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Cornwall Biosciences Dr Andrew Pye. “When you have questions about your module/course, who are you most likely to approach for help?” It was clear from.

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Presentation on theme: "Cornwall Biosciences Dr Andrew Pye. “When you have questions about your module/course, who are you most likely to approach for help?” It was clear from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cornwall Biosciences Dr Andrew Pye

2 “When you have questions about your module/course, who are you most likely to approach for help?” It was clear from their response that peers are already an important source of help for our students.

3 What is Peer Coaching? First year ug’s in tutor groups of 12. Pair of 2 nd years + Pair of PhD students. Weekly, timetabled, rooms booked. Students discuss issues around induction E.g. Referencing, finding resources. Module leaders supply formative work. Groups discussion on FACEBOOK.

4 Social/Pastoral: Icebreakers/team development. Student life queries. Common mistakes. What to expect in the 2 nd year. Module choices. Key Skills: Referencing and associated software. PhD talk about research and further study. Essay preparation and planning (for coursework and essay exams). Employability: Volunteering opportunities and guidance. CV writing, identifying missing experiences. Discipline specific support: Useful books. General discussion of problems from modules. Journal discussion. Animal/Plant ID walks. Genetics and Microbiology module specific support. Quiz/revision games. Peer Coaching Topics?

5 Peer Coaching this year. Biosciences Cornwall. Training packs created. 48 leaders trained. 141 undergraduate students. 12 groups meeting weekly. Timetabled. Pizza provided in first meeting. Fortnightly group leaders forum meetings. Prizes at end of year for leaders and groups.

6 Peer Coaching Pitfalls? Time of year – catch them early. Timetabling- a minefield. Silence – the power of icebreakers. Freedom vs. rigidly of structure. When do you train? Inappropriate behaviour. Confidentiality. Staff workload.

7 Peer Coaching Benefits? Undergraduates support. Leaders develop CVs. Materials for next year. Pastoral support. Create a culture of peer learning.

8 Peer Coaching Pilot? 77% Would recommend to a friend. 91% Sessions were ‘relaxed & comfortable’. 95% Covered what they wanted. 100% Leaders were friendly & approachable.

9 Peer Coaching Sponsors. PLTLIS £14,761 – Pilot project £6,100 – 3 years funding for project sustainability. Peer Led Team Learning International Society - International dissemination of good practice

10 Peer Coaching for you? Positive effect on students. Access to our training packs and resources. We have already made a lot of the mistakes. Experiences shared. Links with PLTLIS, PASS, PAL. Dr Andrew Pye

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