELTR121PLTR261 KAS271 e- DR e+ DR EDRI311PDRI351 EDR321PDR361 EDRX331PDRX371 e- RTML e+ RTML ERTL411PRTL461 ERTLD412PRTLD462 ELTL421PLTL471 ETURN431PTURN481 ESPIN441PSPIN491 e- ML e+ ML EBC1511PBC1561 EBC1D512PBC1D562 EBC2521PBC2571 EBC2D522PBC2D572 ELIN531PLIN581 EMPSCOL541PMPSCOL591 e- FF and dump e+ FF and dump EBSY1601PBSY1651 EBSY2602PBSY2652 EBSYD603PBSYD653 EFF611PFF661 EDL621PDL671 input file numbering ilcnnn..xsif

24 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley24/30 ILC2015a MAD command files (18) MAD matching files define layout and 1 st order optics (Twiss parameter) matching What to match, where to match, match values, what to vary

25 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley25/30 Example: eSource_match.mad8 Layout (SURVEY ) matchingTwiss parameter matching MAD8 v8.52 (SLAC) includes SURVEY matching (courtesy of Martin Donald)

26 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley26/30 Optics_Plots.pdf The doc folder includes a PDF-file that contains a set of annotated MAD8 optics plots. The annotations specify the functional units that comprise each ILC subsystem. There are 100 plots. Abort/tuneup lines are not included.

27 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley27/30 Repository (GIT) branches with access control and actions governed by branch type. Master repository hosted at Bitbucket site, with documentation etc. on co-hosted wiki. User base and privileges managed by master repository web site. Master branch −World read access −Write access by “repository manager” only −Should correspond to currently accepted ILC “baseline” designs −Only merge-able with “release candidate” or “hotfix” branches Hotfix & Release Candidate Branches −Read/write access only be “core s/w development team” or users designated by these −Apply s/w fixes or prepare releases, including applying unit test procedures to ensure e.g. Twiss parameters correct and representative beams track to give conditions specified in interface documents. −Final merge done with master branch by “repository manager” and tagged with a release code and changes fully documented and checked with EDMS document procedures etc. Development branch −read/write by “core s/w develelopment team” and invited users (including CR branch managers) Change Request Branch −Generated by “repository manager” for approved change requests and control handed over to required users as designated by the ILC CR process. −Merges in to development branch upon completion and sign-off of CR process. Feature Addition Branch −As above, but generated and controlled for s/w management purposes by “core s/w devel team”. R2015aR2015b R2016a CR-i CR-j Software Management of ILC Lattice Repository

28 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley28 / 30 To Do List gather and integrate the remaining files -eSource and pSource abort/tuneup lines, auxiliary source (?), … deck “cleanup” -remove unused stuff -eliminate redefinitions -make sure names are unique and follow some kind of naming convention -make sure magnet L,TYPE, APERTURE attributes agree with EDMS lists -split magnets consistently -check that all quadrupole pole-tip field magnitudes are less than 9.6 kG @ 500 GeV -provide consistent definitions of input Twiss parameters for each file verify earth’s curvature following and vertical dispersion compensation merge repository into EDMS documentation ramp up interaction with CFS group -check locations of beamlines in the tunnel -coordinate systems: is our Cartesian system centered at the IP the best system for defining a machine that follows the earth’s curvature?

29 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley29 / 30 Conclusions and Outlook using DESY EDMS system and SVN repository, MAD8 input files corresponding to the TDR for the major accelerator systems of ILC have been gathered and integrated -eSource, pSource, DRs, eLET, and pLET the geometry of these systems has been verified to match the current CFS layout (sub- millimeter errors at Treaty Points) 1 st order re-matching (Twiss) is complete for all subsystems -BDS subsystems downstream of BSY abort/tuneup extraction have not been matched … waiting for the results of the CR002 approval -MAD matching subroutines define the matching (what/where/how) next comes “deck cleanup” and standardization -magnet type definitions should agree with Benno’s list -split all magnets in half then comes documentation start-to-end simulations, tuning simulations, … NOTE: the “final” initial release to the repository hasn’t happened yet … I’ll do it tonight. Those who are interested should download tomorrow or after …

30 4/23/2015ALCW15 : Accelerator / M. Woodley30/30 End Thanks!

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