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 Tuesday: Lincoln and Beginning of the War  1 st Inaugural Address  Wednesday: Major battles  Gettysburg Address  Maps  Thursday: The End of the.

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Presentation on theme: " Tuesday: Lincoln and Beginning of the War  1 st Inaugural Address  Wednesday: Major battles  Gettysburg Address  Maps  Thursday: The End of the."— Presentation transcript:


2  Tuesday: Lincoln and Beginning of the War  1 st Inaugural Address  Wednesday: Major battles  Gettysburg Address  Maps  Thursday: The End of the War  Emancipation Proclamation  Friday: Review

3  Friday, 1/23  In-class  After school by appointment  Monday, 1/26  In-class  HOMEWORK CAFÉ TUTORING 3:00-4:00  Tuesday, 1/27  EXAM (1 hour)

4  Non-cumulative  Antebellum/Civil War ONLY  Will count as a ‘Test’ grade  In class Tuesday, 1/27  60 minutes long  Scantron (multiple choice)  Some passage-based

5  In Antebellum America, tensions were mounting…  Kansas-Nebraska Act and Bleeding Kansas  Expansion  conflict over slavery  Lincoln elected 1860  Secession of Southern states  civil-war/american-civil-war- history/videos/us-inches-closer-to-war civil-war/american-civil-war- history/videos/us-inches-closer-to-war

6  Read excerpts of his address: what does he discuss? What is his tone? What is the message?

7  1 st battle of the Civil War  April 12-14, 1861  Claiming this United States fort as their own, the Confederate army opened fire on the federal garrison  Lincoln called on volunteers to suppress this "insurrection"  Result: Four more slave states seceded and joined the Confederacy



10  Lincoln was a newly inaugurated President. One state seceded from the Union soon after he was elected, and the Fort Sumter disaster occurred soon after he was in office. 7 states are currently out of the Union. What do you do?

11  Manifest Destiny  Antebellum  Civil  Secession  Union  Confederacy  Republican Party  Fugitive Slave Act  Fort Sumter

12  Continue to work on History Fair!  Full draft due by the 29 th

13  1862 marked the beginning of more large- scale battles  Most battles occurred in the South or in border states

14  Civil War in 4 minutes  8JZM 8JZM


16  civil-war/battle-of-gettysburg civil-war/battle-of-gettysburg  July 1 st -3 rd, 1863  Gettysburg, Pennsylvania  Confederate General Lee defeated—ending his attempt to invade the North  Nearly 50,000 casualties and losses total  RESULT: Decisive Union victory


18  Naval strategy by Lincoln and the Union to take control of Confederate ports  3,500 miles of Gulf and Atlantic coast  New Orleans, Mobile, and other port cities were slowly blocked from trading

19  May 18 th -July 4 th, 1863  Critical battle for control of the Mississippi  RESULT: Grant (Union general) won the surrounding region and effectively cut off Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi

20  November-December, 1864  Destructive civilian campaign in Georgia  General William T. Sherman led a 300-mile march  RESULT: decisive psychological victory for the Union, destruction of land and property in the South



23 Population:22,300,000 9,100,000 (3.5 million slaves) Factories:110,00018,000 Shipping (tonnage):4,600,000290,000 Workers:1,300,000110,000 Cotton Production:43,000 bales5,344,000 bales Wheat and Corn Production:698,000,000 bushels314,000,000 bushels

24  Emancipation Proclamation (Jan. 1, 1863)  Decisive Union victories (1863: Gettysburg, Vicksburg; 1864: Sherman’s March)  Confederacy running out of supplies  Lincoln re-elected (1864)  Confederacy surrenders (1865)  Lincoln assassinated (1865)

25  Women and slaves took on many home front jobs  Insubordination  Unrest in poor southern communities  Thousands of slaves fled to Union lines


27  Deaths  Home-front suffers (more in the South)  Union victory  Confederacy surrendered  Resources depleted  End of slavery (on paper)

28  units/9/video/ units/9/video/

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