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Are there benefits from any type of alcohol???.

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1 Are there benefits from any type of alcohol???


3 RED WINE PROS According to the video red wine decreases the risk of heart disease It also prevents weight gain, however, only for people who have healthy lifestyles Red wine drinkers tend to be more active and be more fit with going to the gym regularly Raises HDL (Good cholesterol) Helps the digestive tract

4 Red wine cons  Increases risk of breast cancer  Empty calories  Dehydration  Interacts with medication  Over-consumption

5 RISKS OF ALCOHOL ABUSE Weight gain Heart disease Heart attacks Vomiting Vision impairment Judgment is off Liver damage Hangovers Dizziness

6 Alternatives to red wine for health benefits  Grapefruit/grapefruit juice  Pomegranate juice  Grapes

7 Cheers, Ladies! A Drink A Day May Keep the Pounds Away  Heading misleading  This article is saying to be cautioned against recommendations for drinking alcohol as a weight control measure.  In other words do not listen to everything this lady in the video has to say.  This doesn’t work for everyone.  Mentions alternatives briefly

8 Another Look  “Though some studies suggest consumption of red wine lowers the risk for heart disease, most doctors recommend minimizing alcohol consumption overall because of other health risks (such as liver disease). Foods that are high in the B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin E contain natural antioxidants that help counter the destructive consequences of accumulated metabolic waste (oxidants).”

9 References  "cardiovascular disease prevention." The Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine. New York: Facts On File, Inc., 2006. Health Reference Center. Facts On File, Inc. 48&SID=5&iPin= EHM1485&SingleRecord=True (accessed March 11, 2010).  -fight-weight-gain-women-study- suggests/story?id=10049702

10 J curve

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