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Leadership & Management Ian Govier (Facilitator) …essential yet different!

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership & Management Ian Govier (Facilitator) …essential yet different!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership & Management Ian Govier (Facilitator) …essential yet different!

2 opportunitynowhere

3 The same 5 common themes emerge from each inquiry. Since the inception of the NHS, more than 50 NHS public inquiries have been conducted to address catastrophic failures in patient care. Walshe & Higgins (2002) Disempowerment of staff and patients IsolationIsolation Poor communication Inadequate leadership / management Failure of systems and processes

4 What do I want to ACHIEVE or CHANGE as a result of this workshop? Leading & Managing

5 The Healthcare Leadership & Management Challenge



8 Permanent White Water (Vaill, 1996)


10 The Constants Change Change Choice Choice Principles Principles (Covey, 2006)

11 Leading & Mangement - principles

12 Time for a Break

13 Managers maintain paths Managers maintain paths Administrators tidy paths Administrators tidy paths LEADERS MAKE PATHS!

14 Management (Order & Consistency) Planning / Budgeting Establish agendas Set time tables Allocate resources (Kotter, 1990) Organising / Staffing Provide structure Make job placements Establish rules & procedures Controlling / Problem Solving Develop incentives Generate creative solutions Take corrective action

15 Code of Conduct for NHS Managers Patient-centredPatient-centred AccountableAccountable Performance orientedPerformance oriented Responsive to local needsResponsive to local needs Equal, diverse & values inclusionEqual, diverse & values inclusion Partnership focusedPartnership focused National Assembly for Wales (2006)

16 Leadership (Change & Movement) Establishing Direction Create a vision Clarify big picture big Set strategies (Kotter, 1990) Aligning People Communicate goals Seek commitment Build teams & coalitions Motivating & Inspiring Inspire & energise Empower subordinates Satisfy unmet needs

17 Leadership in the new millennium has comprehensively come of age. Where once leaders were aloof decision-makers, today they need to be dedicated collaborators whose role is to give power to their TEAM rather than wield power to their own ends. Leaders on Leadership– an intimate view of life at the top of Europe plc Leaders on Leadership– an intimate view of life at the top of Europe plc Development Dimensions International (DDI) Research Report, January 2006

18 Let’s consider some leaders!


20 Leadership: The Myths It’s rare It’s found mainly at the top It’s about being superhuman

21 “Lots of ordinary nurses are leaders – it is in the very nature of the job. Good care involves winning your patient’s confidence, convincing them to keep to their treatment regimes and inspiring them to battle their way back to health” (Crouch, 2002) Who are the leaders?

22 Leadership and Performance Outcomes Transformational Leadership has a significantly greater impact than Transactional Leadership on: Staff StaffTeamsOrganisations Source: Bass, B.M. (1998) Transformational Leadership: Military, Industrial & Educational Impact. London:Lawrence Erlbaum

23 Transformational Leadership Leading Self Leading Self Leading Others Leading the Organisation (Alimo-Metcalfe & Alimo-Metcalfe, 2006)

24 Leading Self (Personal Qualities) Being Transparent Acting with Integrity Being Decisive Inspiring Others Resolving Complex Problems

25 Leading Others Showing Genuine Concern Enabling Being Accessible Encouraging Change

26 Leading the Organisation Networking & Achieving Focusing Team Effort Building Shared Vision Supporting a Developmental Culture Facilitating Change Sensitively

27 Let’s Nail It! Leading and Managing – getting the balance right


29 Initiator beginning actions and processes that promote team development and performance Model shaping behaviour and performance that reflects the expectations set for the team Coach serving as counsellor, mentor and tutor to help team members improve performance The 3 important roles of a Team Leader

30 Final Thoughts Final Thoughts

31 The Constants Change Change Principles Principles Choice Choice (Covey, 2006)

32 If we always do what we’ve always done… …we’ll always get what we’ve always got!

33 What am I (are we) going to do differently after today?

34 …I’ll probably do nothing about it! If I do nothing about it in 24 hours…

35 The ‘Trim Tab’ effect

36 ‘Trim Tab’ HMS Bro Morgannwg


38 and finally…

39 We do not lead by being corporate, professional or institutional.

40 Thank You Diolch Website:

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