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Basic Immunology.

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1 Basic Immunology

2 White Blood Cell Mononuclear Leukocyte - T Cell , B cell, Null (LGL)
Granulocyte – PMN Leukocyte NK cell Mono-Macrophage system


4 Immune system Innate Immunity Granulocyte – PMN Leukocyte NK cell
Mono-Macrophage system Adaptive immunity APC T and B cell







11 Organization of normal lymphoid system
B NK CENTRAL COMPARTMENT: Reservoir for precursor cells; 'nursing' home for maturation Thymus ?Bone marrow ? Peyer patches ? PERIPHERAL COMPARTMENT: Reservoir for mature cells, ready to respond to antigens Lymph node, Spleen, Mucosal sites

12 Thymus


14 Thymus Site of T cell differentiation and maturation 구조: Lobule:

15 Thymus of a newborn The lymphocytes that mature into T cells in
the thymus are often called thymocytes for functional and anatomical reasons. The specific combination of important surface markers permits immunophenotypic differentiation between thymocytes andmature T cells. Thymocytes are extremely cortisone-sensitive in the early stages of development (important for maturation studies), but as the process of differentiation continues, they become more and more cortisone-resistant. The cortisonesensitive, immature thymocytes are located mainly in the cortex, and the cortisone-insensitive ones are mainly localized in the medulla. 5 Apart from lymphocytes and Hassall's bodies, the thymus also contains epithelial cells with a large cytoplasm and dendritic cells and macrophages (the latter cell groups are not shown in the illustration). Moreover, the thymus contains a large number of blood vessels and efferent lymphoid tissues that drain into the mediastinal lymph nodes.


17 Hassall’s corpuscle

18 Thymic epithelium ( cytokeratin immunostain)

19 Lymphocytes T lymphocyte (thymocyte)
Medium sized immature thymocyte in subcapsular region and cortex Small lymphocytes in medulla B lymphocytes CD2+ CD40+(subset) Asteroid cell : microenvironment of medulla

20 CD3 (pan-T)

21 CD20 (pan-B)

22 Other cells Myoid cell: acetylcholine receptor-like material on surface Macrophage: cortex and medulla Interdigitating dendritic cell: medulla, HLA-DR+


24 Precursor cells Mature T cells TdT CD7 CD2 CD3 CD4, CD8 CD1
Subcapsular thymocyte Cortical thymocyte Medullary thymocyte Peripheral T cell Prothymocyte Precursor cells Mature T cells TdT CD7 CD2 CD3 Cytoplasmic Surface CD4 CD4, CD8 CD8 CD1






30 A Model for the Regulation of T Cell Fate by Notch and TCR Signals

31 DiGeorge syndrome In the mid 1960s, Angelo DiGeorge, MD, an endocrinologist A genetic disorder Clinical features Hypoparathyroidism (underactive parathyroid gland), which results in hypocalcemia (low blood calcium levels) Cypoplastic (underdeveloped) thymus or absent thymus, which results in problems in the immune system Conotruncal heart defects (e.g., tetralogy of Fallot, interrupted aortic arch, ventricular septal defects, vascular rings) Cleft lip and/or palate

32 Treatment Markert, M. L. et al. Transplantation of thymus tissue in complete DiGeorge syndrome. N. Engl. J. Med. 341, 1180–1189 (1999). This paper shows that the transplantation of thymi of young children into patients suffering from complete DiGeorge syndrome results in the appearance of mature T cells. This not only describes a much-needed therapeutic intervention for these patients, but also conclusively shows the essential role of the thymus for T-cell development in humans Thymic epitherial cell : Donor origin Thymocyte : recipient origin However, Miller, J. F. A. P. Immunological function of the thymus. Lancet 2, 748–749 (1961). The basic principle of thymic dependency of T-cell production had been established in the mouse more than 40 years earlier

33 Defect in antigen-receptor gene rearrangement
The thymus is critical for the maturation of bone marrow derived cells into T cells Defect in antigen-receptor gene rearrangement Defect in the thymus

