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LA HIGHWAY 1 Values and Vulnerabilities. 2011 Update illustrating the Frequency of Inundation over Louisiana Highway 1 between Golden Meadow and Leeville,

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Presentation on theme: "LA HIGHWAY 1 Values and Vulnerabilities. 2011 Update illustrating the Frequency of Inundation over Louisiana Highway 1 between Golden Meadow and Leeville,"— Presentation transcript:

1 LA HIGHWAY 1 Values and Vulnerabilities

2 2011 Update illustrating the Frequency of Inundation over Louisiana Highway 1 between Golden Meadow and Leeville, LA Illustrations calculated by NOAA Highway Elevations data by Dr. Roy Dokka

3 LA 1 is relied upon for State-of-the-art infrastructure efficiently servicing the GOM

4 Existing Deepwater Structures in GOM: 90% are serviced by Port Fourchon! LA 1 Toll Road Update January 2010

5 LA 1 is relied upon to service thousands of miles of GOM Pipelines

6 LOOP – America’s only Deepwater Oil Port capable of handling VLCC’s

7 LA 1 is the National Poster Child of Critical At-Risk Energy Infrastructure

8 3 Week Loss of Services of Port Fourchon National Economic Impacts: $9.9 Billion in Sales Loss * $2.9 Billion in Household Earnings Loss $77,440 Jobs Loss Nationally * Based on $66/barrel Oil Source:The economic impacts of Port Fourchon on the National and Houma MSA Economies. PREPARED BY: LOREN C SCOTT & ASSOCIATES, February 2008.

9 Bench Mark “8762084 B 1986”1.24m Leeville Station Datum0.00m Mean Higher High Water (MHHW)1.21m Local Mean Sea Level (MSL) 1.08m Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW)0.94m Tidal Datum Elevations based on 1983-2001 Modified National Tidal Datum Epoch (2002-2006 MSL ) Leeville, LA NOAA Tide Station Bench Mark Elevation Relationship to Tidal and Geodetic Datums using data from 1987-1990 Elevation difference 0.78m Highest observed water level 3/23/19871.53m NAVD88 (1993) no longer published; LA-1 Average NAVD88 Elevation from Mallory (2011) (Note: There is a high degree of uncertainty in NAVD88 elevations due to ongoing subsidence) 1.56m “5%” Elevation of LA-1 (Golden Meadow to Leeville) Elevation difference 0.03m NOAA 2/2011 Estimated NAVD88 (1993)0.78m

10 Estimated Effects of RSLR on Frequency and Duration of Inundation for Leeville, LA using observations 1987-1990 and then projecting this 4-year time period forward using present rate of sea level rise Using “5%” LA-1 elevation of 0.78m NAVD88 (1993) Occurrences of Inundation (over 4-years) Duration of Inundation (over 4- years) Elevation Rise Above 1990 MSL 4-yr Time Period RSLR rate mm/yr)(# of tides) (hours (percent of total time))(meters) 1987- 19909.2400 (0%)- 2027-20309.24124960(6%)0.3 2047- 20509.24112719163(55%)0.6 2097- 21009.24133433699(96%)1.0 The elevation of LA-1 will become increasingly inundated even if the present day relative sea level rise (RSLR) remains constant in the future. Note: NAVD88 elevations for bench marks and for LIDAR elevations for road surface are only estimates and have significant uncertainty

11 “5%” Elevation of LA-1 Leeville to Golden Meadow


13 LA 1 Toll Road Update January 2010


15 Questions for Tim Osborn NOAA Regional Manger Eastern Gulf

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