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Solving Human Created Problems – potential motivation for your educational efforts.

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Presentation on theme: "Solving Human Created Problems – potential motivation for your educational efforts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solving Human Created Problems – potential motivation for your educational efforts.

2 US population Graph

3 World population Graph

4 Knowledge

5 Knowledge

6 Gini Coefficient

7 Prison Population

8 National Debt


10 1950 2010 Fig. 28. Water availability by natural-economic regions of the world: 1950 - 2025. Thousand Cubic Meters per year per capita

11 Climate Change

12 Marine Fisheries

13 Future generations need this generation (YOU) to understand the current situation and develop solutions. This requires the ability to think critically and to do that requires training in a variety of disciplines including mathematics.

14 Other, more personal motivators You chose to attend college to gain knowledge. It is taking your time and costing you money. The ability to reason quantitatively is beneficial in our technological world. Getting a job to support your family is very competitive. What would make someone hire a person with insufficient mathematical skills or work ethic when there are plenty of people with the skills and willingness to work?

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