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The Influence of Topographically Trapped Waves on the Ross Ice Shelf Air Stream Manda Adams University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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Presentation on theme: "The Influence of Topographically Trapped Waves on the Ross Ice Shelf Air Stream Manda Adams University of Wisconsin-Madison."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Influence of Topographically Trapped Waves on the Ross Ice Shelf Air Stream Manda Adams University of Wisconsin-Madison

2 Ross Ice Shelf Air Stream (RAS)

3 Why is the RAS important to study?

4 Siple Dome Ross Island Siple Coast Transantarctic Mountains

5 University of Wisconsin-Madison Nonhydrostatic Modeling System (UW- NMS) Quasi-Compressible, enstrophy conserving model in non-Boussinesq framework Fully Scaleable Multiple two-way nested grids Five categories of precipitating hydrometeors –Rain, pristine crystals, rimed mature crystals, aggregate crystals, graupel Cloud active long and short wave radiation TKE based turbulence closure Variable Step Topography

6  Slope limited to 1 vertical grid increment per horizontal grid increment or else face stability problems.

7  Must step discretely in one vertical grid interval, which makes subtle topography nearly impossible to represent.

8  Both steep and subtle topography can be represented

9 University of Wisconsin-Madison Nonhydrostatic Modeling System (UW- NMS)


11 Surges in the RAS May 20-21, 2003

12 Surges in the RAS

13 Was that an isolated event? May 15-16, 2004April 23-24, 2004

14 Surges in the RAS


16 AWS Locations

17 Siple Dome

18 Elizabeth

19 Brianna

20 Lettau

21 Marilyn

22 Pressure at 5km (10mb increment)

23 What does the vertical structure look like?

24 Potential Vorticity

25 Vertical Structure

26 Why are some events stronger?

27 Are these events due to topographically trapped waves?

28 R=233km R=190km R=165km

29 Are these events due to topographically trapped waves? R=170 km

30 Conclusions Surges within the RAS simulated by the UW- NMS are a robust feature associated with the movement of a large scale trough onto the Siple Coast –Surges associated with wind speeds in excess of 30ms -1 temperature drops in excess of 20 o C/hr –Cold air surge generated by deepening of the cold air as it dams up along the Transantarctic Mountains –Consistent with a topographically trapped internal Kelvin Wave –Numerical Simulations of this feature are consistent with the limited available observations

31 Future Work Look at the AMPS archive to get an idea of the climatology of surges in the RAS due to topographically trapped waves

32 Questions?

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