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Rehabilitation Research at the NSF

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1 Rehabilitation Research at the NSF
Wendy Nilsen, PhD Program Director, Smart and Connected Health

2 Background NSF Rehabilitation research can be found in many areas in NSF and within the mission of several cross-directorate initiatives It is a case of use-inspired basic research. The scientific advances in basic science can be in computing, information science, engineering or social or behavioral science. The benefit to rehabilitation research is important, but second to the advances in basic science. Three major homes for this research: Smart and Connected Health Cyber-physical Systems National Robotics Initiative

3 Smart & Connected Health (SCH) Inter-Agency Program National Science Foundation National Institutes of Health NSF Solicitation NSF Wendy Nilsen, PhD Program Director, Smart and Connected Health Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering, NSF

4 Application Inspired: Consideration of Use
Pasteur’s Quadrant Neils Bohr Luis Pasteur Thomas Edison Steve Jobs Quest for Basic Understanding Application Inspired: Consideration of Use Donald E. Stokes, Pasteur's Quadrant – Basic Science and Technological Innovation, Brookings Institution Press, 1997

5 Smart and Connected Health Research Areas
Integration of EHR, clinical and patient data Access to information, data harmonization Semantic representation, fusion, visualization Digital Health Information Infrastructure Informatics and Infrastructure Datamining and machine learning Inference, cognitive decision support system Bring raw image data to clinical practice Data to Knowledge to Decision Reasoning under uncertainty Systems for empowering patient Models of readiness to change State assessment from images video Empowered Individuals Energized, enabled, educated Assistive technologies embodying computational intelligence Medical devices, co-robots, cognitive orthotics, rehab coaches Sensors, Devices, and Robotics Sensor-based actuation The fundamental research issues appear to naturally cluster into four broad research areas. I would like to emphasize that these are not mutually exclusive and do not represent a unique classification. Rather this classification should be used as a guide in selecting fundamental questions to be addressed by the SHB research. Digital health information infrastructure is associated with continuous accrual and integration of Electronic Health Records (EHR), pharma and clinical research data in a distributed but federated system. The ultimate goal of this research area is to bring data such as EHR to where it is needed, when it is needed. The second area Data-to-Knowledge-to-Decision comprises research concerned with making the best possible use of the data in support of evidence-based healthcare. The third area is focused on how technology could empowered individuals to participate in their own healthcare that could lead to better and more affordable care. Sensors, devices, and robotics represent technology for sensing and intervention that enables closing the loop using intelligent technologies I will describe briefly each of these four areas in more detail

6 NSF Directorates Participating in SCH
Office of the Director Engineering (ENG) Geosciences (GEO) Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) Budget, Finance Award Management Computer & Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Biological Sciences (BIO) Diversity and Inclusion Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (EBS) Education and Human Resources (EHR) General Counsel Information & Resource Management Legislative & Public Affairs National Science Board Office of Inspector General Cyber-infrastructure Integrative Activities International Science and Engineering Polar programs

7 NIH Institutes Participating in SCH
OBSSR NCI NIBIB NIA NHGRI NICHD National Human Genome Research Institute

8 Computing Robot Motions for Home Healthcare Assistance
Motivation: Over 10 million Americans currently need assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), and this number is growing. Robots could empower older adults and individuals needing ADL assistance to remain in their own homes rather than be transferred to costly institutions or nursing homes. New software and algorithms are needed to control home healthcare robots for autonomous, safe assistance with ADLs. Robots autonomously performing tasks in home-like environments Technical Approach: Learn robust metrics for ADL task motions from kinesthetic demonstrations provided by healthy humans. The computed metric serves as a guideline for fast motion planning for interactions with new care recipients. Develop fast algorithms for real-time motion computation in uncertain, dynamic, and cluttered environments. Achieve fast performance using novel algorithms and harnessing the compute power of multi-core CPUs and many-core GPUs. PI Ron Alterovitz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NSF Grant #

9 James Schmiedeler, Aaron Striegel, & Charles Crowell
Use of Gaming Peripherals in Acute Rehabilitation of Balance Following Stroke Motivation: Restoration of balance after stroke is critical determinant of patient’s long-term assistive needs. Optimizing use of limited therapy time, particularly in acute phase shortly after injury, facilitates functional recovery. High cost of most balance feedback systems limits clinical access & potential for in-home use after discharge. Technical Approach: Compare types of visual feedback provided based on center of pressure data from Nintendo Wii Balance Board. Model human control of lateral weight shifting to identify changes associated with balance deficits. Manipulate visual feedback during balance therapy tasks to facilitate rehabilitation of specific deficits. James Schmiedeler, Aaron Striegel, & Charles Crowell University of Notre Dame IIS

10 Brenna Argall, Northwestern University
SCH EXP: Collaborative Research: A Formalism for Customizing the Control of Assistive Machines Motivation: For those with severe upper limb motor impairments, caregivers are still relied on for manipulation tasks like meal preparation or personal hygiene. Robotic arms hold much promise, however traditional devices for teleoperation like joysticks become tedious or untenable to control these higher degrees of freedom systems. Customiziation of control sharing functions to the user (U) and task (T) Technical Approach: A formalism that customizes how users share control with intelligent autonomous assistive devices, based on user ability and preference. Customization to the user and task, and based on the confidence that the user's goal has been predicted correctly. Customization by the autonomy and by the user. Brenna Argall, Northwestern University Siddhartha Srinivasa, Carnegie Mellon University NSF Grant # 1R01EB

11 University of Southern California, NSF Grant #1117279
Socially Assistive Human-Machine Interaction for Improved Compliance and Health Outcomes Motivation: Our approach is focused on socially assistive robotics (SAR) and is motivated the following domains: Post­stroke rehabilitation Physical and cognitive exercise for older adults General exercise encouragement Technical Approach: Affective feedback, praise, encouragement, and relationship building in SAR exercise coach and buddy systems Personalization of motivational character backstory Use of deviation (cheating) detection for user engagement PI: Maja J Matarić, University of Southern California, NSF Grant #

12 Useful Website:

13 “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.”
Wayne Gretzky

14 Thank you! Wendy Nilsen

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