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VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 1 NIKHEF involvement in VELO ~1 m module support CO 2 cooling detector "hood" kapton cables Vacuum vessel.

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Presentation on theme: "VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 1 NIKHEF involvement in VELO ~1 m module support CO 2 cooling detector "hood" kapton cables Vacuum vessel."— Presentation transcript:

1 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 1 NIKHEF involvement in VELO ~1 m module support CO 2 cooling detector "hood" kapton cables Vacuum vessel repeater electronics LHC collision point8 « RF box » rectangular bellows VELO exit window Silicon modules Wake field suppressor

2 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 2 Overview

3 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 3 Vacuum system & mechanics

4 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 4 VELO tank

5 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 5 right-hand side rf-box

6 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 6 Capillary and T-Sensor channel Cooling blocks Flexible in and outlet lines Cooling vacuum feed trough Liquid inlet Vapor outlet PT100 Interface board PT100 cables

7 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 7 Fully assembled evaporator

8 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 8 Hood with flanges with feedthroughs Transport trolley Testbeam position Cooling blocks with heaters Module support Right detector half under assembly

9 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 9 Module with cooling blocks, mounted on detector support at NIKHEF

10 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 10 Cooling system: overview Fully assembled under testing Installed nowUnder design

11 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 11 Full evaporator test with dummy heaters using the NIKHEF test system including: Real pump Transfer tube HAPTAS read-out (In Labview) CO2 test system Transfer tube set-up Pump with damper Right detector half thermal testing

12 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 12 Right detector cooling and slow control testing Test station Right detector Evaporator inlet Vacuum connection

13 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 13 blow-system for ≤5 modules for assembly area

14 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 14 LEWA Pump operates well, according specs Fine tuning of pressure damping level Implementation of oil reservoir heater Implementation of pump head cooling under investigation Flow control is manual and is adjusted once (~12.5 g/s; 0.75 l/min) Components: CO 2 Pump Status Pump head Double membrane with membrane leak detection Motor Damper Pump test panel A LEWA dedicated CO2 pump

15 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 15 Components: Accumulator design R404a evaporator spiral /CO2 condenser Accumulator design volume Loop volume: 8.8 L Accu volume: 13.2 Liter System filling: 580 g/L CO2 mass: 10.2 kg Liquid heater in thermo siphon Loop connection Start-up warm: Taccu=27ºC, Tloop=20ºC Start-up cold: Taccu=10ºC, Tloop=-40ºC Operational 1: Taccu=-25ºC, Tloop=-40ºC,Q=400Watt Operational 2: Taccu=-25’C.,Tloop=-40ºC, Q=1200Watt

16 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 16 Components: reinforced SWEP plate condenser, modified for high pressure  High pressure Swep plate heatexchanger (50 bar) reinforced for use at 100 bar  Prototype is (almost) ready for pressure testing

17 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 17 Components: Transfer tube Ø4mm Ø6mm Ø14mm Ø16mm Ø66mm Sub-cooled liquid feed line 2-phase return line 25mm Armaflex NH Isolation Protective cover Transfer line is a 55m long concentric 2-fase liquid-vapor line overcoming a 4m height Functions: Transferring liquid to evaporators Regulate liquid temperature Pick up environmental heat in return line for unloaded evaporator cooling Provide low-pressure drop return flow for distant evaporator pressure control

18 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 18 Left Right VELO Detector Insulated concentric tube TR-PT02 Insulated concentric tube TR-PT03 50 meter Shielding wall TR-HX28 TR-VL02 TL-PT03 TL-PT08 TL-HX28 TL-VL03 TL-HX1 TL-HX27 TR-HX1TR-HX27 TR-PT01 TL-FL2 TR-FL2 VTCS Right Local Control Box VTCS Left Local Control Box TL-VL09 TL-PT04 TL-BD03 TR-VL09 TR-PT04 TR-BD03 Left Tertiary vacuum control Right Tertiary vacuum control Liquid in Vapor mixture return Liquid in Vapor mixture return Secondary vacuum Primary vacuum Tertiary vacuum TR-FL1 TR-VL01 TR-VL03 TR-VL06 TR-VL05 TR-VL04 TL-VL06 TL-VL04 TL-VL05 TL-VL02 TL-FL1 TL-VL01 TR-VL08 TRL-VL01 TRL-VL02 TL-PT02 TL-PT01 Test-Connection TR-VL07 TL-VL07 Secondary Vacuum TL-BD01 TL-BD02 TR-BD01 TR-BD02 (48) (45) (46) (47) (48) (45) (46) (47) (01) = Tx-TT01 (02) = Tx-TT02 …… (48) = Tx-TT48 Temperature sensor labeling: Tertiary System Layout at VELO

19 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 19 TR-AC101 TR-PM101 Tertiary VTCS Right Detector (TR) TR-PT101 TR-PT104 TR-PT102 TR-VL101 TR-VL103 TR-VL104 TRL-VL105 TR-VL106 TR-VL107 TR-VL108 TR-VL109 TR-VL110 TR-VL111 TR-VL113 TR-LT101 TR-BD103 SA-HX04 / TR-HX101 SB-HX04 / TR-HX102 SA-HX06 / TR-HX103 TL-HT103 TR-HT104 SB-HX06 / TR-HX104 TR-HT101 TR-BD105 TR-VL102 TR-PT103 TR-HT102 TR-BD101 TR-BD102 TR-BD104 TR-BD106 TR-BD107 TRL-VL101 TRL-PM101 TRL-VL107 TRL-VL109 TRL-VL110 TRL-VL111 Liquid to concentric tube Vapor mixture from concentric tube Liquid to concentric tube TL-AC101 TL-PM101 Tertiary VTCS Left Detector (TL) TL-PT101 TL-PT104 TL-PT102 TL-VL101 TL-VL103 TL-VL104 TL-VL105 TL-VL106 TL-VL107 TL-VL108 TL-VL109 TL-VL110 TL-VL111 TL-VL113 TL-LT101 TL-BD103 SA-HX03 / TL-HX101 SB-HX03 / TL-HX102 SA-HX05 / TL-HX103 TL-HT103 TL-HT104 SB-HX05 / TL-HX104 TL-HT101 TL-BD105 TL-VL102 TL-PT103 TL-HT102 TL-BD101 TL-BD102 TL-BD104 TL-BD106 TL-BD107 TRL-VL106 TRL-VL1108 TRL-BD105 TRL-PT103 TRL-HT102 (101) (103) (104) (106) (105) (111) (112) (115) (116) (117) (118) (121) (123) (122) (114) (113) (120) (107) (102) (119) (110) (108) (109) (101) (103) (104) (106) (105) (111) (112) (115) (116) (117) (118) (121) (123) (122) (114) (113) (120) (107) (102) (119) (110) (108) (109) Tx = TL for left detector half, TR for right detector half, TRL for combined hardware (124) (112) (115) (122) (114) (113) TL-VL112 TR-VL112 Tertiary VTCS schematics at RB84 plant

20 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 20 Tertiary VTCS design Pumps Accumulator Condensers

21 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 21 VTCS CO2 cycle in the Pressure – Enthalpy diagram Accumulator pressure = detector temperature Transfer tube heat exchange brings evaporator pre expansion per definition right above saturation Saturation line Capillary expansion brings evaporator blocks in saturation Detector load

22 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 22 Cooling system: evaporator performance

23 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 23 Module temperature distribution

24 VTCS overview 13 April 2006 NIKHEFBart Verlaat 24 Evaporator pressure drop and heat transfer tests results

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