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Black = Manual (process or data import) Blue = Electronic (process, data import or software) Purple = Design iteration loop Dotted = Partially implemented.

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Presentation on theme: "Black = Manual (process or data import) Blue = Electronic (process, data import or software) Purple = Design iteration loop Dotted = Partially implemented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Black = Manual (process or data import) Blue = Electronic (process, data import or software) Purple = Design iteration loop Dotted = Partially implemented Target Process: DMJ [DRAFT] Neutron Concept Particle Analysis FLUKA, MARS, MCNPX Thermo-mechanical Analysis ANSYS, COSMOS, CFD etc. Re-evaluate Concept Model Analysis New Concept Refinement Completed Design Preliminary CAD Design PRO-Engineer, SolidEDGE, etc. Neutron Beamline Physics Requirements, Materials, Site Constraints Geometry Energy Deposition Geometry (flow channels)

2 Target Process: SJB (guesswork) FLUKA Beam spec ANSYS Thermal, Mechanical Engineering CAD Design PRO-Engineer, SolidEDGE, etc. Neutron Beamline Physics Requirements Energy Deposition Neutron Production Maximum temperatures Materials Data ANSYS CFD Building Blueprints / Site Layout Database? Build... (Experiments) Black = Manual (process or data import) Blue = Electronic (process, data import or software) Purple = Design iteration loop (not all shown) Dotted = Partially implemented or Particle Distribution Neutron Beamline Code? MARS MCNPX

3 Target Process: combine DMJ+SJB Neutron Advice on Target and Moderator Shapes Proton Beam specification Engineering CAD Design PRO-Engineer, SolidEDGE, etc. Neutron Beamline Physics Requirements Energy Deposition Neutron Production Maximum temperatures Building Blueprints / Site Layout Database? Build... Black = Manual (process or data import) Blue = Electronic (process, data import or software) Design iteration loops not shown for clarity Dotted = Partially implemented Neutron Beamline Code? MARS or FLUKA MCNPX Thermo- mechanical Analysis ANSYS, COSMOS, CFD etc. or Particle Distribution Preliminary CAD Design PRO-Engineer, SolidEDGE, etc. Site constraints Materials Data (Experiments) Geometry (flow channels)

4 Notes on Automated Design If an iteration loop surrounds an area that is solid blue, automated optimisation is possible I’ve tried this with: – MARS in my IPAC’10 paper – Tracking code in the Muon1 project FETS has an automated process – RFQ design code  AutoCAD  CST  GPT Target case maybe harder (MARS+ANSYS?)

5 IPAC’10 NF Target Optimisation

6 Muon1 Project On each user’s machine:

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