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J.P.Delahaye ACE 16-01-08 1 CLIC A dvisory C ommitte E (ACE) Introduction to the CLIC Advisory Committee meeting (16-18/01/08) CLIC status, developments.

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1 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 1 CLIC A dvisory C ommitte E (ACE) Introduction to the CLIC Advisory Committee meeting (16-18/01/08) CLIC status, developments from last ACE meeting J.P.Delahaye for The Compact LInear Collider (CLIC) Study Team

2 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 2 Outline Welcome and organisation Reminder of mandate and previous meetings Follow-up of ACE’s recommendations Evolution of main parameters (Nom and low(er) Energ) Progress of CTF3 CLIC Workshop From R&D towards Project Oriented Management Conclusion

3 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 3 Thanks to participants of first meeting: M.Huening/DESY A.Mosnier/CEA T.Raubenheimer/SLAC (Chair) V.Shiltsev/FNAL Welcome the one who could not participate last time: L.Evans/CERN T.Shintake/Riken Welcome to new members P.Raimondi/ INFN N.Toge/KEK Any organisational or administrative issues: Sonia (164454) Welcome

4 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 4 CLIC Advisory Committee Mandate (Link)Link

5 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 5 Documentation ACE site: Improvements suggestions welcome (useful doc? Public?) General documentation about the CLIC study: CLIC scheme description: CLIC Physics CLIC Test Facility: CTF3 CLIC technological challenges

6 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 6 Specific to this meeting Agenda: focused on RF structures: Mandate: Review and assess R&D programme of RF Structures (Accel. And PETS) towards demonstration of fully equipped structures with nominal parameters by 2010 This room reserved for the Committee up to Friday night Coffee breaks here (Committee and Speakers) Lunches in CERN Main Cafeteria (tickets provided to Committee) Dinner to-morrow in Glass Box (Main Cafeteria): (Committee and Speakers) Report on ACE’s findings and recommendations by chairman to CLIC/CTF3 collaboration Board on January 24

7 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 7 First ACE meeting (22-26/06/07) Specific Mandate (Link)Link The first CLIC-ACE meeting is mainly devoted to an introduction of the committee members to the present status and future plans of the CLIC study, via an extensive overview of the various aspects of the CLIC study, especially the CLIC design and plans to address the major key issues, demonstrate the feasibility of the CLIC technology and prepare a conceptual design report by 2010. A nalysis and specific recommendations by the committee concerning the following (non-exhaustive list of) subjects, would be greatly appreciated: CLIC scheme and (new parameters). major key-issues to be addressed before the CLIC technology can be considered feasible. work programme to address the various key issues. adequation of (Material & man-power) resources (incl. external collaborations) to the work prog. ACE report : Presentation Tor to CLIC/CTF3 collaboration Board: Presentation ACE conclusions/recommendations to SPC: (Link)Link Minutes and conclusion SPC: The Scientific Policy Committee took note of the reports and welcomed the setting up of the CLIC Advisory Committee. Noting the good progress on CLIC, the SPC underlined that many challenges were still to be overcome.

8 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 8

9 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 9 Final ACE Comments Very impressed with CLIC effort Large amount of progress over the last decade Has the potential to offer a real path to multi-TeV e+/e- LC CTF3 will demonstrate most of the critical issues Potential to create an 800 MeV test linac using CTF3 TBL – Clearly needed for TDR but likely possible well before Like to have the next meeting focused on the structure and PETS development program Dates TBD but probably January Excellent presentations Thanks to all participants (extra thanks to Sonia!)

10 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 10 Summary of ACE’s recommendations about structures and PETS: Additional tests to benchmark P/c scaling law Tests pieces of CLIC structures Do not mix fabrication, damping & gradient issues Test of quadrant separate from gradient Develop tests (separate from gradient issues) to validate choices Develop a detailed structure development & test program Fabrication and testing schedule with milestones and decision points Focus on separate issues (gradient, damping. Cost) Develop a PETS test program (including Petsonof) similar to the one on structures Maximise the tests facilities: Take advantage as much as possible of SLAC and KEK existing facilities - invite FNAL to participate Strong support to 12 GHz power test stand Evolve from R&D towards project management (Major subject of this meeting: Alexej, Igor, Steffen, Walter, and co )

11 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 11 Collaboration with SLAC Structure fabrication Structure (Accel & PETS) tests on Test Facilities (NLCTA) Providing design of RF components Developing and fabricating X band components: (Klystrons)

