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Chapter Five Nonlinguistic Representation. Nonlinguistic representation enhances a students’ ability to use mental images to represent and elaborate on.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Five Nonlinguistic Representation. Nonlinguistic representation enhances a students’ ability to use mental images to represent and elaborate on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Five Nonlinguistic Representation

2 Nonlinguistic representation enhances a students’ ability to use mental images to represent and elaborate on knowledge. Knowledge is stored in two basic forms: Linguistic Form (as language) “monkey” Nonlinguistic Form (as mental images and sensations)

3 Teachers usually present new information in linguistic form; they either talk to students about the information or have them read about it. When teachers help the students use nonlinguistic representations the affects on achievement are strong. Ook! A+

4 Recommendations Use graphic organizers to represent knowledge Have student create physical models of knowledge Have students generate mental pictures of knowledge Use pictures or pictographs to represent knowledge Have students engage in kinesthetic activities representing knowledge

5 Word Processing Applications Word processing allows students to augment their written Text with visual elements such as clip art and photos. Adding pictures to notes has been shown to improve students understanding and retention of new content. Silly monkey!

6 Spreadsheet Software Spreadsheet software can be used to create graphs and charts that show information as more than just lists of numbers. Graphs and charts reveal the hidden patterns in the information.

7 Organizing and Brainstorming Graphic representations serve as mnemonic (memory) devices that facilitate the classification, organization, storage and recollection of information. monkeyMonkey? Hmm…MONKEY!

8 Organizing and Brainstorming Conceptual/Descriptive Pattern Organizers - Graphic Organizers like Kidspiration’s Vocabulary Word Template Time-Sequence Pattern Organizers - Flowchart Episode Pattern Organizers - Timelines Process/Cause-Effect Pattern Organizers - Planning and Cause & Effect (if/then) Who’s a silly monkey?

9 Data Collection Tools Technology has come a long way in providing tools that allow students to go beyond calculation, graphing and sketching. Digital probes and microscopes have photography and video functions. Many handheld devices can be used to collect and store data. Monkey says, “Goodbye notebook, hello iTouch! Now that’s evolution.”

10 Multimedia Presentations Animations Music Movies and video PowerPoint Monkey see - monkey do!

11 Web Resources Web based multimedia for instruction has a positive effect on student learning. Computer simulation in which students manipulate artifacts produced high effects on achievement. Many interactive sites are free or at low cost compared to Purchasing physical equipment. The virtual monkey! OOK!

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