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Strasbourg 1996 Waste Convention Hans van der Werf Commission Centrale pour la navigation du Rhin COMMISSION CENTRALE POUR LA NAVIGATION DU RHIN.

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Presentation on theme: "Strasbourg 1996 Waste Convention Hans van der Werf Commission Centrale pour la navigation du Rhin COMMISSION CENTRALE POUR LA NAVIGATION DU RHIN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strasbourg 1996 Waste Convention Hans van der Werf Commission Centrale pour la navigation du Rhin COMMISSION CENTRALE POUR LA NAVIGATION DU RHIN

2 IWT Ecological profile


4 International instrument Convention on the collection, deposit and receipt of waste produced during navigation on the Rhine and on inland waterways Strasbourg, 9 September 1996 Entry into force (expected): autumn 2009

5 Geographical area of application Germany, Netherlands, Belgium: entire IW-network Germany, Netherlands, Belgium: entire IW-network France: Rhine, canalized Moselle (Metz)France: Rhine, canalized Moselle (Metz) Switzerland: Rhine up to BirsfeldenSwitzerland: Rhine up to Birsfelden

6 Origin of the Convention Waste oils and bilge water Cargo residues Sewage Garbage and generic wastes Changes regarding the treatment of wastes:


8 Structure Physical canalisation of waste disposal towards specialised facilities Sharing of charges (including financial) Specific arrangements for financing the disposal and treatment of waste oils Administrative follow up

9 Waste treatment PART A: Wastes resulting from the propulsion of the vessel (engine room ) PART B: Wastes resulting from the transport of goods PART C: Specific and generic wastes


11 Cargo part B Cargo part B Reintegration of cargo residues into the stocks Different levels of unloading and cleaning of cargoholds Shared responsabilities in the transport chain (shipper, terminal, barge operator) Principles of the legal framework


13 Waste oils and bilge water Quantities Number of barges concerned 7,000 Annual waste volume: - bilge water - bilge water - oils - oils - greases - greases 30,000 t 5,000 t 180 t Number of operational reception facilities (2008) Ca 60 Estimated annual costs 2007 (CH,DE,NL,BE) 7.5 mio €


15 Indirect charging Safety principle Safety principle ‘free’ disposal ‘free’ disposal PP – principle shipping industry pays shipping industry pays Base for charging hypothesis: relationship between fuel consumption and waste production hypothesis: relationship between fuel consumption and waste production Single international tariff 1 year: 7.50 €/k l gasoil 1 year: 7.50 €/k l gasoil International clearing


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