12 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 12 SLAC collaboration on Klystrons Decision by Finance Committee (Dec 07) to order SLAC (586k$): Devel of 12 GHz Klystron (50 MW, 1.5  s, 50 Hz) Fab. 1 Klystron for CERN Offer based on 3 Klystrons (PSI, Trieste, LNF) Availability Spring 09

13 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 13 A 12 GHz stand alone power source @ CERN 12 GHz power source: common interest with PSI, INFN-Frascati & Trieste In parallel with power tests in CLEX Operating April 09 Independent 24/7 testing with fast turn around Variable pulse length High repetition rate Easier to operate Derived from NLC 11.4 GHz klystron

14 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 14 Collaboration with KEK

15 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 15 Collab with FNAL FNAL expertise on fabrication of RF structures strongly appreciated Informal contacts with FNAL experts (S.Holmes, Y2K) who expressed interest but did not provide too much hope on possible formal agreement: FNAL future focused on ILC and/or project X Lack of extra resources Recent invitation to present CLIC at FNAL with strong support of P.Oddone Suggestions & support of ACE welcome

16 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 16 Summary of ACE’s recommendations about parameters Strong support to change of parameters 100 MV/m and 12 GHz Coherent set of parameters Concerned with long RF pulse, tight tolerances and low emittances Second iteration of coherent set of parameters Adapt optimum structure to low charge and wake field Aim for short(er) RF pulse length Suggest staged approach to 3 TeV Low energy (500 GeV? 1 TeV?) with ATF emittances and NLC tolerances Range of performances with more challenging parameters

17 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 17 Optimization constraints (A.Grudiev and D.Schulte) Beam dynamics (BD) constraints based on the simulation of the main linac, BDS and beam-beam collision at the IP updated: N – bunch population depends on / λ, Δa/, f and because of short-range wakes N s – bunch separation depends on the long-range dipole wake and is determined by the condition: W t,2 · N / E a < 10 V/pC/mm/m · 4x10 9 / 150 MV/m RF breakdown and pulsed surface heating (rf) constraints: Δ T max (H surf max, t p ) < 36 and 60 K E surf max < 220, 260 and 300 MV/m P in t p 1/3 /C in = 18 MW·ns 1/3 /mm @ X-band

18 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 18 Parameters of old and new structures (A.Grudiev) StructureCLIC_CCLIC_DCLIC_ECLIC_FCLIC_HCLIC_G Frequency: f [GHz]12 Average iris radius/wavelength: /λ0.12 0.110.1450.11 Input/Output iris radii: a 1, 2 [mm]3.87, 2.13 3.50, 1.993.88, 3.393.41, 2.093.15, 2.35 Input/Output iris thickness: d 1, 2 [mm]2.66, 0.83 2.33, 0.832.83, 2.662.83, 0.831.67, 1.00 Group velocity: v g (1,2) /c [%]2.39, 0.65 1.88, 0.512.25, 1.471.42, 0.611.70, 0.84 N. of reg. cells, str. length: N c, l [mm]24, 229 Bunch separation: N s [rf cycles]8661366 Number of bunches in a train: N b 31132351050422312 Pulse length, rise time: τ p, τ r [ns]297, 30251, 30372, 41104, 11324, 33240, 22 Input power: P in [MW]64.669.857.810259.763.9 Max. surface field: E surf max [MV/m]298310285220259258 Max. temperature rise: ΔT max [K]565359315636 Efficiency: η [%]23.827.029.213.427.826.3 Luminosity per bunch X-ing: L b× [m -2 ]1.3×10 34 1.08×10 34 2.2×10 34 1.13×10 34 1.22×10 34 Bunch population: N4.0×10 9 3.35×10 9 7.8×10 9 3.47×10 9 3.72×10 9 Figure of merit: ηL b× /N [a.u.] June 2007Dec 2007

19 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 19 Evolution of CLIC parameters @ 3 TeV

