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Important Points  Must be for Physical Rehabilitation  Cannot be for more than $10,000  Recipients must be a 501 (c) (3) organization or have a fiscal.

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Presentation on theme: "Important Points  Must be for Physical Rehabilitation  Cannot be for more than $10,000  Recipients must be a 501 (c) (3) organization or have a fiscal."— Presentation transcript:



3 Important Points  Must be for Physical Rehabilitation  Cannot be for more than $10,000  Recipients must be a 501 (c) (3) organization or have a fiscal sponsor  Will need your EIN/Tax ID Number on the initial application page early in the process.

4 Common Mistakes  Make sure you spell and grammar check.  Make sure your budget numbers add up.  Save, print out, and have someone review the document before submission.  Be thorough in your narratives.

5 Elks Mission  Review the following websites     Understand our mission and how it might relate to your organization and the rehabilitation project you are applying for.

6 Application Process  Go to:    Complete the application  Submit the application by Noon August 31, 2015  Awards will be publically announced in early November

7 Application Details


9 Organization and Contact Information  Organization Information  Organization Name:  Street Address:  City, State, Postal code:  Organization email:  Organization website URL:  Project Manager Contact Information  Project manager name:  Project manager phone number:  Project manager email address:  Board of Director’s name:  Board of Director’s phone number:  Board of Director’s email address:  Organization Tax Identification number:

10 Project Information  What is the name of the grant project?  Amount Requested*  A Community Rehab Grant request may be between $1,000 and $10,000. How much money are you requesting for this grant? $$  Is your organization a 501 (c) (3) as designated by the IRS?  No __X______ Yes ________  If your organization is a 501 (c) (3), please scan and insert your IRS tax determination letter.

11 Fiscal Sponsor Information  If your organization does not have 501 (c) (3) designation, do you have a fiscal sponsor?  No ___________  Yes ___________  If you do have a fiscal sponsor, then please provide the following information: Fiscal sponsor's name, tax identification number, physical address and the email address of their main contact.  Sponsor’s Name:  Tax ID  Address  Email Address  If you have a fiscal sponsor, please insert below their IRS tax determination letter here.

12 Abstract  Must be 200 words or less  Describe the project and how it benefits people with a physical disability in your local community,  Save your Document

13 Community Needs  Identify the community need this project will address and how your organization determined the need for the project. Include objective data if available.  Did you discuss this project with Idaho Elks Rehab or local Elks leadership in your area?  No ______________  We have no local Elks Lodge in our community. _________  Yes ______________  Did you discuss this project with other groups, organizations and individuals in your community?  No ________  We plan to complete the project ourselves. _________  Yes ________

14 Physical Disability Question  Does your project improve the functional ability of people with a physical disability in your community and help them be more active and independent?  Grant requests for projects that do not focus on improving the functional ability of people with a physical disability will be denied. Please contact the Administrator of Idaho Elks Rehab if you have questions about this grant requirement.  No ___________  Yes ____________

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