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Flunker World João Afonso Ivo Duarte João Afonso Ivo Duarte.

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Presentation on theme: "Flunker World João Afonso Ivo Duarte João Afonso Ivo Duarte."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flunker World João Afonso Ivo Duarte João Afonso Ivo Duarte

2 Flunker World The Flunker World project is a mobile multiplayer 3d game, based on bluetooth for communication and on insanity for fun.

3 Flunker World How many times did you though of hitting the guy next to you ? This is the main force that drives us! We want to make available to all people the chance to hit everyone around you. We think that this a right everyone should have. So we made a game. How many times did you though of hitting the guy next to you ? This is the main force that drives us! We want to make available to all people the chance to hit everyone around you. We think that this a right everyone should have. So we made a game.

4 Flunker World The idea is to make possible for you to hit everyone around you, If you are lucky you can get you boss or even your mother-in-law, think of all the anger you can uncharge in them).

5 Sphered World All the action is passed in a sphered world The sphered arena is a classic from old video-games that we think that fits in the alucinated environment we want to create. It increments the crazyness, and increases the game possibilities, changing all the physics and giving different game perspectives All the action is passed in a sphered world The sphered arena is a classic from old video-games that we think that fits in the alucinated environment we want to create. It increments the crazyness, and increases the game possibilities, changing all the physics and giving different game perspectives

6 Characters The characters in flunker world are used sports balls that got tired of being beaten by those nasty human players. So, when other fed up balls are available, they start a death match to unleash their anger with each other. Their ultimate wish is to able to invert the roles and play with a human as the ball.

7 Flunker Flunker is a major league criquet ball. He is also a major fashion victim. He can´t stand the clothes the criquet players wear, it really get’s him mad, he wants to beat every one of them until they understand the importance of fashion cool clothes. We believe that this is such a stupid reason as any other. So we accepted him in this hall of crazy people.

8 Pyng-Pong Pyng pong is a pro tour ping pong ball. He got schizophrenic with all the “ping” and “pong” sounds he himself does. Worst, he don´t know that it’s him doing those sounds. He wants to find the person that is making those sounds, only then he will be able to rest. And because he doesn’t know who is making those noises he decided to beat every one he finds. This way he will definitly find the responsable. He's understanding difficulty is only surpassed by is enormous strength, although is kind of low stature. Pyng pong is a pro tour ping pong ball. He got schizophrenic with all the “ping” and “pong” sounds he himself does. Worst, he don´t know that it’s him doing those sounds. He wants to find the person that is making those sounds, only then he will be able to rest. And because he doesn’t know who is making those noises he decided to beat every one he finds. This way he will definitly find the responsable. He's understanding difficulty is only surpassed by is enormous strength, although is kind of low stature.

9 Football And this is a soccer ball… with a foot. What could be more ironic? He was a football that one day felt that a little bubble was growing in his back. His mom said to him “football don´t scratch it”, but who listen’s to what mummy says? He scratched it like a maniac and it got so infected that a foot growed up. Football didn´t know what to do, and so he asked his mother, and she answered, “well, feet are meant for kicking” and he started kicking everything he saw. He doesn´t know hi, but, hey, footballs are not that smart

10 Mush Referee This not a ball. This is a mushroom. It growed on the middle of the battle field and started hitting everyone that passed near him (he is stucked in the ground). We tried to kick him out of there but he hitted us, and so we though of making the referee of the flunker world. He is not a player…. Just a pain in the ass.

11 Game Characteristics Close Combat Game

12 Game Characteristics Multiplayer

13 Game characteristics The Players start with an initial weapon, that is the typical weapon for the player's representative sport (basebal and cricket bats, golf clubs, etc..), but can pick up other weapons as they play. They take more damage from the weapon that is associated with the sport they represent, for example flunker takes more damage when he's it by baseball bats, Pyng- Pong from tennis ball Rackets, etc...

14 Flunker networking

15 Flunker Networking How to decide if a device should be a host or a client? That decision is too complex to be of the responsability of the usual, inexperienced user, it’s a paradigm, and so, not of trivial comprehension To solve this question a simple algorithim was developed How to decide if a device should be a host or a client? That decision is too complex to be of the responsability of the usual, inexperienced user, it’s a paradigm, and so, not of trivial comprehension To solve this question a simple algorithim was developed

16 Host/Client election algorithim A bluetooth inquiry is made to look up for devices in range 2 things can happen: No device running the flunker service is found in range A device running the flunker service is found A bluetooth inquiry is made to look up for devices in range 2 things can happen: No device running the flunker service is found in range A device running the flunker service is found

17 Host/Client election algorithim If a device running the flunker service is found than that device is considered the host and a server-client connection is established

18 Host/Client election algorithim If no device running the flunker service is found than the device itself becames a host

19 Host/Client election algorithim Hosting the game means that : the flunker service will be registered in the device service database the device itself will be set to discoverable. Hosting the game means that : the flunker service will be registered in the device service database the device itself will be set to discoverable. By doing so all the flunker inquiry’s made in the range will acuse this device as a host

20 Host/Client election algorithim What to do if more than one host is in range? For balancing of load reasons we made a election algorithim that chooses the world with less players in order to hopefully even out the processing load of the mobile devices. What to do if more than one host is in range? For balancing of load reasons we made a election algorithim that chooses the world with less players in order to hopefully even out the processing load of the mobile devices.

21 The End More information on www.flunker- Contact us at More information on www.flunker- Contact us at

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