20 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 20 e + injector, 2.4 GeV e - injector 2.4 GeV CLIC overall layout 3 TeV e + main linac e - main linac, 12 GHz, 100 MV/m, 21 km BC2 BC1 e + DR 365m e - DR 365m booster linac, 9 GeV, 2 GHz decelerator, 24 sectors of 868 m IP1 BDS 2.75 km BDS 2.75 km 48 km drive beam accelerator 2.37 GeV, 1.0 GHz combiner rings Circumferences delay loop 80.3 m CR1 160.6 m CR2 481.8 m CR1 CR2 delay loop 326 klystrons 33 MW, 139  s 1 km CR2 delay loop drive beam accelerator 2.37 GeV, 1.0 GHz 326 klystrons 33 MW, 139  s 1 km CR1 TA R= 120 m TA R= 120 m 245 m Drive Beam Generation Complex Main Beam Generation Complex

21 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 21 CLIC & LC parameters @ 500 GeV

22 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 22 “Conservative” approach @ “low” energy Work in progress Adopt beam emittances and beam dimensions at IP close to the one studied at ATF and adopted for ILC Compensate lower luminosity by increased beam power (high linac repetition frequency) taking advantage of the reduced power consumption at 500 GeV and limited by : Overall power consumption not higher than at 3 TeV Cooling per linac length not larger than at 3 TeV

23 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 23 Beam emittances Conservative approach: Use a beam delivery system with relaxed parameters (similar NLC):  x=10 mm,  y=0.1 mm Assume emittances to be demonstrated in ATF: At damping ring  x=3  m,  y=10nm At IP  x=4  m,  y=40nm Tolerances improvement due to larger beam sizes Luminosity reduction by 64 % @ 500 GeV ( 83% @ 3 TeV)

24 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 24 Beam emittances at Damping Rings CLIC DR design

25 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 25 Beam sizes at Collisions

26 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 26 Performances of Lepton Colliders

27 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 27 Luminosity @ 500 GeV for various RF power and Accel. Gradient Scaling to lower gradients: Constant emittance growth constant local beam stability) Conservative emittances Possible luminosity improvement by a factor 2 to 3 by: Reduced gradient and reduced charge per bunch Similar RF power per Linac unit length Increased RF power (increased repetition frequency) 3 TeV total RF power 3 TeV RF power per linac unit length

28 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 28 Accelerating Structure Optimised @ 500 GeV Larger aperture structures yield better performances: With agressive emittances: Gain of 25% with a/ = 0.15 With conservative emittances Gain of 150% with a/ = 0.20 3 TeV Agressiv 500 GeV Agressiv 500 GeV Conserv Case A: Agressive emittances Case B: Conservative emittances

29 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 29 Potential Practical Approach Adopt “conservative beam emittances and beam dimentions at IP close to the one studied at ATF and adopted for ILC:  x=4  m,  y=40nm Luminosity reduction by a factor 2.5 Compensate lower luminosity per pulse by increased repetition frequency: Lower gradient to limit power consumption per linac unit length Possible improvement by a factor 2 to 3 Optimum accelerating gradient? Cost issues as best trade off between overall linac length (civil engineering) and power consumption Staged approach with “conservative” accel gradient @ low energy? Optimum accelerating structure? Larger aperture structures better adapted to low energy 500GeV Possible luminosity improvement by a factor 2.5 Cost issues for energy upgrade (structures are 8% of the 3TeV cost) Minimize structure replacement cost Advice of ACE on possible strategy appreciated

30 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 30 Summary of ACE’s recommendations about Conceptual Design Report Development of a full CDR will be a large undertaking Resources may be better directed towards demonstrations CTF3 demonstration addresses major technical issues Focus on elements that are unique to CLIC concept Two-Beam-Accelerator concept High gradient accelerator Adopt more established parameters in other areas with a staged approach to 3 TeV Develop international cost model – Important for acceptance of CLIC concept Need to show cost scaling with energy Use ILC estimates wherever possible – Participate in ILC engineering where common (civil, rf power, magnets, …)

31 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 31 CERN participation to ILC Design Report & EU FP7 CNI

32 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 32 CLIC/ILC collaboration

33 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 33 CLIC /ILC Collaboration Constructive exchange of view with B.Barish during his visit at CERN in Nov 07 Collaboration meeting with ILC Project managers and specific experts on 08/02/08 at CERN for collaboration on subjects with strong synergy between CLIC and ILC: 1) Civil Engineering and Conventional Facilities 2) Beam Delivery Systems & Machine Detector Interface 3) Detectors 4) Cost & Schedule 5) Beam dynamics & Beam Simulations including Low Emittance Transport

