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Results of Survey on the Mentoring Component: May 2006 Northern Plains Area Dr. Will Blackburn Ms. Barbara King.

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1 Results of Survey on the Mentoring Component: May 2006 Northern Plains Area Dr. Will Blackburn Ms. Barbara King

2 Survey Four versions: –Protégé, 25 questions, 82% return rate –Mentor, 25 questions, 88% return rate –RL of Protégé, 6 questions, 86% return rate –RL of Mentor, 6 questions, 37% return rate Average completion time estimated at less than 15 minutes

3 Survey Results: Protégé 86% reported no conflicting advice between mentor and RL 86% say mentor has been helpful in transition issues 86% say mentor has helped them see ARS as long-term career 72% say their RL is somewhat or very supportive of the mentoring program

4 Results: Protégé, cont’d High rates of satisfaction in discussions with their mentors about: – career planning, ARS structure, ARS research expectations, and collegiality Advice on balancing work and family: – most useful from mentors (72%); –then Location staff (64%); –and lastly RLs (28%) Other location scientists and RLs most useful in helping to develop research plans

5 Results: Protégé, cont’d Pressing concerns included: –administrative duties –Identifying their role at the location/RU/ARS –Preparing the first case report Other comments: –Excellent; worthwhile; wonderful –Post-doc experience with ARS very helpful –Not as helpful due to different research interests

6 Results: Protégé, cont’d Learned of the job vacancy from: –someone at the location – 50% –USA jobs – 29% –Faculty adviser – 7% –other sources – 14% –scientific journals – 0%

7 Results: Mentors ALL have enjoyed their role and nearly all (94%) think they have been very useful to their protégé 94% like the current structure 56% said they have gained new technical knowledge through their protégé 31% said they would like required training

8 Results: Mentors General comments: –Keep it informal –It’s very good – keep it as it is –Different locations and great distances hinder building a strong relationship –Would have liked to have this program 20 years ago –Should include post-docs

9 Results: Protégé RLs 100% have discussed the program with their new SY 75% say the program has been useful 92% are not concerned about their advice conflicting with that of the mentor

10 Survey Results: Protégé RLs General Comments: –Concerned that the mentor has not contacted me –Mentor not that helpful since I am open with the new SY –Seems to be working well –Should be optional –Mentoring is a RL’s job

11 Survey Results: all four groups Mobility: –Majority of mentors and RLs, and 45% of protégés live more than 1000 miles from their home town; Time commitment: –Nearly all protégés, mentors and protégé RLs said that mentoring activities did not take too much time

12 Survey Results: all four groups Who helped in integrating to first ARS worksite: –Protégés: technical and clerical staff and other location scientists most helpful –Mentors: other location scientists most helpful, with technical and clerical staff and RL second most helpful –Protégé RL: RL most helpful, then other location scientists, then clerical, then technical –Mentor RL: Clerical staff, RL, technical staff, and other location scientists all about equally helpful

13 Lessons learned Overall, high satisfaction from protégés and mentors RLs of protégés find the program useful but some resistance exists Expand Mentoring Guides to include a training component for mentors and proteges Investigate ways to improve location and community integration Re-visit recruitment methods AO very satisfied with the program

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