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WelcomeWelcome Animal Science II- Small Animal Care.

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Presentation on theme: "WelcomeWelcome Animal Science II- Small Animal Care."— Presentation transcript:

1 WelcomeWelcome Animal Science II- Small Animal Care

2 Why Small Animal Care? It has been estimated that there are 64 million American homes that have pets. (That’s over 60% of homes.) 78 million cats 65 million dogs 192 million fish 40 million birds 13 million small animals 8 million reptiles

3 It all Adds up! Thousands of jobs are related to small animal care. About $32 billion dollars input into the national economy. Veterinary expenses = $11 billion Dogs require the most vet care Pet food manufacturers produce $9.0 billion in sales

4 Benefits Parents view small animal ownership as way for children to learn responsibility and social skills. Elderly benefit from improved quality of life and companionship.

5 Benefits… Pet therapy…assists patients in overcoming illnesses, improve vital signs, relieve depression, and provide a better quality of life for senior citizens and disabled

6 Uses of animals in society… Dogs are useful as watch dogs, police dogs, & seeing eye dogs. Valuable means of testing new products such as drugs and vaccines. (Hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus, and polio vaccines were perfected through small animal research)

7 Entertainment Animals used in petting zoos, circus, parks, etc. increases an appreciation of animals.

8 Did you Know??? Americans spend about $20.3 Billion annually on their pets. 10,000-11,000 retail pets stores produce over $21 billion in sales Biomedical research uses over 65 million small animals 6 million are used in educational facilities

9 Whatever your career choice … Odds are very high that at some time in your life you are going to be responsible for a companion animal. The goal of this course is to teach you how to better take care of your animal so that it is healthy, happy, & well-adjusted. (And to make your animal oriented decisions based on fact not opinion) Course Justification

10 Possible Futures for You: Did you know that people… ___ spent hundreds of dollars on vet care ___ spent thousands on food and toys ___ talk to their pet as if it were a human ___ great their pet before they great their “human family”
















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