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Middle School Planning Session CMP3: DAY 2 Presented by Karen Cardinali June 12, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Middle School Planning Session CMP3: DAY 2 Presented by Karen Cardinali June 12, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Middle School Planning Session CMP3: DAY 2 Presented by Karen Cardinali June 12, 2013

2 Agenda Share experiences since last session Periodic assessment and Pacing updates Differentiated group work – Unit planning: Teacher’s Place – Examining updated resources: – – – Whole Group share out Reflections/Next steps

3 Since last session

4 PA Program: Overview of Changes In SY 2013-14, there will be significant changes to the PA program Access to Acuity will end this summer New improved supports will be in place for schools A new set of formative assessments Aligned to the core curriculum and state scope and sequences guidance Schoolnet: A new more user-friendly technology platform that includes the ability to Create, administer, and report on formative assessment. (PD July/august) Incorporate other, non-centrally provided assessment and curriculum resources

5 PA: Overview of Available Assessments (k-8) Baseline Assessments: Literacy Assessments Performance Series (can be used multiple times) Common Core Aligned Baseline (Math only) School created or purchased ELL Periodic Assessment Benchmark Assessments Common Core Aligned Benchmark (Math and ELA) Literacy Assessments School created or purchased

6 PA: Grades 3-8 CCLS-aligned Math Baseline assessments will continue to be available with minor revisions over the summer based on educator feedback. New CCLS- aligned Benchmark assessments aligned to Core Curriculum options and state scope and sequence guidance: Math NYCDOE Core Curriculum options 3-5 Go Math Standards Sequence 6-8 CMP3 Standards Sequence NY State Module Standards Sequence for 3-8

7 Scope and Sequence Resources and Toolkits





12 New York City Scope and Sequence for CMP3 Grade 8

13 ments/Resources.htm This document contains a high level scope and sequence for the CMP3 program intended to give teachers an overview of where instructional time will be spent across the year through use of CMP3. It provides a suggested sequence of instruction and assessments including where NYCDOE Periodic Assessments can be used to gauge students’ understanding of concepts and skills taught at benchmark moments throughout the year.

14 Math Benchmark Assessment Overview



17 Scope and Sequence/Pacing An updated curriculum map is available on ENGAGE NY at:

18 Periodic Assessment Support Visit the PA Intranet Site or Central source for all selections information; sign-up links for PD; Selection Tool links; PA Guide and worksheets; presentation materials; examples of assessment reports; assessment blueprints Email ( or call (212-374-5162) with questions

19 Creating a Strategic Curriculum & Assessment Plan Part 1: Identifying and supporting key personnel Note the roles/responsibilities associated with effectively implementing a strategic curriculum and assessment strategy Identify the people in your school that will help lead the work Identify the support they will need to do so effectively Part 2: Planning your structures and calendar Consider your scope and sequence Review the calendar of assessment offered by Periodic Assessment & consider the information about MOSL and relevant timelines Create your strategic curriculum and assessment plan/calendar

20 MOSL Overview: Local Measures Constitute 20% of the Student Learning Measure Rating General Options (specific options will vary based on grade/subject) NYC performance assessments aligned to the Common Core (e.g., research papers)* 3rd party assessments currently used in NYC schools State assessments Group measures based on school-wide growth on assessments Default choice: School-wide growth on assessments Principals can choose the default if either 1) they do not believe it is appropriate to implement the Committee’s recommendation or 2) if the Committee cannot agree. *Where available, must be used for Grades 4-8 ELA and math teachers

21 For access and updates to DASH (Teacher’s Place) go to:

22 Unit Planning Unit Overview Unit Topic and Length CCLS: Content and Mathematical Practices Big Ideas and Essential Questions Balance of the Instructional Shift: Rigor Content/skills Assessments: Initial, Formative, On-Going Checks, Performance Tasks, Summative. ( Student Evidence) Learning Plan and Activities designed to be accessible and responsive to all students. Additional Resources for students and Teachers School Specific additions What aspects of CMP3 are helpful and important to access when Unit planning?

23 Lesson Planning What is the math you want students to walk away with? What standards are being worked on? Workshop model: How will the math be presented? What will students be doing to experience the mathematics, What will be shared at the end of the lesson to push student understanding? What strategies will be used? What misconceptions might students have? How will students be grouped and receive access to the mathematics? What questions will be asked throughout the lesson to move students closer to the instructional outcomes desired? How will you assess student understanding? Homework? Which aspects of CMP3 are helpful and important to address when lesson planning?

24 Share

25 Next Steps

26 Thank you for your participation. Have a great day!

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