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Where’s the language? Keeping focus in a content-based curriculum BC TEAL CONFERENCE 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Where’s the language? Keeping focus in a content-based curriculum BC TEAL CONFERENCE 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where’s the language? Keeping focus in a content-based curriculum BC TEAL CONFERENCE 2014

2 Where’s the language? Keeping focus in a content-based curriculum  Cristina Peralejo  Janelle Sheen  Heather Lill  Naomi Sawai  Sylvia Ozbalt

3 Today’s Agenda ① Background ② Goals ③ Four Corners ④ But, what about…? ⑤ Wrap-up

4 Where’s the language? Keeping focus in a content-based curriculum  Background

5 English for the Global Citizen

6 Challenges 1. Balance content & language instruction 2. Adapt language to level

7 Where’s the language? Keeping focus in a content-based curriculum  Goals

8 Four Corners ① Language through Content ② Lower English Levels ③ Language through Projects ④ Teachable Moments

9 Janelle Language through Content  Focusing on language points at the upper levels Writing – Writing off the Chart Speaking – The Buck Stops Here

10  Teaching complex content at lower levels

11 Naomi Language through Projects

12 Sylvia Teachable Moments A series of planned and spontaneous language moments to exploit!  Collecting the language: Strategies  Recycling it: Activities

13 Post your Qs & Cs Please write one (or more!) question or comment on any corner. ① Language through Content ② Lower English Levels ③ Language through Projects ④ Teachable Moments

14 Four Corners ① Language through Content ② Lower English Levels ③ Language through Projects ④ Teachable Moments

15 But, what about…? applying this to my own teaching? this question I still have? the stations I didn’t see?

16 Tips: Focus Yourself Focus on linguistic objectives first Clear instructions Demos, models and examples Drills and repetition Focused activities like info gaps and jigsaws Break projects down into focused stages

17 Tips: Focus Your Students Write agenda on board with language objectives Warmers or fillers that recycle language Use easily adaptable activities Personal vocabulary notebooks Gather and record language challenges Constant reminders of value of activities

18 Rich Context Key visuals Graphic organizers Teach usable language and avoid jargon Authentic activities Hands on materials Tips:

19 Continuous Feedback Discuss evaluation criteria at beginning Individual and group feedback Checklists Collaborative feedback Accountability throughout project phases Rubrics with target language built in

20 Tips: Meaningful Reflection Goal diaries Video diaries or recordings Self-assessments Reflection at end of lesson


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