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VITA This Presentation is designed to: Assist you in completing simple State of California Tax Returns. Provide a reference while using TaxWise software.

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Presentation on theme: "VITA This Presentation is designed to: Assist you in completing simple State of California Tax Returns. Provide a reference while using TaxWise software."— Presentation transcript:

1 VITA This Presentation is designed to: Assist you in completing simple State of California Tax Returns. Provide a reference while using TaxWise software. For tax law information please consult FTB 5130, Volunteer Reference Manual, or the 540 Booklet.

2 540 Booklet Publication 1001 – California Adjustments Publication 1005 – Pension and Annuity Guidelines Publication 1540 – California Head of Household

3 2014 Changes Exemption Credit Amount Increase $108 for personal $333 for dependents Review Child & Dependent Care Expense and Renter’s Credits are Non-Refundable

4 Let’s Begin!

5 Let’s Look at TaxWise

6 In the State Information Section, full year resident box, set CA as the default state. Required Field for Direct Deposit

7 Use 999999 when State ID number box is blank. SDI is often found in Box 14 of the form W-2. Enter SDI amounts in boxes 19 and 20.

8 Check to change social security and Medi- care income and tax amounts. Check to change the amount of state wages. Make sure to mark who the W-2 belongs to

9 AND NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS! Most California tax information flows automatically from the federal return.

10 When does TaxWise need your input? Let’s look at the most frequently used screens.

11 Renter’s Credit

12 Forms may be added or taken away from the return using this tool bar

13 Every question on this form helps the software correctly calculate the Renter’s Credit.

14 The renter’s credit amount on the worksheet may differ from the amount on the return. Why?

15 Child and Dependent Care

16 Do we “Get the red out?” Why is this important? The state form requires unearned income information.

17 Interest

18 Enter bank information on the Interest Statement for correct flow through in TaxWise.

19 Did the software tax the correct income for California? This form tells the tale.

20 HOH Filing Status

21 When filing a HOH return, the HOH Schedule is a required form for electronic filing

22 HOH Schedule page 2

23 Refunds


25 Give the California 8879 form to the taxpayer to keep with their records.

26 1. In order to create an e-file, there must be no errors in red under the Errors Heading 2. The “create e-file” button is not available until all the errors have been fixed. 1 2

27 Etc. Use Tax Voluntary Contributions

28 Where do I get help? Volunteer Hotline – 1.800.522.5665 Operating hours – Monday thru Friday 8 A.M. until 4:00 P.M.

29 Questions?

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