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EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” Agricultural Markets.

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Presentation on theme: "EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” Agricultural Markets."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” Agricultural Markets Preparing a Business Plan John Millns Working Group Odesa Tuesday 27 th April 2010

2 EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” Food Centre Amsterdam Basics 5 – 10 year projection of the market development Clarifies main market objectives and targets Presents the main strategy for development Provides the basis for measuring results Includes the main elements expected for a credit application (finance agencies will have their own specific template for applications)

3 EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” Components of Plan (1 ) 1.A summary of the overall plan (Maximum 3 pages) A brief description of: The history and owners The market The proposed market operations The management and personnel The finance

4 EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” Components of Plan (2) 2. An Outline of the Business and Strategy A description of the business /registration/ownership Shareholdings/joint ventures/linkages Market objectives/justification Location and characteristics Description of the main activities to be carried out Details of land/certificates/building rights Likely types of construction/facility to be installed Proposed step by step construction strategy Number of traders expected and space allocation Details of agreements signed with traders and administrations Information on how the market fits with regional or State Programmes

5 EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” Components of Plan (3) 3. Market Assessment What studies have been carried out by who and when? Market Analysis (production/trends/current methods of trade/numbers of traders etc.) Supplier and Customer Analysis (transport/packaging/load sizes/storage/payment/price/quality) Competitor Analysis (who are they/strengths/ weaknesses) SWOT Analysis Promotion Strategy (personal contacts/advertising/ promotions)

6 EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” 4. Market Operations Components of Plan (4) A)Development -Legal documentation -Infrastructure -Consultants and developers -Building and equipment B) Trade Rules -Hours and days -Basis for trade/authorisation/space allocation -Sub-letting/tenancy agreements/licences -Vehicle access -Cleaning/hygiene/garbage disposal -Security/order/safety -Quality control and inspections -Site maintenance -Market reports/price and data collection -Internal and external communications -Training -Procedures for disputes

7 EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” 5. Management and Personnel Organisational structure of management Specific jobs/responsibilities of directors/managers and shareholders Names and experience of key managers/ directors Use of consultants Vacant posts Proposed training Components of Plan (5)

8 EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” Components of Plan (6) 6. Finance Estimated: -Capital cost of development -Cash flow -Profitability Assumptions: -Sales Income -Costs -Cash payments in and out -Proposed methods of financing -Outline Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet

9 EU-funded Project “Implementation of Ukraine’s Commitments under WTO and ENP Frameworks in the Rural Sector (Sector-Wide Approach)” Components of plan (7) Potential risks to success Attachments and supporting documentation

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