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Colby Lipscomb Product: Film, edit, and produce a documentary entitled “Clayton: Remembering and Making History” about the history of Clayton and how it.

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Presentation on theme: "Colby Lipscomb Product: Film, edit, and produce a documentary entitled “Clayton: Remembering and Making History” about the history of Clayton and how it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colby Lipscomb Product: Film, edit, and produce a documentary entitled “Clayton: Remembering and Making History” about the history of Clayton and how it affects growth.

2 I chose this topic because history is very important to me. I strongly believe that history is important to a growing community. Clayton history and the growth it has experienced over the years is also very interesting and significantly personal to me.

3 Is history important to a growing community? History is an important aspect to any community. Towns across America, including Clayton, are incorporating many historic programs. Help to grow the town economically, its sense of place, and incorporate values and morals.

4 Tourism is a huge part of historic renovations. Civil War Trails Historic Plaques on old buildings Many programs throughout many towns help to incorporate and teach the towns history to tourists and visitors. Also helps people to want to move to towns. Draws in businesses as well

5 People identify more with a town that has a strong and important history. When people learn about their town’s history they are less likely to leave, they feel like they belong in that particular town or place. A common history brings a town together.

6 Remembrance of history brings people together with their local culture. Things like parades, festivals, and other cultural gatherings often have a historic overlook. Traditions and values are more important to a town that cares about its history.

7 I encountered a problem with finding research. Few articles exist solely discussing the importance of history to growth of communities. But there are many examples of towns nationwide, and as I began to dig I uncovered a few solid resources that were very helpful.

8 My major success was writing the paper I enjoy writing of all forms, and so once I had all the research and things I needed to put in the paper I was able to successfully write a good, informative paper very easily.

9 My research was on how history affected communities and their growth. Clayton is my hometown of which I am a ninth generation resident. Clayton is a prime example of a community positively affected by history and growth, but few people know, so I wanted to make a documentary to help the population learn more about Clayton’s history

10 Clayton: Remembering and Making History A Documentary


12 I have learned about Clayton’s history and its growth. Learned about time management and its importance in getting things accomplished. Learned the most about computers and technology. Had trouble with software and editing, but in the end have learned a lot about how to edit and share videos and other media.

13 I will be a history major in college, so this experience will definitely help me with researching and learning history. One of my future goals is to write about history and make documentaries, I have learned a lot about interviewing, recording, and editing which will help me greatly with this.

14 The project was very worthwhile overall I am very proud of my ending product, and I believe it accomplished everything I wanted it to, and I learned a lot about myself and my future.


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