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Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA UNPAID HOUSEWORK: WOMEN BURDEN MORE Liu Wei National Bureau of Statistics, China ESA/STAT/AC.219/29 1

2 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA A time use survey was carried out by NBS in May 2008, There were 37142 interviewees aged 15-74 years old from 10 provinces. Among which were 19621 urban residents and 17521 rural residents, 18927 female and 18215 male. I. TIME-USE SURVEY IN CHINA, 2008 2

3 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA The Diary Open diary with intervals of 10 minutes was adopted in the survey. The items included: main activity secondary activity location (the means of transportation if in transit) with whom when the activity starts Every respondent was asked to fill in two diaries, one for weekday, and one for weekend day. I. TIME-USE SURVEY IN CHINA, 2008 3

4 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA The Classification of Activities The activity classification for time use in this survey: 9 categories, 61 groups and 113 classes The 9 categories are: 0- Personal activity 1- Formal employment 2- Household primary work 3- Household manufacture and construction work 4- Household service 5- Household domestic work 6- Caring for families and volunteer activity 7- Study 8- Social life and leisure time I. TIME-USE SURVEY IN CHINA, 2008 Caring for families is divided into: 61- Care for Children 62- Care for Adults. 4

5 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA Output Three indicators are used for measuring main activities: Average time Participation rate Average time of participants All indicators are provided by gender Other characteristics are: age, marriage, occupation, education, income and urban/rural I. TIME-USE SURVEY IN CHINA, 2008 5

6 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA I. TIME-USE SURVEY IN CHINA, 2008 Output Main activity: the records of main activity are complete. The result shows that the average time of no activity (no code or no record of activity) are less than 1 minute per diary. Secondary activity: the records of secondary activity are incomplete. Many records were filled with only beginning time, but no ending time. 6

7 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA II. TIME USE: WHO TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CARE Responsibility by Gender In China, women take on most housework. Average time of housework: Women: 4 hours (234 minutes) Men: 1.5 hours (91 minutes) Sources: 2008 time use survey in China 7

8 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA Responsibility by Gender Sources: 2008 time use survey in China II. TIME USE: WHO TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CARE Average Time of Housework ( minute ) Main Activity TotalMaleFemale Total16491234 of which: Cooking6630101 Child-care211131 male = 1 Total2.6 Cooking3.4 Child-care2.8 8

9 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA Responsibility by Gender Female participation of child-care Participation rate: 22 %, The average time of female participants: 137 minutes. Sources: 2008 time use survey in China II. TIME USE: WHO TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CARE More than 1/5 of women engaged in child-care, and on average they spent more than 2 hours on it per day. 9

10 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA II. TIME USE: WHO TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CARE Sources: 2008 time use survey in China The Average Time Use by Distance between Home and Work Place Responsibility by Gender Does this result means that the time spent on child-care is rigid? 10

11 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA Responsibility by Age Time on taking care of child Two segments and two peaks, both for women and for men Women spent more time on child-care than men do. II. TIME USE: WHO TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CARE 11

12 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA Responsibility by Age Practice in China: Women usually give their first birth around 25 years old Husband is normally couple of years older than his wife The age of retire for women is 50-55, for men is 55-60 II. TIME USE: WHO TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CARE Can the result be explained by the practices? 12

13 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA II. TIME USE: WHO TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF CARE Responsibility, Secondary Activity Child-care as Secondary Activity TotalFM Total Records811460262088 Records /per 100 Diary by Age Group 25-347422 35-442914 55-642714 Sources: 2008 time use survey in China 13

14 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA With whom For whom Taking adult-care III. A BRIEF DISCUSSION ON DIARY 14

15 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, 11-13 October, 2010 中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局中华人民共和国国家统计局 NATIONAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF CHINA THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION! 15

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