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PI Users Conference 20001 Elf Atochem North America Calvert City, Kentucky.

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Presentation on theme: "PI Users Conference 20001 Elf Atochem North America Calvert City, Kentucky."— Presentation transcript:

1 PI Users Conference 20001 Elf Atochem North America Calvert City, Kentucky

2 Learning from the Past Operating in the Present Preparing for the Future PI Provides Exceptional ROI Even with Simple Applications

3 PI Users Conference 20003 Elf Atochem North America Diversified Chemicals Manufacturer –Intermediate, Fine and Performance Chemicals –Performance Polymers $2.2 Billion 1998 Sales 4900 Employees Manufacturing Sites –24 US, 2 Canada, 4 Mexico, 16 Other World Wide

4 PI Users Conference 20004 Affiliate of TotalFinaElf Fourth Largest Oil Company Worldwide Oil Exploration, Production, Refining Petrochemicals Chemicals World Wide Operations Headquarters Paris, France

5 PI Users Conference 20005 Calvert City, Kentucky Refrigerants –HFC –HCFC Kynar (PVDF) HCl Continuous Batch

6 PI Users Conference 20006 Why OSI PI? World Wide Operations –Many Different DCS Systems –Desired Common Tool for Access to Process Data –Share Process Technology and Operational Support –Share Custom Applications

7 PI Users Conference 20007 Why OSI PI? Best Archive Technology Best Set of Client Tools Included Microsoft Technology for Custom Work –VB, VBA –ODBC Joint Decision with all parties including IT

8 PI Users Conference 20008 Elf PI Systems Shanghai 48 Servers >300,000 Points >225 Clients

9 PI Users Conference 20009 PI at Calvert City Installed September 1997 10,000 DCS Points 1,000 Lab Points Interfaced to LIMS 15 Pro-Packs

10 PI Users Conference 200010 My Third User’s Conference 1998 - Awed by all of the great things that could be done with PI 1999 - Discouraged that I had not accomplished “great” things 2000 - Realizing that PI is providing great ROI even without major “killer” application

11 PI Users Conference 200011 Typical PI Administrator

12 PI Users Conference 200012 Sharing Information at Calvert City Operations Engineering Purchasing Maintenance Logistics Lab Shift Super Process Technology Environmental

13 PI Users Conference 200013 Sharing Information and Expertise Worldwide Process Technology @ Calvert City Supporting Downsized Wichita Central Engineering/R&D at KOP studying processes remotely Sharing operating data with sister plant in France Five Other Plants Wichita KOP, PA France

14 PI Users Conference 200014 How Does PI Produce ROI? Increased Revenue –Increase production and/or quality Displaced Costs –Eliminate or reduce existing cost Avoided Costs –Eliminate future cost Redirected Costs –Free resources for other purposes Intangible Returns –Benefits not easily quantified

15 PI Users Conference 200015 Increased Revenue Sharing of Information Worldwide & in Plant –Experts only a few clicks away from your problem Process Studies for Process Optimization & Debottlenecking –PI easily provides data to Aspen & other data hungry applications

16 PI Users Conference 200016 On-Line Material Balance & Composition Predictor Built with DataLink Developed remotely at KOP R&D One week trial looked good Enhancements being added Advises operator on correct feed flows to reactor Stabilize reaction section of process Reduced upsets & reduction in impurities

17 PI Users Conference 200017 Improve Quality Increased Revenue Could not produce product with tight spec Poor temperature control Used Atochem ProcessBook “extra” to detect valve problem

18 PI Users Conference 200018 Improve Quality Increased Revenue New valve installed Continued improvement using PI- Profile to determine best control point on column No missed shipment, customer satisfaction

19 PI Users Conference 200019 Displaced Costs Remote Access to Data and Technical Support –KOP, PA R&D, Central Engineering –Atochem S.A. –Greatly reduced travel costs –Data available on their remote desktop

20 PI Users Conference 200020 Displaced Costs One of our plants has experienced extreme technical downsizing PI system installed to provide remote technical support from Calvert City Timely assistance Reduced travel costs

21 PI Users Conference 200021 Application for Displaced Cost Virtual On-Line Analyzer –5 Minute data instead of 12 Hour lab data –Improved process control –Increased Safety –Reduced Lab Costs –Reduced Maintenance

22 PI Users Conference 200022 Supplier Relations Displaced Costs Slurry delivered by pipeline appeared to be highly variable in composition Could analyze properly only in lab Cost based on nominal composition - not actual composition PI data from various locations in plant used to show supplier our problem

23 PI Users Conference 200023 Supplier Relations Displaced Costs Supplier now understood our problems Now working in cooperation to improve composition control Could possibly result in innovative control that will solve years old problem and reduce future costs for slurry Supplier adjusted charges by $50,000 –Projected $100,000/year recurring savings Now working on another supplier problem –Potential savings of $100,000 annually

24 PI Users Conference 200024 Reduce Pump Maintenance Displaced Costs PumpGard - Inexpensive & Continuous DataLink Monitor Application –117 Pumps checked every 10 minutes –High current, Low current, “Scratching” –Indication that pump is in trouble - cavitation, dry run, dead head, clogged strainer, etc. –Numeric page generated alerting rotating engineer

25 PI Users Conference 200025 Reduce Pump Maintenance Displaced Costs Pump crash repair can run from $1k to $50K Positive progression: –Why did this pump fail? –Why is this pump in trouble? –How do we keep pump out of trouble?