34 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 34 CERN, 16-18 October 2007 CLIC Workshop 07 CLIC'07 provides a forum to review all aspects related to the Accelerator, Detector and Particle Physics of a Multi-TeV Linear Collider based on the CLIC technology. It is open to any interested Accelerator and Physics expert already part or not of the CLIC/CTF3 collaboration. The workshop will address in particular: Present status and future plans of the CLIC study CLIC physics case and detector issues The Test Facility CTF3 used to address major CLIC technology issues The ongoing CLIC R&D, future plans (including FP7 proposals) and open issues The CLIC related collaborative efforts The CLIC workshop will be held at CERN in the Main Auditorium, Main building, 1st Floor Local Organising Committee H.H. Braun (Chair) R. Corsini J-P. Delahaye J. Ellis S. Escaffre G. Geschonke A. de Roeck W.D. Schlatter D. Schulte W. Wuensch Program Advisory Committee M. Besançon G. Blair M. Calvetti S. Chattopadhyay T. Ekelof A. Faus-Golfe L. Garcia T. Higo H. Hoorani Y. Karyotakis E. Levitchev K. Osterberg M. Poelker L. Rivkin V.C. Sahni G.D. Shirkov S. Tantawi M. Velasco G. Wormser

35 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 35 Welcome Participants: 200 (registered) from 49 Inst. of 19 countries China: Tsinghua University Finland: Helsinski Univ.- HIP France: CNRS/IN2P3/LAL-LAPP LPNHE-LPSC, THALES, CEA DAPNIA Germany: DESY-ANKA/FZK Greece: Athens NTU-IASA- PATRAS India: BARC-RRCAT Iran: IPM Italy: INFN/LNF-Napoly Fed.II Japan: KEK Norway: NTNU Pakistan: NCP Russia: IAP—BINP-JINR Spain: CIEMAT-IFIC-UPC Sweden: Uppsala Univ. Switzerland: CERN-ETHZ- IPP-PSI Turkey: Ankara U-Dumlupinar U TOBB Univ Eco&Tech UK: COCKROFT-J.ADAMS- Lancaster Univ-Oxford- RHUL Ukraine: IAP-NAS USA: LBNL-Northwestern U.- TJNAF-OHMEGA- Oklahoma Univ-SLAC

36 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 36 CLIC07 workshop Chairman: H.Braun CLIC'07 provides a forum to review all aspects related to the Accelerator, Detector and Particle Physics of a Multi-TeV Linear Collider based on the CLIC technology. The workshop will address in particular: Present status and future plans of the CLIC study CLIC physics case and detector issues The Test Facility CTF3 used to address major CLIC technology issues The ongoing CLIC R&D, future plans (including FP7 proposals) and open issues The CLIC related collaborative efforts Agenda and slides (plenary and working groups)

37 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 37 CLIC technology the ONLY possible scheme to extend linear collider beam energy into Multi-TeV energy range Very promising results BUT CLIC technology not mature yet novel Ideas and Challenging R&D in world-wide collaboration Nevertheless CLIC Conceptual Design with cost estimate by 2010 Your participation to the CLIC study during and after the workshop warmly welcome and appreciated CTF3 technical meeting on 21-23/01/08 CLIC08 Workshop on 14-17/10/08 CLIC07 Conclusion (M.Calvetti/ CLIC Collab. Board chairman)

38 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 38 CTF3 multi-lateral Collaboration Organized as a Physics Detector Collaboration * India participating through a special agreement with CERN for the development of novel accelerator technologies 18 members represent. 23 institutes involving 16 funding agencies from 13 countries Chairperson: M.Calvetti/INFN; Spokesperson: G.Geschonke/CERN MoU with addenda describing specific contribution

39 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 39 CTF3 collaboration observers Present collaboration with RAL on Laser development for PHIN in EU FP6 CARE Discussion with possible future collaboration partners:

40 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 40 Department of Atomic Energy (India) Finnish Industry (Finland) Helsinki Institute of Physics (Finland) IAP (Russia) Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (Spain) INFN / LNF (Italy) WORLD WIDE CLIC COLLABORATION North-West. Univ. Illinois (USA) Polytech. University of Catalonia (Spain) RAL (England) SLAC (USA) Svedberg Laboratory (Sweden) Uppsala University (Sweden) Ankara University (Turkey) Berlin Tech. Univ. (Germany) BINP (Russia) CERN CIEMAT (Spain) DAPNIA/Saclay (France) JASRI (Japan) JINR (Russia) KEK (Japan) LAL/Orsay (France) LAPP/ESIA (France) LLBL/LBL (USA) CLIC World wide collaboration