34 How many T cells are alive and leave the thymus
108 to 2X108 cells in the thymus (in the case of mouse) About 5X107 new cells are generated each day 106 to 2X106 cells leave the thymus (~2-4%) Despite the disparity, the thymus does not continue to grow in size or cell number ~98% thymocytes die within the thymus (by apoptosis rather than by necrosis) Red: apoptotic cells Blue: macrophage

35 T cell Maturation & Development-1
• Progenitor T cells from sites of hematopoiesis begin to migrate to thymus at about 11 days of gestation in mice and in the eight or ninth week in humans. • T cell maturation similar to B cells involves rearrangements of the germ-line TCR genes and expression of various membrane markers; • Developing T cells in the thymus are known as thymocytes. • Thymocytes proliferate and differentiate into distinct subpopulations of mature T cells ;. • The antigenic diversity of T cells is reduced during maturation in the thymus by a selection process that allows only MHC-restricted and nonself-reactive T cells to mature ; • T cells selection processes include positive and negative selection in the thymus. • Finally functionally distinct mature CD4+ and CD8+ subpopulations that exhibit class II and class I MHC restriction respectively exit thymus.

36 DN DP SP If injected into the peripheral circulation,
can even give rise to B cells and NK cells DN CD2 or Thy-1 molecules : the first cell-surface molecules specific for T cells DP SP

37 T cell development take place in the cortex and medullar

38 abTCR gene rearrangement in the thymus
Db/Jb rearrangement DN Vb/DJb rearrangement b/pTaCD3 complex: - Triggers pho-and degradation of RAG-2 - Halting b-chain gene rearrangement (allelic exclusion) DP TCR b/aCD3 complex:

39 Schematic representation of
the pTa/TCRb complex Pre-T-cell receptor (pre-TCR) signalling


41 Positive and negative selection in the thymus
Positive selection After completion of TCRα rearrangements, αβ T cells die unless they are rescued by a low-affinity interaction of the TCRαβ heterodimer with self-peptides complexed with MHC antigens that are expressed on thymic epithelial cells. Selection for Thymocytes with TCR’s capable of binding MHC (MHC restriction) Negative selection Thymocytes that express high-affinity receptors for self-peptide–MHC expressed on thymic DCs are deleted in a process that is known as negative selection Elimination of thymocytes that have TCR’s that have: high affinity self MHC / bind self-MHC + self peptide (Self tolerance)

42 Selection of mature T cells from thymocytes

43 Where do thymocytes undergo negative selection?
This has been controversial

44 Positive and negative selection in the thymus
Positive selection : MHC class I & lass II expressed on epithelial cells Negative selection : Macrophage & Dendritic cells

45 T cell development in mouse thymus : Overview
Precursor DN DP SP Success rate (survival rate): <5%

46 T cell development in the human

47 Early stages of human T-cell development
The thymus blood-borne precursor cells (originate from bone-marrow stem cells) Cord-blood progenitor cells  CD34+cells  Lack expression of recombination-activating gene 1 (RAG1), and CD1A, cytoplasmic CD3 , CD2 and CD7  A common T/NK-cell progenitor (J. Exp. Med. 180, 569–576 (1994): The first study to prove that T cells and NK cells are derived from a common precursor)  Dendritic-cell (DC) precursors;  Plasmacytoid DCs (PDCs) precursors Thymic immigrants enter through the junction between the medulla and cortex T-cell precursors migrate outwards in the cortex and accumulate in the subcapsular zone The transition of CD34+CD1A- cells to a CD34+CD1A+ stage is strongly associated with T-cell commitment, because CD34+CD1A+ cells, in contrast to CD34+CD1A- precursors, have strong T-cell, but little NK-cell and no DC or PDC, precursor activity

48 Cell-fate determination of lymphoid lineages at early stages
E proteins a subfamily of basic helix–loop–helix transcription factors the inhibitor of DNA binding (ID) proteins ID Proteins Determine the lineage choice between T cells, B cells and PDCs NOTCH1  A factor that determines the choice between T- and B-cell fate (Immunity 10, 547–558 (1999).)

49 CD4ISP CD4 CD1a marks commitment to the T cell lineage

50 Positive & negative selection

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