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Disorders that appear to independent of other disorders.

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Presentation on theme: "Disorders that appear to independent of other disorders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disorders that appear to independent of other disorders

2 Antisocial Violate the rights of others Robbery Rape Murder Impulsive & irresponsible Charismatic & manipulative

3 Dependent Lack of self confidence Difficulty making decisions Value of self depends on relationships

4 Narcissistic Self-centered & lack of empathy Concerned with material things Want to be admired by others

5 Histrionic Drama queen Highly emotional, extroverted, & seductive Needs to be the center of attention

6 Disorders that appear to mild forms of other disorders

7 Avoidant Fear of rejection Hard to distinguish from social phobia Perceive ridicule in harmless comments

8 Obsessive-Compulsive Perfectionism Preoccupied with rules Poor time management

9 Paranoid Suspicious Blame others Hold a grudge

10 Schizoid Lack of desire for social relationships Cold and distant Indifferent to praise or criticism

11 Schizotypal Odd thinking and speech Trouble staying focused Poor grip on reality – psychotic episodes

12 Borderline Intense but unstable interpersonal relationships See the world in black and white Addictive personality Drugs Alcohol gambling

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