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2 200 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 300 --- --

3 - Which theory of economics was developed by John Baptiste Say? Row 1---100 Question

4 - Row 1---100 Answer

5 - In the theory from Say, how does the market recover from recession? Row 1---200 Question

6 - Row 1---200 Answer

7 - Which economic theory is based on a constant rate of spending in the economy? Row 1---300 Question

8 - Row 1---300 Answer

9 - What is the government’s attempt to stabilize the economy through taxing and spending? Row 1---400 Question

10 - Row 1---400 Answer

11 - What type of policy must someone choose to implement to target a specific area of the country in its taxing and spending? Row 1---500 Question

12 - Row 1---500 Answer

13 - What theory is considered the best way to fight unemployment and inflation together? Row 2---100 Question

14 - Row 2---100 Answer

15 -What theory says that countries should specialize in the items they have the greatest relative efficiency for and import other items? Row 2---200 Question

16 - Row 2---200 Answer

17 Row 2---300 Question - What theory says that countries should specialize in the product they are best at making (or another cannot make) and trade their surplus?

18 - Row 2---300 Answer

19 Row 2---400 Question - What type of tariff is meant to reduce or eliminate a product from a country?

20 - Row 2---400 Answer

21 - What type of tariff is meant to keep American countries from failure? Row 2---500 Question

22 - Row 2---500 Answer

23 - What type of tariff is intended to raise money for the government? Row 3---100 Question

24 - Row 3---100 Answer

25 - What type of balance of trade do we have if we import more than we export? Row 3---200 Question

26 - Row 3---200 Answer

27 - What type of balance of trade do we have if we export more than we import? Row 3---300 Question

28 - Row 3---300 Answer

29 - What do we call the value of one country’s currency in relation to another country’s currency? Row 3---400 Question

30 - Row 3---400 Answer

31 - What do we call a business with a headquarters in one country and does business in one or many others? Row 3---500 Question

32 - Row 3---500 Answer

33 - What type of money has value because the government says it does? Row 4---100 Question

34 - Row 4---100 Answer

35 - What do we call the amount of money available to be spent in an economy? Row 4---200 Question

36 - Row 4---200 Answer

37 - What do we call banking policies to increase the trend of the economy? Row 4---300 Question

38 - Row 4---300 Answer

39 - What do we call actions by the Fed to achieve full employment, stable prices, and economic growth? Row 4---400 Question

40 - Row 4---400 Answer

41 - What do we call a decrease in prices due to an increase in the value of money? Row 4---500 Question

42 - Row 4---500 Answer

43 - What happens to the price if there is no change to the money supply and an increase in production? Row 5---100 Question

44 - Row 5---100 Answer

45 What happens to the price if the money supply increase and production increases at the same rate? Row 5---200 Question

46 - Row 5---200 Answer

47 - What happens to the price if there is a decrease in the money supply and no change to production? Row 5---300 Question

48 - Row 5---300 Answer

49 -What do we call banking policies that reverse the trend of the economy? Row 5---400 Question

50 - Row 5---400 Answer

51 - What do we call the belief that taxes should be paid by people who used the service supported by the tax? Row 5---500 Question

52 - Row 5---500 Answer

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