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90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Purdue University Bringing the Historic Lafayette Farmers Market to Campus.

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Presentation on theme: "90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Purdue University Bringing the Historic Lafayette Farmers Market to Campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Purdue University Bringing the Historic Lafayette Farmers Market to Campus

2 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Your Presenter Doug Sabel, Manager Purchasing Operations

3 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee The Farmers Market

4 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee History The Lafayette Farmers Market has been in operation since 1839. The Free-Press of April 25, 1846, told about action by the Lafayette Town Board to buy a strip of ground 30 feet wide fronting on [what is now Fifth street between Main and Columbia. This would permit widening the public street, already platted as 60 feet side, into a 90-foot space a block long for a "market house" to be built for $936.31.

5 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee More History An 1885 lawsuit contended that in about April 1876 the City of Lafayette had torn down the marketing house as well as the public benches. As a result the marketing activity had stopped and the full 90 feet was being used as a public street.

6 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee More History Then in July 1878, the suit continued, the City Council made the block "a station for unemployed and licensed drays." Drays were horse-drawn wagons, usually transporting freight, unloading or loading freight, or waiting to be loaded. Eventually this transportation hub took on the form of a market for trading fresh farm goods where it remains today.

7 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee The Idea For a Campus Market Michele Wing, Physical Facilities HR Specialist and Employee Wellness Ambassador had the idea of having a Purdue Farmers Market in 2008 Several other universities across the country had markets and reported success Michele proposed the benefit of easy access to fresh fruits and vegetables as part of the university strategic plan for employee wellness and sustainability The market would also support local growers

8 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Political Challenges Would a campus market compete with the downtown market? Would a campus market compete with the West Lafayette Market? Would the market vendors support a campus market?

9 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Campus Issues What is the best day for the market? What is the best time for the market? Where should we locate the market? What traffic and parking? What approvals are needed? Is there a cost and who is paying? Purdue contact person?

10 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Legal Considerations Who owns the Lafayette Farmers Market? How do we contract with the Market vendors? Who inspects for food safety? What is the liability to the university?

11 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Market Day Logistics Location Setup Vendor Setup Vendor Space Assignments Traffic and Parking Market Rules Allowable Products Enforcement

12 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Solutions-Political Issues Greater Lafayette Commerce (GLC) owns the Market In collaboration with GLC we determined that the Purdue Market would be a positive The Purdue Market would not interfere with the Lafayette or West Lafayette Markets The market vendors would support a Purdue Market depending on the day and time.

13 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Solutions-Campus Issues Thursday was the best day From 3PM to 6PM was the best time The Alumni Center parking lot was the best location Needed approvals from Physical Facilities, Parking, Police, Legal Counsel, HR, Food Stores, REM, Risk Management, VP’s Michele Wing, Purdue point of contact

14 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Solutions-Legal Considerations GLC owns the Market Needed a contract for GLC to manage the Purdue Market The vendors contract with GLC GLC established the rules of the Purdue Market in collaboration with Purdue

15 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Solutions-Legal Considerations County Board of Health conducts inspections and issues permits to the vendors Purdue does its own inspection and verifies Board of Health permit GLC requires permits and inspections and keeps records Purdue liability is mitigated through the GLC and vendor contracts

16 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Solutions-Market Day Logistics Location is set up starting on Thursday morning Vendors are allowed in at 1 PM on Thursday Spaces are assigned by the Market Master

17 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Solutions-Market Day Logistics Rules: o No cooking o No pets o No electricity provided o No running water provided o Port a Jons and Port a Sinks provided o No soft drinks (Purdue Coke contract)

18 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Solutions-Market Day Logistics Prohibited products: o Soaps and skin care products o Soft drinks o Beer, wine or other alcohol beverages

19 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Success! Play the video here.

20 90 th Annual Meeting & Exposition April 3 – 6, 2011 Memphis, Tennessee Questions?

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