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MEET THE TEACHERS Mrs. Mapp Ms. Skelly BUFFALO TRAIL FUTURA CENTER Monday – Little River 5 th Grade Tuesday – Little River 4 th Grade Wednesday – Buffalo.

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Presentation on theme: "MEET THE TEACHERS Mrs. Mapp Ms. Skelly BUFFALO TRAIL FUTURA CENTER Monday – Little River 5 th Grade Tuesday – Little River 4 th Grade Wednesday – Buffalo."— Presentation transcript:


2 MEET THE TEACHERS Mrs. Mapp Ms. Skelly

3 BUFFALO TRAIL FUTURA CENTER Monday – Little River 5 th Grade Tuesday – Little River 4 th Grade Wednesday – Buffalo Trail 4 th & 5 th Grade Thursday – Cardinal Ridge 4 th Grade Friday – Cardinal Ridge 5 th Grade

4 TRANSPORTATION Morning: depart from home school at 8:45am and arrive at Buffalo Trail at 9:00am. Afternoon: depart from Buffalo Trail at 1:45pm and arrive at home school at 2:00pm.

5 ATTENDANCE IS IMPORTANT! If your child is going to be tardy, absent, or dismissed early please contact the base school and Buffalo Trail Elementary at (703) 772-2780.

6 FROM THE CLINIC Student Profile/Emergency Information Health Concern Student Photo Health Care Plan Medication

7 LUNCH Students may bring their lunch from home or buy at the FUTURA center. Lunch accounts are interconnected with your child’s base school. Please send your child with a nutritious and “nut free” snack.

8 TYPICAL DAILY SCHEDULE 8:45 Take Bus to FUTURA center 9:00 Arrive at FUTURA center 9:00-9:45 Critical/Creative Problem Solving 9:45-11:45 Class Systems Investigation 11:45-12:15 LUNCH 12:15-12:30 Recess 12:30-1:40 Interest Development Centers 1:45 Take Bus back to base school

9 HOMEWORK POLICIES Regular Classroom Assignments Make-Up work Policy - Students have two days to make up any missed assignments. See the FUTURA Handbook for details. FUTURA Extensions Continue FUTURA research Bring in materials for certain lessons Complete Go Quet extensions

10 BINDER & JOURNAL Your child is responsible for bringing their binder and journal each week Should stay organized. Agendas - Communication is important in FUTURA FUTURA

11 WHAT IS GO QUEST? GoQuest is an internet based educational tool which provides fun, engaging and meaningful activities that are tailored to meet your child's individual interests and needs. Students are to check their accounts at least once week outside of FUTURA class.

12 INTEREST DEVELOPMENT CENTERS Goals: To provide FUTURA students with opportunities to both satisfy and elicit their intense curiosity. FUTURA students have the opportunity to choose activities based on interest and learning style while working at their own individual pace. Students learn task commitment and time management skills. Reflect on individual accomplishments and set goals.

13 WHAT DOES FUTURA STAND FOR? F acilitating U nderstanding T hrough U sing R eal life A pplications


15 EXPECTATIONS Have an acceptable level of productivity Development and use of planning strategies Utilization of problem solving techniques Application of core content learning through projects Flexibility and Critical thinking Collaboration with fellow students Perseverance and task commitment Maintenance of proper classroom decorum

16 FUTURA 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR CURRICULUM~SYSTEMS Possible Topics of Study Physics: Energy & Weather Solar Biology: Body & Genetics Ecosystems Government: Judicial Culture Economics Mechanical: Electricity & Inventions Communication: Language & Technology Transportation Throughout the Year Research Problem Solving Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Evaluative Thinking Deductive Thinking Communication Skills Analytical Skills Application of Technology

17 ESSENTIAL UNDERSTANDINGS OF SYSTEMS Systems Have Function Systems Have Design Systems Have Boundaries Systems Can Change Parts of Systems Interact

18 PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENTS  1-6 scale  Sample is in the Resource section of their binder.  A performance assessment is given at the end of each semester. (late January and June)  Informal assessments are ongoing. These will be in your child’s FUTURA binder with major projects/centers work.  Students are often asked to complete self-assessments on various products. This allows them to reflect on their learning.


20 WHO IS CAROL DWECK? Stanford Professor and developer of the Mindset Theory 20

21 MINDSET THEORY 21 Fixed Mindset: A belief system that suggests that a person has a predetermined amount of intelligence, skills, or talents Growth Mindset: A belief system that suggests that one’s intelligence can be grown or developed with persistence, effort, and a focus on learning

22 FEAR OF FAILURE When does failure become the pathway to success? The RESILIENCE to keep going, The PERSISTENCE to try new and improved strategies, The DETERMINATION to view failure as a path to new learning. G: Get back up R: Review the situation I: Identify a new strategy T: Try again 22

23 23

24 PARENT TIPS Model Growth Mindset in our own lives Ask kids, “When do you feel smart – when it’s easy or when you are learning?” Praise effort and work habits, not ability or grades Remember valuing speed and perfection can hinder difficult learning Demonstrate the learning that can occur from mistakes/failures 24

25 FURTHER READING AND RESOURCES Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Dr. Carol Dweck Mindsets in the Classroom by Mary Cay Ricci Website: Thanks to Ladona Gorham, Supervisor of Gifted Education and Special Programs for Fauquier County Public Schools, for her contributions to this presentation. 25

26 PARENT CONFERENCES Call Buffalo Trail Elementary (703) 772-2780 E-Mail:


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