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The Sorceress and Client. Basics c. 100BC Place – Villa of Cicero, country house outside Pompeii Another mosaic of similar size and style found in same.

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Presentation on theme: "The Sorceress and Client. Basics c. 100BC Place – Villa of Cicero, country house outside Pompeii Another mosaic of similar size and style found in same."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Sorceress and Client


3 Basics c. 100BC Place – Villa of Cicero, country house outside Pompeii Another mosaic of similar size and style found in same house Signed by Dioscurides of Samos – maker of mosaic or painter of original work from which it is copied Emblema measures 45cm in height and 36 cm in width Street musicians is 48 cm high and 46cm wide

4 Content – General Impression Two women – clients reciting ritual together with sorceress Older woman – witch or sorceress making a potion of some kind for two clients Table and chairs on platform Three stairs The three women are wearing theatrical masks Young boy

5 BUT! Similarities between the two mosaics and those found in Mytilene in W. Turkey, suggest scenes derive from paintings depicting scenes from the comedies of Menander Greek playwright of the second half of fourth century BC Enough similarities in content to suggest link to one of Menander’s plays “Women at Breakfast” (Synaristosai)

6 This means: Pythias Pythias’ mother, Philainis. Complaining about something? Perhaps the quality of her wine Both visiting young woman named Plangon

7 Style – attempt to create depth and space Three horizontal steps Horizontal bands. Black, green and red. Artists signature in middle band Three overlapping vertical bands. Black, grey and yellow Positioning of table in middle to suggest women beside and behind it Objects and pattern on table to suggest horizontal surface Highlighting of clothing to suggest she is nearer the light Figures are somewhat flattened by rigidity of vertical and horizontal bands, nor are they given depth by an juxtaposed or contrasting objects on the monochrome wall behind them

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