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Migrating from Talis to Alma at The University of Manchester Library Andy Land Digital Systems Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Migrating from Talis to Alma at The University of Manchester Library Andy Land Digital Systems Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migrating from Talis to Alma at The University of Manchester Library Andy Land Digital Systems Manager

2 Introduction The University of Manchester largest single-site university in the UK 40,000 students 10,000 staff The University of Manchester Library one of only five UK National Research Libraries 11 libraries 3 million+ catalogue records Used Talis Alto (now Capita Alto) Alma Early Adopter since 2011 Primo subscriber since 2010

3 Talis – a way of life Talis launched as a product in 1992 by BLCMP, a not-for-profit partnership of which The University of Manchester was a founder member. 1993 Manchester becomes the first University library to install Talis

4 1996 – Manchester, Loughborough University, the University of Greenwich, Kingston University and the University of Derby become amongst the first libraries to mount their catalogue on the WWW Talis – a way of life

5 2013 – 20 th anniversary of Talis in The University of Manchester Library Talis – a way of life

6 “It’s how we do things…”

7 Many services built on what Talis could do or would allow

8 IT infrastructure and support built around needs of the old system

9 Data structure and configuration significantly different

10 It’s a whole new language Patron Fulfilment Hold Request Analytics Audit event CKB Community Zone Resource sharing Fulfilment unit Service unit Vendor Work order

11 Who does what

12 Change is scary! retirement-men-3475060

13 Engaging with the vendor

14 Don’t under-estimate the impact of Primo Primo secondary system 2010-2013 About 500,000 searches on Primo a month but 600,000 on catalogue

15 Usability testing to prepare for move to Alma Work done in partnership with a specialist user experience consultancy User Vision. 24 participants representing various patron groups

16 Key findings The pattern of success and satisfaction did not vary significantly between patron groups but according to the sophistication of the individual’s search techniques

17 3 things you particularly like about Primo

18 3 things you would change

19 Task success impacted by three key factors Logging in to view all search results was an absolute barrier Records from other collections missed FRBRised records not understood by all

20 Visual design bland and can hinder usability Not always clear what is a link Tabs and buttons not easily identifiable Use of low contrast text colours More use of white space

21 Primo issues since Alma go live… Missing records from migration Lack of pre-search scopes Lack of loan history Configuration decisions impacting on Primo functionality - requesting

22 Thank you!

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