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Vocabulary Week of May 23 By Deborah Andrews pd. 2.

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1 Vocabulary Week of May 23 By Deborah Andrews pd. 2

2 Perfunctory Emily sat in her Biology class, with a perfunctory expression painted upon her face, as she waited in an agonizing silence for the lesson to come to an end. Perfunctory – adj. - automatic, unthinking Synonyms: careless, boredom, unaware, unconcerned

3 Meticulous Frank’s obsessive compulsive disorder was so extreme, that he became accustomed to meticulously cutting his grass to an exact length. Meticulous- adj.- taking extreme care about minute details Synonyms: precise, thorough, exact

4 Lament After discovering her little miracle was diagnosed with cancer, Betsy lamented her five year old son, who was oblivious to what was occurring inside of his body. Lament- to express grief for or about Synonyms: mourn, hurt, wail, weep, sorrow, etc.

5 Paraphernalia While walking through The Deb shop at the mall, you can find a copious amount of paraphernalia necessary for proms, semi-formals, and other dances. Paraphernalia- noun- furnishing used in or necessary for a particular activity Synonyms: equipment, apparatus, gear

6 Despotic Adolf Hitler was considered a very racist, despotic, human being, who believed that there was a perfect race, which only contained people with blonde hair and blue eyes. Despotic- adj.- tyrannical, oppressive Synonyms: absolute

7 Tangible After Amelia was rejected by her crush and best friend, Charlie, the awkward silence was so thick in the air, it was almost tangible. Tangible- adj- capable of being touched Synonyms: actual, perceptible, real, concrete

8 Sensuous Sensuous- adj.- gratifying to senses Synonyms: luxurious, lush, passionate, attractive It was his sensuous touch, the look in his eyes, and the words he had just spoken, that made her first kiss perfect.

9 Prima Donna Prima donna- adj.- indicating the most important performer or role Synonyms: Diva, the lead Some celebrities seem very genuine, caring, and good in public; however, when out of plain sight, they are spoiled prima donnas.

10 Garrulous Garrulous- adj.- excessively talkative Synonyms: wordy, chattering, mouthy, “motor mouth”, etc. Tiffany was unable to pay any attention towards the movie because Alicia, her garrulous best friend, could not refrain from speaking about her boyfriend.

11 Syntax Syntax- the way in which words are arranged Synonyms: arrangement, order, pattern, structure, etc. Mr. Abrams, the Honors English 9 teacher, seems to become annoyed over our improper syntax errors, so he finds in them our essays and has us fix them on the spot.

12 Sagacity Sagacity- noun- wisdom Synonyms: clear thinking, common sense, enlightenment The author of the novel Animal Farm held a lot of sagacity when he stated that power creates evil in a person.

13 Ravenous The thirst for human blood that newborn vampires have is so unquenchable, that it makes each soulless leach obtain a ravenous appetite, and leads to a gruesome, horrifying bloodbath. Ravenous- adj.- extremely hungry, extremely rapacious, intensely eager for satisfaction Synonyms: famished, voracious

14 Parsimonious In the classic movie A Christmas Carol, an old, parsimonious man refuses to give his workers the holidays off, and is taken to different periods of time to show how his greed affects life. Parsimonious- adj.- penny-pinching, fugal Synonyms: stingy, greedy

15 Virulent In the famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, Romeo sacrifices his life by drinking a virulent poison, so he can join his fair maiden in the afterlife. Virulent- adj.- highly deadly Synonyms: dangerous, lethal

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