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Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology 6 NAPLEX Pg. 225.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology 6 NAPLEX Pg. 225."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical and Pharmaceutical Terminology 6 NAPLEX Pg. 225

2 Medical And Pharmaceutical Terminology The knowledge and use of correct terminology is essential and is tested on the NAPLEX ® in several ways. The key to these questions are two basic concepts. 1.Roots, prefixes, and suffixes that will often lead one to understand the correct meaning of an unfamiliar term 2.Understand the concept of the term rather than memorize the exact definition of the word.

3 Roots for Medical Terms Examples RootMeaning Example arthrarthritis gingivagingivitis nephrnephrectomy

4 Roots for Medical Terms Examples RootMeaning Example arthrjointarthritis gingivagingivitis nephrnephrectomy

5 Roots for Medical Terms Examples RootMeaning Example arthrjointarthritis gingivagumgingivitis nephrnephrectomy

6 Roots for Medical Terms Examples RootMeaning Example arthrjointarthritis gingivagumgingivitis nephrkidneynephrectomy

7 Prefixes for Medical Terms PrefixMeaningExample antiantilithic bradybradycardia dysdyspnea endoendocarditis

8 Prefixes for Medical Terms PrefixMeaningExample antiagainstantilithic bradybradycardia dysdyspnea endoendocarditis

9 Prefixes for Medical Terms PrefixMeaningExample antiagainstantilithic bradyslowbradycardia dysdyspnea endoendocarditis

10 Prefixes for Medical Terms PrefixMeaningExample antiagainstantilithic bradyslowbradycardia dyspainful, difficultdyspnea endoendocarditis

11 Prefixes for Medical Terms PrefixMeaningExample antiagainstantilithic bradyslowbradycardia dyspainful, difficultdyspnea endowithin, insideendocarditis

12 Suffixes for Medical Terms SuffixMeaningExample algiacardialgia itisgastritis oscopygastroscopy penialeukopenia

13 Suffixes for Medical Terms SuffixMeaningExample algiapaincardialgia itisgastritis oscopygastroscopy penialeukopenia

14 Suffixes for Medical Terms SuffixMeaningExample algiapaincardialgia itisInflammation ofgastritis oscopygastroscopy penialeukopenia

15 Suffixes for Medical Terms SuffixMeaningExample algiapaincardialgia itisInflammation ofgastritis oscopyinspectiongastroscopy penialeukopenia

16 Suffixes for Medical Terms SuffixMeaningExample algiapaincardialgia itisInflammation ofgastritis oscopyinspectiongastroscopy peniadecrease, deficiency leukopenia

17 Medical Terminology Sound-Alikes or Look-Alikes Use caution Look a the statement or sentence and see if the word fits

18 Pharmaceutical Terminology Examples:  Adsorbate  Material being absorbed  Adsorbent  Material that absorbs another substance  Adsorption  Concentration of a substance onto the surface of a solid

19 PHARMACEUTICAL TERMINOLOGY (cont’d) Another Example:  Antagonist  Drug that reacts with receptors and prevents their normal endogenous activation (e.g., naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist)

20 Official Specifications for Storage Conditions Excessive heat — temperature above 40°C Warm place — temperature between 30 and 40°C Room temperature — temperature prevailing in a working area Controlled room temperature — temperature held between 15 and 30°C Cool place — temperature held between 8 and 15°C (unless otherwise specified, item may be stored in a refrigerator) Cold place — temperature not exceeding 8°C Refrigerator — cold place held between 2 and 8°C Freezer — cold place with temperature held between -10 and -20°C p. 266

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