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Q3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? The media institution to distribute our media product will be New Line Cinema.

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Presentation on theme: "Q3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? The media institution to distribute our media product will be New Line Cinema."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? The media institution to distribute our media product will be New Line Cinema because they often release popular mainstream Thriller movies. The title of our film is RELEASED.

2 Mainstream Films Popular and Famous Actors High Budget Genre and content attracts broad audiences High class special effects High production values Famous Directors/Producers High profile marketing campaign such as trailers, posters, internet trends, TV, advertisements. Independent Films New/Up-and-coming Actors Low Budget Basic special effects Low production value Standard marketing campaign

3 The movie we produced, ‘Released’, is a psychological Thriller film. It is a mainstream film as the genre of Thriller is widely popular and attracts a large and broad audience. Our film was at a mid-budget rate meaning we had to film it ourselves but we were also able to use more complicated special effects. I think NewLine Cinema will be interested in our film because they seem to release popular Thriller and Horror movies, such as ‘Se7en’ (1995) and ‘Evil Dead’ (1981), so ‘Released’ should fit well within Newline's distribution as our film holds similarities with ‘Se7en’.

4 Our film ‘Released’ will be distributed internationally as the majority of mainstream Thriller films are. We will use film festivals as part of our marketing campaign as these get the film recognition and praise before the film is even accessible to watch. If our film gets nominated for any high profile awards, that will also help attract viewers as it will be critically acclaimed. Also stating it upon DVD cases can gain attraction and sales. We will try to compete with Se7en’s success at the box office figures. It was a relatively low budget mainstream with a estimated budget of $30m like our film would. It made an incredible $316m worldwide and is now regarded as one of the most successful thriller films ever. As young people commonly enjoy thriller films, we would take advantage of modern technology by using the internet and social networking to really push our marketing campaign to the younger generation. We would do this as well as advertising, making sure everyone knows about our film. As thriller films have such a wide target audience of around 15-60.

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