26 PI Users Conference 200026 Avoided Costs Make Informed Decisions Based on Factual Information Spend Wisely, Eliminate - –Knee Jerk –Gut Feel –Design in Ignorance 80/20% Rule on Data Gathering/Analysis changed to 5/95%

27 PI Users Conference 200027 Separator Problems Avoided Costs First Guess –Instrument Doesn’t Work, Separator Does –PI Proves Instrument Second Guess –Instrument Works, Separator Doesn’t –Separator Not Large Enough

28 PI Users Conference 200028 Separator Problem Avoided Costs PI Data + Intelligent Engineer –If operating parameters correct: –Instrument Works –Separator Works –No need to spend $250k on separator fix

29 PI Users Conference 200029 Capacity Increase Avoided Costs Refrigeration Bottleneck PI Data Used to Investigate 25% Refrig Increase –Upset data helpful –4 Refrig users have opportunities for reduced demand –Refrig machine operating parameter change Looks like new Refrig machine not necessary - $1.2 million cost avoided

30 PI Users Conference 200030 Redirected Costs A number of routine reports have been automated Allows people freed from reporting tasks to use their talents more productively Reduces labor cost that can be used for other purposes Provides information that would be almost impossible if done manually

31 PI Users Conference 200031 Redirected Costs Shift Superintendent Report –1/2 hour per shift now spent on running plant –$18,200/year Daily production report eliminated 1/2 time clerk at one unit –$26,000/year Unit monthly quality report

32 PI Users Conference 200032 Redirected Costs Automatic batch reports –Reports now done daily –Timely information to improve quality –Supervision/Clerk savings $18,000/year Purchasing accesses raw material inventories –Eliminates telephone tag

33 PI Users Conference 200033 Redirected Costs Incinerator trip report –Permit renewal requires human health risk assessment –Dependent on “Upset Time” with default value of 20% –DataLink used to document trips and upset time –Even with ProcessBook this task very labor intensive –Report showing upset time significantly < 1%

34 PI Users Conference 200034 Intangible Returns Probably one of major ways PI provides ROI. Access to process information at your desktop If information is readily accessible it will be used for informed decisions DCS console equipment expensive and rigid while PI clients are affordable and flexible

35 PI Users Conference 200035 Intangible Returns View operations and Supply Chain Management anywhere –Logistics Plant wide responsibilities Can keep track of boiler operation and tank levels –Loaders Had no DCS console Now can view some loading operations from office –Home Provide consultation after hours

36 PI Users Conference 200036 Intangible Returns Opens closed systems Ties together information from many sources –DCS –LIMS –Oracle and other relational databases –Aspen, Honeywell & other Advanced Process Control Applications –And many more

37 PI Users Conference 200037 Unfortunately, Incidents Do Happen. It’s critical that you learn from them.

38 PI Users Conference 200038 Incident Investigation Intangible Returns PI provides accurate information on incident events Facts lead to determining root cause of incident Facts lead to corrective actions to avoid future incidents PI has proven to be very useful in the investigation process

39 PI Users Conference 200039 Incident Investigation Intangible Returns PI is now used routinely Its use has lead to the discovery of potential problems that may have been missed Results in improved safety, environmental compliance, and process reliability I was even asked “Can you get the switch engine on PI?”

40 PI Users Conference 200040 Intangible Returns What are these intangible benefits worth? –Preventing a unit shutdown occasionally –Preventing a future safety or environmental incident –Approval of an important environmental permit –Customer satisfaction

41 PI Users Conference 200041 ROI Summary Increased Revenue –Not yet quantified Displaced Costs –Not all quantified –Supplier relations $50,000 to date Possible $200k in 2000 –Reduced travel Not quantified –Reduced pump maintenance possible $100k in 2000 –Improved on-line analyzer performance Results to be seen in 2000 –Performance equations Providing process feedback not otherwise possible Not quantified

42 PI Users Conference 200042 ROI Summary Avoided Cost –Separator $250K –Refrig $1.2M –Flow meter problems $50K Redirected Cost –Shift Report $18.2K/year –Batch Report $18K/year –Production Report $26K/year –Utility Metering & Cost Distribution $14.4K/year

43 PI Users Conference 200043 ROI Summary One time savings –$1. 5M Recurring savings –$126.6K/year documented –$300K/year projected additional in 2000 Unreported/Not Quantified and intangible –$? but probably more than total of above

44 PI Users Conference 200044 How to Maximize ROI Site champion(s) User training Share information between site/corporate users –Tips –Tricks –Applications Learn VB/VBA!

45 PI Users Conference 200045 One User’s Comments “Simplifies and Distributes access to DCS information five fold. Conceptually simple tasks are actually simple compared to DCS, such as creating a new trend display or doing some calculations on data available within the DCS. This can take days for the DCS depending on the availability of the DCS engineer. It can be done in minutes in PI.”

46 PI Users Conference 200046 One User’s Comments “Because of the simplicity, organizing seemingly unrelated data into trends and spreadsheets makes troubleshooting quick and effective. Relationships not known before are discovered that aid in improving process operation.”

47 PI Users Conference 200047 One User’s Comments “Before PI, when I got a call at home on a process problem, the only way to solve it was to get in the car and drive an hour to the plant. I now have access to PI from home and have access to all of the data that is available in the control room. I can usually provide guidance to the operator needing help. This not only saves me lost sleep and long drives, but the problem gets solved an hour earlier. This can mean avoiding lost production.”

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