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 Please copy and answer the following 3 questions (you may abbreviate or re-phrase the question, but do include the question with your answer:  1. What.

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Presentation on theme: " Please copy and answer the following 3 questions (you may abbreviate or re-phrase the question, but do include the question with your answer:  1. What."— Presentation transcript:

1  Please copy and answer the following 3 questions (you may abbreviate or re-phrase the question, but do include the question with your answer:  1. What year was the International Congress in Milan Italy?  2. What was decided at this event?  3. What method took over Deaf Education after this meeting (this also caused many Deaf residential schools to close and fire Deaf teachers across the country)?  *Answers posted in a minute…

2  Please copy and answer the following 3 questions (you may abbreviate or re-phrase the question, but do include the question with your answer:  1. What year was the International Congress in Milan Italy? 1880  2. What was decided at this event? To ban the use of signs, no signing allowed  3. What method took over Deaf Education after this meeting (this also caused many Deaf residential schools to close and fire Deaf teachers across the country)? Oralism

3 Please get a copy of the Syllabus, the Treasure Hunt, and the ASL Contract per person. If your parent came last night to Meet the Teacher, see if I have your contract already here and ready for you to sign ASL contract: worth a daily grade!


5  You will each need one copy of the Syllabus, the Treasure Hunt, and an ASL Contract (if your parent came last night to Meet the Teacher, see if I have your contract already signed by your parent and ready for you to sign ).  ASL contract: worth a daily grade!

6  Today: Spread out, sit anywhere.  Last minute study/questions.  Culture/Grammar review test (written).  ASL Club information and float for Homecoming- hand prints

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