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Presentation on theme: "AMERICA’S “WELCOME TO GOLF” PROGRAM Nancy Oliver Link Up 2 Golf."— Presentation transcript:



3 Moderator: Nancy Oliver Link Up 2 Golf Research: Paul Metzler PGA of America Implications Anne Lyndrup Next Steps: National Golf Course Owners Assn.

4 Workshop Objectives Provide Brief Overview of Trends of New and Infrequent GolfersProvide Brief Overview of Trends of New and Infrequent Golfers Identify Most Critical Elements Needed to Move ForwardIdentify Most Critical Elements Needed to Move Forward Discuss and Develop RecommendationsDiscuss and Develop Recommendations Define Specific Next Steps for 2003 Based on Realistic GoalsDefine Specific Next Steps for 2003 Based on Realistic Goals

5 Profile of Participants Response to ProgramResponse to Program Participant FeedbackParticipant Feedback Future ChallengesFuture Challenges

6 2002 LU2G Participant Gender vs. Age Total Men = 33% Total Women = 67%

7 Annual Household Income of 2002 LU2G Participant

8 2002 LU2G Experience Levels New Golfers = 79% Existing Golfers = 21%

9 Reasons for Participating in 2002 LU2G 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100% Because I have always wanted to learn the game To meet new people to play golf with Because the price of the program is so affordable A family member plays golf To improve my game Because someone I know has/is participating in the program For business reasons To see if I like playing golf So I don't look foolish playing golf To have fun Existing Golfers New Golfers

10 Trends of New Golfers Anticipated Frequency of PlayAnticipated Frequency of Play Spending HabitsSpending Habits

11 Trends of Existing Golfers Increased Frequency of PlayIncreased Frequency of Play Spending HabitsSpending Habits

12 Retained Golfers from Raleigh Calculation of Retention LevelsCalculation of Retention Levels Profile of Retained GolfersProfile of Retained Golfers –New Golfers (62%) –Existing Golfers (38%) Value of Step-by-Step Incremental AdvancementValue of Step-by-Step Incremental Advancement

13 Characteristics of Top Performers Enthusiastic Partnership of Owner, Operator, Golf Professional and StaffEnthusiastic Partnership of Owner, Operator, Golf Professional and Staff Strong Market PresenceStrong Market Presence Ability to Market EffectivelyAbility to Market Effectively Dedicated Teaching ProfessionalsDedicated Teaching Professionals

14 Required Action in 2003 Further Develop and Implement Retention Programs at 2002 SitesFurther Develop and Implement Retention Programs at 2002 Sites Assess Retention Rates of 2002 ParticipantsAssess Retention Rates of 2002 Participants Develop Method for Site SelectionDevelop Method for Site Selection Expand Website and Add Leadership SectionExpand Website and Add Leadership Section Expand Training and Promotional MaterialsExpand Training and Promotional Materials

15 Breakout Groups Method of Site Selection and ParametersMethod of Site Selection and Parameters Branding IssuesBranding Issues Methods of Economical MarketingMethods of Economical Marketing Determining Acceptable Acquisition CostsDetermining Acceptable Acquisition Costs Improving Retention of New GolfersImproving Retention of New Golfers

16 1. Method of Site Selection

17 2. Branding Issues

18 3. Methods of Marketing

19 4. Acceptable Acquisition Costs

20 5. Improving Retention

21 Additional Recommendations

22 A rising tide lifts all boats. As a stakeholder in the golf industry, are you willing to help change the tides? The Bottom Line


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