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ARTICE II, SECTION 4  “The president, vice-president, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and.

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Presentation on theme: "ARTICE II, SECTION 4  “The president, vice-president, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARTICE II, SECTION 4  “The president, vice-president, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

2 IMPEACHMENT/REMOVAL PROCESS  Impeach– Bring formal charges against  Role of the House of Representatives  Requires Majority Vote  Trial– Determine guilt or innocence  Role of the Senate  Requires 2/3 vote

3 IMPEACHMENT IN THE HOUSE 1. Begins with the House Judiciary Committee  Call forth witnesses  Hear testimony  Investigate Evidence 2. Based on Investigation, Judiciary Committee draws up Articles of Impeachment. 3. Entire House of Representatives must now vote on Articles of Impeachment.

4 Senate Trial  Judge– Chief Justice of Supreme Court  Jury– Senators  Prosecuting Attorneys– “House Managers”  Members of the House Judiciary Committee.  Only 8 ever convicted: all federal judges (most recently in 2010)

5 IMPEACHMENT OF JOHNSON  Johnson—  Southern Democrat, (Tennessee)  Pro-Union  Disagreed with Radical Republicans  Violated Tenure of Office Act

6 IMPEACHMENT OF CLINTON  Jan 1998: Paula Jones Sexual Harassment Case  Deposition: Lied about his relationship with Lewinsky  Ken Starr: Investigating Whitewater (Real Estate scandal) – Expanded investigation

7 CLINTON IMPEACHMENT  Aug 1998: Clinton admits he misled the public.  Sept 1998: Starr Report given to Congress  Dec 1998: House approves 2 articles of impeachment

8 IMPEACHMENT VIDEOS  “House Managers to Prosecute the Impeachment of the President” “House Managers to Prosecute the Impeachment of the President”  NBC Learn  After House Impeaches President Clinton, Trial to Convene in Senate After House Impeaches President Clinton, Trial to Convene in Senate  NBC Learn  “Senate Impeachment Trials Has Its Own Set of Rules” “Senate Impeachment Trials Has Its Own Set of Rules”  NBC Learn

9 ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT Johnson Clinton  11 Articles in all  Main Focus: Violating the Tenure of Office Act.  Senate Vote  One vote shy of removal.  Perjury  Obstruction of Justice  Senate Vote  Perjury: 45 votes to convict.  Obstruction of Justice: 50 votes to convict.

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