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Presentation on theme: " UW Faculty Retention Toolkit Joyce W. Yen, ADVANCE Program/Research Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 UW Faculty Retention Toolkit Joyce W. Yen, ADVANCE Program/Research Manager

2 UW ADVANCE Objectives Conduct research on issues important to UW women faculty in science, engineering, and mathematics (SEM) Undertake institutional transformation to enhance the environment for women faculty in SEM Support participation by and advancement of women in SEM Increase the numbers of women in leadership positions in SEM Focus on the diversity among women in SEM and design programs with this diversity in mind

3 Center for Institutional Change (CIC) Leadership development for current chairs SEM department cultural change Policy transformation Mentoring women in SEM for leadership Transitional Support Program for SEM faculty Visiting Scholars Program

4 University of Washington ADVANCE Departments All College of Engineering departments: Aeronautics & Astronautics Bioengineering Chemical Engineering Civil & Environmental Engineering Computer Science & Engineering Electrical Engineering Industrial Engineering Materials Science & Engineering Mechanical Engineering Technical Communication Nine College of Arts and Sciences departments: Applied Mathematics Astronomy Atmospheric Sciences Biology Chemistry Earth and Space Sciences Mathematics Physics Statistics

5 Faculty Retention Key Ideas Talk to your faculty Transparency – Take out the guess work Supportive networks Professional development opportunities Monitoring equity

6 Talk to your faculty Constructive feedback Mentoring Informal social networks Soliciting comments and feedback from faculty Individual needs of faculty – diversity among faculty

7 Transparency Committee membership rotation Promotion and tenure process Resource access Mentoring

8 Supportive networks Mentoring Connecting to a new community Flexible and accommodating policies and practices Dual career Family leave Tenure clock extensions Transitional support

9 Professional Development Quarterly workshops for assistant professors Professional development consultants Monthly informal lunch for SEM women faculty Create networking and information sharing opportunities (mentoring for leadership lunches) Educate leaders about issues facing women and minority faculty

10 Monitor equity Committee assignments Workload Space allocation Access to information Transparency

11 Faculty Retention Best Practices 1. Systemically monitor decisions 2. Encourage transparency in operations 3. Encourage supportive environment 4. Recognize all contributions 5. Use resources to recruit and retain 6. Recruit and support diverse faculty 7. Offer faculty professional development 8. Advocate flexible and accommodating policies 9. Query faculty

12 Resources UW Faculty Recruitment Toolkit eoo/forms/ftk_01.html eoo/forms/ftk_01.html UW Faculty Retention Toolkit resources/Retention resources/Retention

13 October 2001-September 2006

14 Total Number of Women Faculty

15 Women Faculty by Rank

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