41 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 41 DL CLEX 2007-2009 building in 2006/7 2004 2005 Present status of CTF3 (G.Geschonke) Thermionic gun CR TL2 2007-2008 30 GHz production (PETS line) and test stand Photo injector / laser tests from 2008 Linac Beam up to here 2007 Major milestones in 2007: Combiner Ring (CR) installed CLEX building finished, equipment installation started


43 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 43 Combiner Ring (84 m circumference) Transfer line TL1 from Delay Loop Transfer line TL2 to CLEX Path length wiggler RF deflectors 84 m circumference Ejection septum Injection area In 2007: Combiner Ring installation finished, Commissioning started

44 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 44 Beam intensity and frequency multiplication by factor 4 (R.Corsini) Beam current before Combiner Ring Beam current in Combiner Ring

45 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 45 Status end 2007: Building finished, Installation ongoing existing building CLEX (CLIC Experimental Area) (building number, not year....)

46 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 46 CLIC Chart CLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board CERN Management Extended CSC CLIC Design & Parameters Technical Committee 2 Beam Module & Tunnel Integrat Instrumentatio n Alignment & Stabilisation Civil engineering & Conv. Facilit. Machine Protection system RF structures Design & Fabrication Testing 30 GHz Test Stand 12 GHz Test Stand Beam Physics Cost CLIC Physics & Detectors Physcics Detectors CTF3 project Commissioning & Operat. Installation CALIFE Two Beam Test Stand TBL Photo-Injector Conceptual Design Report Editorial Board CLIC Advisory Committee

47 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 47

48 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 48

49 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 49 Meetings next week CLIC Collaboration technical meeting: 21-23/01/08 ACE’s members welcome CLIC/CTF3 Collaboration Board: 24/01/08 report by Tor of ACE’s finding and recommendation

50 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 50 Conclusion CLIC team fully committed to optimise a Multi-TeV Linear Collider based on CLIC technology and demonstrate its feasibility reported in a Conceptual Design Report by 2010 3 TeV parameters following second iteration optimisation Possible strategy for low energy design based on (more) conservative parameters CTF3 on schedule to address the major key issues Strongly relying on SLAC and KEK for structure tests Efficient collaboration of 23 laboratories possibly extended to CLIC design (CLIC07 workshop) (Slowly) evolving towards Project Oriented organisation

51 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 51 CLIC performances (FoM) and cost (relative) variation as a function of the accelerating gradient Performances increasing with lower accelerating gradient (mainly due to higher efficiency) Flat cost variation in 100 to 130 MV/m with a minimum around 120 MV/m E cms = 3 TeV L (1%) = 2.0 10 34 cm -2 s -1 Previous New Optimum

52 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 52 CLIC performances (FoM) and cost optimisation as function of RF frequency E cms = 3 TeV L (1%) = 2.0 10 34 cm -2 s -1 Maximum Performance around 14 GHz Flat cost variation in 10 to 16 GHz frequency range with a minimum around 14 GHz New Previous Optimum

53 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 53 (Reserve Figure) The same results for the 3TeV parameters Note that P/L=const is more realistic

54 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 54 Optimum Accelerating Gradient @ 500 GeV Optimum gradient: 57 MV/m Performance versus gradient for Double length of the accelerating structure Double length of the structure, nominal bunch spacing of 6 rf cycles and nominal pulse length Double length of the structure, nominal bunch spacing of 6 rf cycles and double pulse length

55 J.P.Delahaye CLIC @ ACE 16-01-08 55 CLIC Layout at various energies 3 TeV Stage Linac 1Linac 2 InjectorComplex I.P. 3 km 21 km 3 km 48 km Linac 1Linac 2 InjectorComplex I.P. 2.75 km 7.0 km 19.5 km 1 TeV Stage 0.5 TeV Stage Linac 1Linac 2 InjectorComplex I.P. 3.5 km 2.5km2..5 km 3.5 km 12.0 km Accel Grad = 57 MV/m Linac: 4*100/57=7 sectors = 6.125 km Total length = 17.5 km Accel Grad = 57 MV/m Linac: 8*100/57=14 sectors = 12.25 km Total length = 30 km

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