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THREE AMAZING PARADOXES JOHN 12:20-26. INTRODUCTION  Our text opens with a group of God – fearing Gentiles (Greeks) who have come to worship at the Passover.

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2 INTRODUCTION  Our text opens with a group of God – fearing Gentiles (Greeks) who have come to worship at the Passover.  They were more than curious.  They were seeking the truth.  They approach Philip who takes them to Andrew.

3  Andrew did what he always did.  Andrew is always bringing people to Jesus. (John 1:41-42; 6:8-9)  The response of Jesus is startling.  All this while, Jesus was telling His disciples -“His time had not come.”

4  But now when a handful of strangers appear.  He is greatly moved with emotion and says, “Now my hour has come.”  It was like a great clock striking the hour.  A time when all that He had lived for will now be fulfilled.

5 1. LIFE COMES THROUGH DEATH v.24  What Jesus said first applied to himself.  Jesus uses the image of a seed that there can be no fruitful life without death  No victory without surrender.

6  In itself the seed is weak and useless.  But when planted it fulfills its purpose.  Jesus was first talking about His own death.  He died on behalf of others.  If He does not die, we cannot live.

7  His death produces the fruit of life.  Christians are like seeds.  They are small and insignificant.  But have life in them – God’s life.  But is not fulfilled unless it is yielded to God.

8  We must die to self so that we may live unto God. (Gal.2:20)  Only way to have a fruitful life is to follow Jesus Christ.  Our problem is that we are hoarding what can be used for the benefit of others in need in large barns called churches.

9 2. LIFE COMES THROUGH SPENDING IT –v.25  We have to stop hanging on or holding to our life and our security.  We are called to place higher value on eternal things rather than on things that are on this earth. (Col.3:1-3)

10  The truth of life is that we lose everything at some point.  We cannot hold on to our youth no matter how hard we try.  We cannot hold on to our athletic ability or our mental capacity.  We cannot even hold to our loved ones.

11  God orchestrates the affairs of life – both the good and the bad.  This He does so as to bring to the place where our faith will be on Him alone.  He weans away from the things of the world.

12  At first the process touches only on our possessions (things we can replace.)  It moves to touch our relationships (which we may not be replaced.)  Eventually it touches our loved ones (those who we cannot replace.)

13  Finally it touches life itself (that which is never replaced.)  Finally we come to a point when there is nothing left but us and God.

14 3. GREATNESS COMES THROUGH SERVICE –v.26  The Bible says that you and I are servants of the most High God.  This is a very important title.  Many think that serving the Lord is taking a step down-ward.  Remember – Jesus came as a servant.

15  He was willing to do whatever was necessary in order to bring us to the saving knowledge of Himself.  Jesus saw Himself as a servant of the Father and a servant of the very ones He was serving.

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