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Deb Ogburn Enumclaw High School Room 213 Class phone: 360.802.7767 Planning Period: 2 nd Available before and after school

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2 Deb Ogburn Enumclaw High School Room 213 Class phone: 360.802.7767 Planning Period: 2 nd Available before and after school E-mail: Swift website

3 We all process information in different ways. In a language classroom we use many different teaching strategies to meet the unique needs of each learner and to help students acquire the target language.

4  Practice at home by  Using flashcards (created in class for each person)  Watching your favorite movie in Spanish  Listening to music or news in Spanish  Pick up a magazine or children’s book in Spanish  Practice with a friend/family member  Go to a Mexican restaurant/store Cultural credit can be earned for these activities as well as enhancing learning

5 Student Notebooks All Spanish students need to keep a 3 ring binder that is divided into 4 sections (entradas, apuntes, actividades, cultura) Early work, Notes, Activities, Culture They should also have colored pencils, glue, scissors and a zipper pouch.

6  Each day’s lesson is typed and displayed as students come in. Class begins with a quick warm up activity (entrada), and students immediately can see the goal for the day and the activities scheduled for that day.  All lessons go into a 3 ring binder marked first year or second year, so that absent students may go and review what was covered on any given day.  Extra worksheets are kept on the shelf near the door.  Each day’s lesson is typed and displayed as students come in. Class begins with a quick warm up activity (entrada), and students immediately can see the goal for the day and the activities scheduled for that day.  All lessons go into a 3 ring binder marked first year or second year, so that absent students may go and review what was covered on any given day.  Extra worksheets are kept on the shelf near the door.

7  There is no penalty for absent work from an excused absence. Students will have a reasonable amount of time to make up work depending on the length of the absence and the nature of the assignment(s).  Students may have the option to resubmit assignments for grade improvement after conferencing with me.

8 Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I value your support!

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